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Posts posted by Cassyn

  1. I don't hate Ian at all... but I did think what Janelle said during the show was 100% accurate. Remember she got sent home pretty early so she got to see all the game unlike the people in the jury. She said Danielle lies (I about stood up and cheered at that), and that Dan played an unbelievably great game and if he didn't win BB it would be a travesty. She is right. Taking nothing away from Ian... but for Dan to be a former winner of BB and a coach, his target was enormus and he single handley manipulated and sent home nearly everyone on the jury with only ONE HOH. what Dan did this season will never be repeated and he truely deserved to win this game.

    I agree with you about everything but the last line. They BOTH deserved to win this game as they both played the game -- there is no rule book which determines what makes the best game play -- whether you reward whom wins the most HOH's/POV's .. whether you have the best social game .. whether you played the cleanest or dirtiest.. whether you floated to the end or not ..

    Ian took slop every week - for weeks, so the house guests didn't have to. He wore stupid costumes so the house guests didn't have to, and made it seem fun and "just part of the experience" he played a very "I am everyone's little brother, and none of the cool kids like me, but I'll let them think they're using me and I'll use them in return card."

    It's apples to oranges and whom wins depends on how you stack the deck. Unlike some previous seasons, I really feel like this season both Dan and Ian deserved to be in those final chairs.

  2. I disagree about the Ian not having to do any convincing part... Dani felt robbed/cheated by Dan but you could tell she was wavering if she should or not -- I think though Ian's genuine reaction to finding out Dan has screwed him too, and his changed speech on the fly convinced the jury that in the end Dan wasn't loyal to anyone, not even Dani or Ian. They wouldn't of felt that way had the truth not come out. If it hadn't come out, Ian wouldn't of made his speech and they might of rewarded Dan.

  3. I was so happy for Ian tonight. I really in my gut felt he lost it, when he didn't evict dan when given the choice. I really felt that people would of voted Ian over Danielle as she was Dan's puppet all season. I guess I thought the jury would appreciate Dan's game play more than Ian's -- but make no mistake I felt that Ian had great game play this season .. he had to overcome so much to make it to the end. I thought that if he didn't evict "the best" people would reward Dan, glad I was wrong!!

    But I was so so happy for Ian when he won. Ian isn't perfect (but neither is Dan) -- but I just felt like Ian earned it more somehow. I still like Dan, I still feel he pulled off a heck of a game this season -- I just didn't like how he played the game this season even if it was entertaining to watch.

  4. Don't want him to win, but wont be able to fault him if he does win. Him and Ian deserve it in the end, but since Ian hasn't won before and had to work hard against his lack of social game to get where he is, I want him to win in the end.

    I don't think BB fame will have anything to do with his school's future popularity to be honest. BB is watched by many, but outside the BB world few know or really seem to give these people much attention. I doubt his "celebrity" will be a draw for the school he teaches or coaches at.

  5. I don't dislike Dan persay .. I dislike how he played the game this time around, some of what he's done was cruel and even if it worked to keep him in the house and made for good "shocking" tv, it wasn't my personal cup of tea.

    I am still rooting for Ian to win this -- I think he had the biggest deck stacked against him, and had a harder journey in some respects to get to the end than the other 2 left in the house. This is of course subjective to personal opinion, but this is mine.

    I think Ian deserves the win this time around..

    The only person I don't think deserves to win at all is Dani. None of her power was ever used for her own purposes, it was only ever someone else telling her what to do. Where as both Dan and Ian had their own reasons for doing things.

  6. I think the best move for Ian this week would be to put up Dan. He might think that getting rid of Jenn and a QP final four is a good idea, but in the end it would send him home.

    I think Dani and Shane would vote Dan out if given the chance, simply so they don't have to do it themselves.

    People say Ian is alone in the house, but I suspect that Jenn would work with him if it meant getting a huge threat out of the house.

  7. It's not scripted per say .. but some of the moves these house guests come up with seem the plant of the DR. And BB influences the game outcomes with Pandora's box's and other such nonsense to give their favorite's extra perks.

    It's impossible to say the house isn't manipulated .. but at the end of the day it's still the house guests choice what will happen, which is why they can have moments like Marcellas not using his veto to save himself, and other "shocking" BB moments.

  8. He has played a good game but I do not want him to win.

    Just don't like some of his tactics ...

    At this point though, I don't really want Jenn, Dani or Shane to win either.

    It's become a horse race between Ian and Dan, and at least on the outside it seems like Ian is drinking the Dan Koolaid, so am hoping he wakes up and gets wise quick.

    Is he really going to win this game if he gets to F2 though? He has to play dirtier this season, so if people blame him for their evictions or he has to throw people under the bus to make it to final 2 he may lose jury votes.

  9. I feel like this has been the most disjointed season ... it's hard to know if we'd of gotten the same cast without the coaches though,as I am sure the coaches twist effected casting.

    All that being said, I am not sure I have been as into this season as i have been others as I like the traditional BB format, with total strangers, not people whom america and the house guests already "know".

    I think it might be fun if next season they do a "retro" BB and flash back to season 2, with zero chance for veto to be played. Too much emphasis is placed upon the Veto.

  10. I can appreciate Dan doing what he had to do, to stay alive in this game, but in both his original season, and this season he has done things which hurt the players who have most had his back, as a matter of strategy and it's one thing which has kept me from ever fully backing Dan.

    It's always about game, and never personal.. but it's personal to the people he hurts. Even if it isn't personal to him.

    That being said, I will say he's made a heck of a come-back, from a coach which lost his first player the first night, to being down to 1 member when the reset happen, and everything which has happened in between he's had a good run of things.

    I still am hoping Ian can oust him somehow though.

    Would be nice if someone out-smarted the master.

  11. Still pulling for Ian to win..

    I know Ian probably wants Frank to go this week to get revenge for Britney .. but I was wishing for a Frank and Ian final 2 somehow.

    I don't really want Dan to win this game.

    I think it would be great if Ian sends Dan out of the game.

    But sadly with each passing week it seems like Ian's chances get smaller and smaller.




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