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Ruby Tuesday

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Everything posted by Ruby Tuesday

  1. Yeah...racism is okay because evrybody does it. :roll:
  2. What she is saying is wrong I agree but where do you stop. Kick her out of the house for racist remarks then what....kick Kaysar our for calling her ghetto because that upset some people. It would never stop. What do you censor and what do you not censor? Let her say what she wants....be a big enough person to pity her for her ignorance and move on. People talk like that every day and you do not have to like it but you do not have the right to beat them up,throw them in jail or anything else. It does not seem like you even read the whole thread, did you? Yeah I did. Seems like everyone is giving her words more power than they deserve. ? When someone calls you and all people of YOUR race a murderers, let's see how much power you feel their words have
  3. What she is saying is wrong I agree but where do you stop. Kick her out of the house for racist remarks then what....kick Kaysar our for calling her ghetto because that upset some people. It would never stop. What do you censor and what do you not censor? Let her say what she wants....be a big enough person to pity her for her ignorance and move on. People talk like that every day and you do not have to like it but you do not have the right to beat them up,throw them in jail or anything else. It does not seem like you even read the whole thread, did you?
  4. As I said...I don't want anything censored online You just want them to censor her free speech? Where would it stop? Uh...did I say that? Please read the 5 page thread where we have already had this discussion.
  5. As I said...I don't want anything censored online
  6. It's NOT choice it's the law. You need to read up on the rules and regulations of the FCC. Big Brother is a television show and is governed by the FCC. Didn't you see that in my previous post? It has NOTHING to do with the US Constitution, it has to do with the FCC. I don't know how to make that any clearer to you. FCC. HBO and other pay for cable stations must be breaking the law daily then because the Nword is on those channels all the time. You better go report them. Pay cable is not subject to the same FCC regulations. "Free" cable is. Neither is Pay internet! *sigh* Ok, I told myself in the middle of this thread that I was not going to respond, but I can't help myself. I am exercising my "free speech." sara-is-hot, You are right. The internet is not censored. And maybe it shouldn't be. You are right about that. HOWEVER, Big Brother live feeds are sponsored and hosted by a local television station, CBS. I will guarantee you now that CBS would not want to endorse an internet website devoted to KKK demonstrations or any other extremist nutjob group that is similar to the KKK. There would be an uproar of boycotters and picketers, and people will stop watching that network. I promise you that. And obviously, CBS and Big Brother DOES have to abide by certain standards, even online, otherwise, why would they have to go to FISH every time the HG sing, or at certain other times for things they are not allowed to show the viewing public, even online? So, yes, CBS is allowed to show that kind of stuff on the internet, the question is, do they want to? By allowing her to say those things in the name of CBS' Big Brother could give people the impression that that kind of talk is acceptable. Do they want to risk losing viewers because they are giving Ivette an outlet for her hate talk? I don't think so. But then again, maybe they do? See, that is the kind of thing people could start thinking about. And I think CBS should start realizing this. So, no, the internet shouldn't be censored, but it would be very simple to kick Ivette off the show because of her hate, in order to not risk their reputation with certain viewers. So, the question is not can they air it, the question is should they. It is not as if Ivette has her own website and spews her words of hate all over it. She is taking advantage of an outlet provided and condoned by CBS and Big Brother, as long as they allow her to do it. This is a game show that we have the priviledge of watching off-air, not her personal website for making us listen to her hate filled racist comments. And that is exactly what she is turning it into. As far as your argument about how Kaysar calls her a "ghetto" girl, um, she calls herself that all the time!!!! She is actually very proud of it! So, how is that even remotely close to the things she is saying about Kaysar? Everything she touches becomes "ghetto." Such as "ghetto" toast, "ghetto" slide, "getto" this, and "ghetto" that. Basically, she is calling Kaysar, and every other middle-easterner a murderer. She is not referring to where he lives, like he is with her. Oh yeah, if Kaysar was going around himself and calling himself a terrorist bomber, what do you think would happen, hmmm? That right there proves the difference in the name-calling. The name calling that she uses refers to every middle eastern, not just Kaysar. What Kaysar calls her may be mean, but what she says is racist. There is a HUGE difference about where the term is coming from. If Kaysar was calling Ivette derogatory names like (something I will not even repeat)... that referred to her being Latin, and thus being demeaning to everyone of Latino nationality, I can guarantee there would be an approar of complaints, even from me. Or if him or anyone else was CONSTANTLY calling Beau the N word, thus referring to every african-american as the same, he would be GONE. I know this for a fact. Also it is important to point out the fact that we are at war with terrorists who make it their personal mission to murder innocent americans. So for Ivette to stand there in this time and say that Kaysar is one of "those" people makes her nothing but a disgusting human being. Kaysar, although born in Iraq, is an American citizen who just wants to play a game, and does not deserve that kind of treatment in any way, shape or form. Ivette is a disgrace to all americans and american women in my opinion. If I were a CBS executive, I would be mortified at the things Ivette was saying about Kaysar. Her a$$ would be out that door so fast, she would'nt get a chance to say a word (and for her, that is pretty impossible!) She is a biggoted, racist, hypocritical lowlife. All her talk about how big her heart is and how she is just so full of morals, and sh*t like that. And as long as CBS, Big Brother, allows her to do it with no fear of consequence, then they are condoning her actions. Wow, that was long..... ummm...can you send that to CBS please? and then mention how many people will watch if they put in the twist of booting her ass...they might like that fact
  7. I don't want them to censor her...I want the to boot her ass for beingtruly and repeatedly inappropriate (nevermind that she's more unwatchable than Jase on Speed)
  8. I love how you knew what he said better than he did.
  9. Go to cbs.com and click on the "feedback" link at the bottom of the page. File it as a complaint...then tell them what you think. I did
  10. LMFAO And I think that this is an excellent point
  11. Thanks I really appreciate that. It is always good for 2 people to be able to discuss and debate as adults and if need be agree to disagree as adults. I feel bad for the people that choose to call anyone they disagree with names. Bah... reasonable discussion means you actually get heard...even if you get disagreed with. No point in uttering any words during an argument that make you look like an angry fool. SOmeone needs to tell Ivette
  12. Sara-is-hot, I like you, BTW... I love a good debate.
  13. It's NOT choice it's the law. You need to read up on the rules and regulations of the FCC. Big Brother is a television show and is governed by the FCC. Didn't you see that in my previous post? It has NOTHING to do with the US Constitution, it has to do with the FCC. I don't know how to make that any clearer to you. FCC. HBO and other pay for cable stations must be breaking the law daily then because the Nword is on those channels all the time. You better go report them. Pay cable is not subject to the same FCC regulations. "Free" cable is. Neither is Pay internet! Doesn't mean I can't bitch to CBS. It's that same free speech you love. And Idoubt a company like CBS will risk dollars for her. As I said, I'm sure she signed a contract with a rather open "bad behaviour" clause. This could constitute as bad behaviour just as easily as BB4's Scott's was. Boot the witch, I say.
  14. It's NOT choice it's the law. You need to read up on the rules and regulations of the FCC. Big Brother is a television show and is governed by the FCC. Didn't you see that in my previous post? It has NOTHING to do with the US Constitution, it has to do with the FCC. I don't know how to make that any clearer to you. FCC. HBO and other pay for cable stations must be breaking the law daily then because the Nword is on those channels all the time. You better go report them. Pay cable is not subject to the same FCC regulations. "Free" cable is.
  15. Yeah I know, and your best friend is black...right? Well slick did you know you can't run into a crowded theater and yell "fire"? I'm not surprised you didn't, but here you are. You see, there ARE limits to *free speech*. And another little nugget of info for you...BB6 is governed by the rules and regulations of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). And racist comments might be against IT'S rules and regulations. So if it's on the PUBLIC AIRWAYS, you can't just say anything you want and hide behind the US Constitution. Know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. It's indeed a good practise. *claps*
  16. Please...censorship. These people signed contracts filled with things that tell them what they can do and say. They are not in the normal world. They are on a TV program. Different rules can so apply there. If people don't care, then that's fine. But if people do, they can let CBS know, and CBS can at least tell her to shut the hell up. Frankly, I cannot see myself watching that loudmouthed twit get closer to money that I am essentially responsable for providing. And I won't. The longer I have to listen to crap like this, the less likely I am to watch. ANd I think that they deserve to know that. Isolated incident...fine. But camel jockey...sand n*gger...blah, blah, blah. This would never be tolerated for any other ethnic group. Could you see Howie not getting in trouble if he called beau n*gger, etc, etc. It's like racism against Muslims is not such a big deal or something (and I know, I'm now referring to society at largte, not just the BB house. But let's just say that the BB house is often a good window for society at large)
  17. I think that the real difference lies in the fact that Ivette calls herself "ghetto" constantly (to the point of annoying). Her actions, her attitude, her style, her personality...hell, even her freaking food. She calls those all ghetto all the time. Lame as I think they are for it, they are referring in context If Kaysar was going around joking that he was a terrorist and a suicide bomber all the time, the I wouldn't have found anything to complain about. It was just a cheap shot (one of at least a dozen so far...) And as someone who doesn't want to endorse a racist with prize monies collected by CBS from advertising dollars awarded to them on the basis of my viewership, I have every right to complain.
  18. I fully intend to e-mail CBS about this. I am not paying to see this. I urge everyone else to do the same. She would never be allowed this on live TV, and I don't think it should be allowed on live feeds either, without repercussions. And after so many racist comments along these lines, a warning would be the least CBS could do. Penalty nomination is what she deserves. And I will say so. Why is this being tolerated on any level?
  19. I fully intend to e-mail CBS about this. I am not paying to see this. I urge everyone else to do the same. She would never be allowed this on live TV, and I don't think it should be allowed on live feeds either, without repercussions. And after so many racist comments along these lines, a warning would be the least CBS could do. Penalty nomination is what she deserves. And I will say so. Why is this being tolerated on any level?
  20. And ask why he didn't consider his broken promise to Michael when he was asked about broken alliances by Julie Chen (which she was clearly inferring).



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