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Posts posted by Kronnie

  1. Helen's crying face.

    Aaryn's horrid eyebrows.

    McCrae's refusals to shower and sit like a normal adult.

    GM sticking out her pierced tongue when she lets out that laugh of hers.

    Andy. Just everything about him, the embodiment of an annoying thing.

    The way Aaryn and Amanda pop Adderall. I used to legitimately take the medication, and it's almost...offensive (I can't find the word) when people abuse it.

  2. I'm thinking it will be physical or endurance.. if so she has a good chance.. she is a waste of HOH, although there are only a few who aren't a waste of HOH IMO

    It's one of those ball-rolling competitions, I believe. They were practicing yesterday. So I don't think GM has a chance (hopefully).

  3. I vote for Amanda to go up for two main reasons, neither having to do with gameplay.

    First, as Nyse said, she's a vile person who I would hate to see $500,000 richer. I also don't like watching her crass and domineering behavior in the show, so the sooner she's gone, the more I can enjoy the show and the sooner she can begin to act like a decent human being again.

    Second, although the fact that everyone in the house answers to her shows great gameplay, it's also incredibly boring. Every week, no matter the HOH, you can rely on the fact that whoever Amanda cannot manipulate will be going home, with none of the other players even questioning her. I don't like it when people become as comfortable as Amanda & company have become, and I'm sick of #-0 votes.

    I honestly don't care if she's the best player in the house, I can't stand her and can't bring myself to respect her gameplay given the way she acts. That being said, I'm not a fan of the MVP twist either, and honestly think it tainted the season from the very beginning.

  4. What really could she do?5 guys had formed an alliance pretty much soon after they crossed the door.3 of the girls are racists(GM,Aaryn,and Amanda) who wanted absolutely nothing to do with her,and of the remaining 4,Kaitlin associated with the mean girls, Jessie and Helen pretend to like her, but stabbed her in the back every chance they got(and still do)leaving her hopes pretty much on Elisa, who I believe likes Candace, but has so far submitted to Helens wishes.Really,what was she supposed to do?

    I agree with your analysis, people in the house just don't like Candice, and it's very sad for her.

    With my comment though, I was more referring to her inability to unite with Howard and Spencer last week and make a more concentrated effort to flip the votes. I don't think for a minute that it would've worked, but it's certainly better than calling a house meeting and screaming at a potential ally. That just made her more visible and more of a target while also making an enemy of Spencer. I don't know, that's just my opinion.

  5. This woman makes every conversation she has about herself. If she's not talking about what a good person she is, she's making playing the victim. I really can't stand to watch her; this woman is so egotistical that it's almost sad.

  6. Can she please stop crying and whining for no reason? The worst part is that she's complaining that she "feels like she's getting backdoored." The first problem with that is she played in the veto, and the second is that she's not being evicted. I hope she starts acting more like her old self once Howard's gone, because that showmance has done nothing for her.

  7. P.S. I have never seen anyone drag a brush through just-washed wet hair the way that she does. Does she not know that maybe that is why her hair is thin?

    To be fair, most people's hair would look thin when compared to the extension-laden hair of most of the other girls. Elissa alone must have enough to give Spencer a full head of hair.



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