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Everything posted by loiswilson1935

  1. RT @realDonaldTrump: As a candidate, I promised we would pass a massive tax cut for the everyday, working Americans. If you make your voice…

  2. Lena Dunham Apologizes for Defending 'Girls' Writer Murray Miller from Accusations of Sexual Assault… https://t.co/34FbX5ucUY

  3. RT @realDonaldTrump: Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so ha…

  4. https://t.co/8TjpUzLGNL

  5. @AllenDyer6 Californians, please secede!!!

  6. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Senator: Wait, The Firm Behind Trump Dossier Was Funded By Russia? https://t.co/BVYRJDGM5q

  7. RT @Fuctupmind: @realDonaldTrump James Comey and Loretta Lynch had zero intent to prosecute #CrookedHillary https://t.co/a5TLw3Hpwt

  8. @jasoninthehouse Brrrrr

  9. RT @JackPosobiec: So far, CNN, Newsweek, Kimmel, Colbert, and Hillary Clinton have all been caught spreading fake news about Las Vegas. App…

  10. RT @ericbolling: Thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the senseless attack on innocent concert goers in Las Vegas. God Bless them al…

  11. RT @Team_Trump45: @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/o1x6X2qQdM

  12. @nonquiescent @BuzzFeedNews

  13. RT @PrisonPlanet: Impeachment is back on! Tell Michael Moore! #Resistance https://t.co/2k6XoxXD7S

  14. RT @NBCNews: First lady Melania Trump tweets: "Thinking of those in Mexico affected by today's earthquake." https://t.co/ytSQ2ZNvdi

  15. @DelrayBeachPD Yayyyy. Thank you!

  16. @DelrayBeachPD God bless them!

  17. Hurricane expert Klotzbach: #Irma at landfall comes in 7th behind 1935 Labor Day storm https://t.co/XEHzxclowg via @wattsupwiththat

  18. RT @hyland114: MEET THE PPL BEHIND GETTING RID OF O'Reilly, Charles Payne, Eric Bolling & Attacked Hannity

  19. RT @PGarof29: @Oil_Guns_Merica @FightingLA04 First rule with Slick Willy is we ignore Slick Willy.

  20. RT @mitchellvii: I've said many times, a great negotiator makes his opponents realize it is in their own best interest to support him. Trum…

  21. RT @vannsmole: .I never saw @JoeBiden lending a hand in the wake of a natural disaster. It's all about #MakingAmericaGreatAgain https://t…

  22. RT @enews: Kevin Hart launched his own challenge by asking fellow celebs to donate $25,000 towards Hurricane Harvey relief. https://t.co/hl…

  23. RT @ussupportanimal: Prepare safety and evacuation plans that include your companions! Be safe! #hurricaneharvey #hurricanharvey #Harvey201…

  24. RT @FoxNews: .@michellemalkin on #FreeSpeechRally: "This is not about peaceful protest." @ffweekend https://t.co/X6jjGPs3Ss https://t.co/FT…



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