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Everything posted by Granny0214

  1. 951AM BBT Meech sighs says this season will be hard to watch cause no one has gone for the pairs. She says if she stays she is going to mess things up. She is so tired running on 3 hours of sleep. (gulp gulp) She yawns, leans her head back, says she might have to go lay down. Nat still working out. Meech gets up says "wish me luck" and heads out of Safari room back to kitchen in time to see James walk out of DR. Meech heads to her bed and crawls in. James now walking around saying he wants to see what Nat is up to. Meech says "where is she?" James "don't know". Wakes up Nicole and says Hello and walks out of room as Nicole mutters something. 954AM BBT James wandering around house still looking for Nat. BB: Zak go to DR. (me out for now, having trouble posting)
  2. 947AM BBT Meech was quiet for a while now talking about how cocky Victor is acting. Even reading that sheet pissed her off. She keeps looking around the room, not saying anything. She said she is not going to be groggy for this comp, she needs to stay alert. Feeds 1 & 2 show Nat still working out. Meech is on Feeds 3 & 4
  3. 932AM BBT Bridgette in HoH room with Victor. She is walking around the room with his Mardi Gra (Joker's) hat on. Victor is doing his ADLs. Someone is singing. Paulie crawls back into his bed. Meech in bathroom. Z walking around, Paulie patting the bed saying 'hellow love" (British accent). Z grabs a hoodie and sits on the bed at Paulie's feet. She seems to be eating. Meech walking around kitchen... everyone in bed. 942AM BBT Meech is in the Safari room now talking to the feeders. She is saying that some big mouth had to rat her out to Victor over one conversation and she ended up on the block. All Hgs are in bed except for Meech talking to us and Nat upstairs on the landing doing her morning exercises. She talks about having to win Veto cause she is on block, James and his cancel votes, Paul and Paulie being mean to her and Victor saying what he did about her.
  4. 921AM BBT we came back from Reels to find James and Corey in HN room bumper cars sleeping. not sure what the food is on table in kitchen. James said something about Hashbrowns and CornBeef Hash. Everyone in kitchen except for Corey, Nicole, James and Bridgette James called to DR. BB: please stop singing, Paul makes a crude remark to BB.
  5. 849AM BBT James and Nat talking. Michelle laying in her bed just starring into space. Paulie and Z wrapped up in each other. Lights are on, not sure what time wake-up was
  6. 454AM BBT Victor picks up a bottle of sprite and says he wants a burping contest. Proceeds to chug a glass of sprite, Paulie grabs a glass. Victor opens another bottle. Dr. Pepper this time. Paul wants some Vic hands bottle to Paul, tells him to chug it. Paul tries to belch (I can do better than he did). Paulie is now chugging the bottle, burps (still not that good) Vic chugs, but no belch yet. Paul tries again..Paul weak burp, definitely not a belch.
  7. 443AM BBT Paul, Victor and Paulie in Kitchen talking about how to send packages. Seems all the rest of the HGs are sleeping or trying to. BB has told them to stop singing, stop whistling, the "boys" are trying to figure out who to throw flour on now. Paul: take this bag and just rip up sh*t Feed 4 Corey and Nicole wrapped around each other in bed.
  8. 328AM BBT Talk between Paulie and Paul was about Meech has to leave if Zak takes herself off the block. and still pondering who James needs to use his veto votes on. Victor and Bridge still just talking in HoH room. Pool game between Paul and Paulie in BY. Game talk keeps coming up, but it is rehash of stuff already said four times tonight. Corey comes out side to join the guys. Paul and Paulie says that Bridge is blowing Victor. Paulie is now talking again about pros and cons. Paulie says he told James to take him out of the voting. They discuss points of both sides of Z going home. Paulie says he does not care who goes, but he wants to go to Meech and say she is leaving to see what happens. 332AM BBT Corey says Meech is not going to win anything. Z is worse at comps than Nat is. Paulie teling boys that Z will ask him what to do if she gets HoH, but Nicole told Corey that Z told her that what Z wants Z gets. paul says Z has not done anything to keep her ass in the game. Paulie agrees. Z flops good Paulie says. Claims Z social game is better than Meech. Eveeryone likes Meech, no one likes Z... (Paulie talked earlier (after noms) to Corey that he has to convince Paul to keep Z) Paul is set on Z going home. Both Paulie and Corey are working hard on Paul to convince him to vote out Meech. 346AM BBT Victor and Bridge leave HoH room. Corey says he going to bed. Victor announces another dead fish (the big yellow one). Paul questions Paulie about Corey saying "don't mention that". Paulie says that it is something that cannot be talking about live feeds. Paulie says he told Corey about it during the halfway party. Paulie now talking about when she is gone , he can get closer to Z and get more info out of Nicole. Victor goes to Bathroom and grabs a sweatshirt. 349AM BBT Victor called to DR, probably about dead fish. Bridge walks outside.
  9. 317AM BBT Nicole and Corey in bed with lights off. Paulie and Paul in backyard with Zak. All game talk has stopped. Meech crawls into her bed next to Corey and Nicole. (Corey can sleep in a real bed tonight, back to HN tomorrow night) Zak giving Paulie orders not to stay out too late. (this is the fifth outfit we have seen her in today) BB: Michelle please put on your Mic. Also announce lights must stay on, Zak says goodnight and leaves room so lights can be off. Zak has gone into the house and now the game chat is going full blast in backyard. Talking about how Michelle has gone to Victor and Zak and said she will blow things up. Paulie wants to blow Meech up. Paul says if Zak wins Veto...we still send Meech home. but Z is the target for now. Victor and Bridge still chatting in HoH, nothing game
  10. 302AM BBT Paul and Paulie talking in backyard. Paul talking about convincing James to use one of his vetoes on Nat so she is not caught up in the voting issue. Z is throwing Meech's name UTB, Meech is not throwing names. Victory and Bridge are now talking in HoH room. Paul says he is not saying Z will take action against us (he keeps playing with his cue stick and scratching his mic) Paulie says that Victor is harder to get out than James. Paul says double evict lose another girl and then Victor in 3 weeks. Let him go out under James or Nat. Hard to follow all these code names. paulie says they need to take a shot with the double evict and let him win the next HoH. Zak and Michelle evict will be last minute. Paulie says James is leaning toward Meech leaving (Paulie says that James is afraid of Victory... huh?) paulie talking about Corey says Natalie said... James says the original statement came from Nicole wanting to see a girl win. Paul and Paulie are possitive that Nicole will not come after them as long as Corey is in game. 309AM BBT Paul and Paulie are saing that they need to keep the course till final 5. Bridgette goes, Vic wins, Meech or James, the following week go after Victor. Paul says James has been really sketch. James wants the 4 boys same with Corey says Paulie and no one wants Exec .. not in even top 7. Paulie talking that they need pecking order and stay till 5...Paulie keeps saying Cody and Derrick controlled everything. (ego boosting going on, lots of speculation between Paulie and Paul) both telling each other that they are playing a great Derrick game. 311AM BBT Bridge and Victor still talking in HoH. 315AM BBT Zak is outside now walking around in a teeny weeny pink bikini and hopping around the backyard. She says she needs to run off energy. she has a hoodie on acting like she is freezing, but wants to wear herself out so she can sleep.
  11. 205AM BBT Paul is now entertaining the girls in the bathroom, Nat, Paul, Bridge, Paulie and Zak. Nicole, James sitting at counter eating. Corey in kitchen finally getting his ice cream. 216AM BBT Nicole was blaming her eating at midnight as the cause for her anxiety attack, she is now sitting with Corey eating ice cream. Bridge, Zak, paulie, Nat in Bathroom talking. We keep getting FOTH 221AM BBT We see Corey and Nicole in kitchen. James is in kitchen fixing something. Conversation in bathroom is about movies, music and green cards. FOTH 229AM BBT paulie has his head in Zak's lap, she is playing with his hair. Bathroom talk is about Pauling kicking someone's ass and we have FOTH 234AM BBT Bridge and Victory in HoH room talking about James "take my vote away". and again FOTH 239AM BBT We see Paul walking down the steps, Nicole at the stove stirring something and FOTH 243AM BBT Bridge is in HoH room laying in bed with Victor talking about Zak. Victor is talking about how he wants Zak out. He says everyone wants Z out. Michelle is told to get her mic on... Paul has joined bathroom group. Talk is about Joseaz and his Messiah talking. 252AM BBT Paul yelling in bathroom about bonds. Paulie and Z are doing nightly ADLs. Talk is something about "you watched season 17, you could have had me fooled". Zak is now nibbling on Paulie's ear as he gives her a piggy back ride. Paul has invaded the HoH room. 255AM BBT Bathroom talk is about Michelle and Z being TV hosts, Paulie egging them on FOTH.
  12. 125AM BBT Victor and Corey have joined James and Paulie in backyard. Paul is supervising the girls. Nicole is now in backyard telling Corey to join her on the couch. Nicole is talking about her anxiety attack and that Corey is now mad at her. 130AM BBT Nicole now back inside and everyone paying attention to her (girls) she is talking about her anxiety attack. She is talking about how she feels like she is going to die. Corey, Victor, James and PAulie are still in backyard playing pool 135AM BBT Paul still sitting with Nicole. Zak and Michelle are wandering around. Boys still playing pool in backyard. (Side note: Victor has a RED HoH robe which he is proudly wearing as much as Paul wore his grey one last week). 140AM BBT Michelle, Zak, Bridge and Nat are in bathroom talking about their bouts of anxiety. Boys still playing pool (no game talk except for pool) 147AM BBT Boys still playing pool. Girls now talking about food rationing and how amounts vary all the time. the fewer people the more fruit they give the HGs 150AM BBT Nicole and Paul talking still. Boys in BY plaing pool.
  13. 108 AM BBT Zak is all over Paulie humping on his back as he stands at the counter, he ignores her efforts. Talk is about BB Canada. Paul is still talking with Corey and Nicole and why Corey thinks he is cool. 110AM BBT James has joined the kitchen crew. Bridgette still cleaning everyone else is stting around the counter talking. Nicole telling Paul she will be an awesome Grandma. 115AM BBT FOTH 1210AM BBT James in BY playing pool by himself. Victor is telling Nicole he will give her a back rub, she is going to go walk around, she says she needs some fresh air. Corey says something about ice cream. Victor telling Corey to wash his feet before he gets into Vic's bed. Kitchen chat is about the different "cons". Victor joins the kitchen crew, Corey says he wants ice cream. Paulie has joined James in the backyard. Girls talking about 1st dates with different guys and the "dinner dates".
  14. 1AM BBT Nicole is whining to Corey that she is so full that she cannot breath. Corey belches. Natalie, Paul, Zak, Michelle, Bridgette in kitchen talking. Bridgette at sink cleaning. Nicole is whining still at Corey cause he just told her she looked tired. Zak has changed her outfit again. paul yelling that it is F*g 1AM. Paulie joins Nicole and Corey.. talking about how they lost it about someone's shot while playing pool and the ball falling on the ground. Paulie walks into the kitchen and hugs Michelle in front of Zak, Paul leaves the kitchen area. Paul in storeage area, looking in fridge singing to himself. Paulie has joined him and they are now talking about Michelle leaving not Zak. Paul and Paulie are discussing the pros and cons of Zak going home and Meech staying. Hard to hear they have that whisper going. Nat is talking in kitchen, stating that she thinks there might be something offered to open the tickets and then someone will regret it. Zak says there will be a jury buy back cause no one will have the return trip ticket. Paul in with Corey and Nicole talking about Nat supposedly saying that she would put Corey on block. (which I cannot find when she said that.. Victor yes, Corey no). Paul calling Meech the "merry go round" from hell cause she was puking everywhere. Paulie is in kitchen supervising the girls and their chat. No sign of Victor or James. FoTH
  15. 428PM BBT Bridgette and Nat laying in the sun in BY talking. Nat says Bridge you will go further without Frank, he was a big target. Talking about how Michelle wants to be Bridge's friend now. Just general chit chat about what Mom is thinking and that they both think of their folks each day. The boys are still in the HoH trashing Michelle and Z. Paulie says that Paul needs to tell them that they have to vote the house especially with "their girls". Paul says Z is the first to go. Paul explaining to Paulie about how he sees what Z is doing to Paulie with her hot and cold personality. Corey called to DR James now in BY with Nat and Bridgette. Paul has left the HoH room. Paulie and Vic talking discussing Vic's nom speech. Paul is in bathroom talking to Nicole and Michelle,. Nicole says she is feeling sick. Michelle says she is going up, cause Vic would take any little thing and blow it up. Z has again changed her clothes. BB tells Z to put on her mic. Paul telling Nicole and Michelle to join him for his friendship talk. (sorry I am switching feeds)
  16. Side Note: It is fun to watch how Paulie goes from Corey and James, to Corey and Nicole, then to Victor and Paul. And repeating each time the information that has been told a dozen times already.
  17. 419PM BBT Paulie is now controling the discussion in the HoH. Right now Victor says Michelle and Z are going on block. Paulie and Paul both say they will not use the veto. Paulie saying that Corey says Nat will not put a girl up nor will she vote a girl out. and we get FOTH.
  18. 401PM BBT We see Michelle in Bathroom with Z. Z doing makeup. Paulie in backyard talking about Z and the stuff she has said and being caught in lies. James changed into swim trunks and heads outside. There is a Z bashing going on in the backyard between Nicole and Corey and Paulie. Talk is about Z wants Paulie to apologize to her. (for what??) Michelle talking to Z about where to find the toilet paper. Corey talking about how Michelle and Z are mad about Da vote. Bridgette is seen in BY moving her plant around to more shade. Heads back inside to kitchen, plays with her hair and goes to bathroom area. Bridgette brushing teeth. Now Michelle is topic of discussion and how to get her out of game. Nicole wanting to know what Michelle keeps saying about her. James is called to DR. Bridgette is telling Paul (who just came out of DR) where to find everyone. Nicole teasing Paulie about something, they were just bashing Nat. (Nicole looks pathetic today, she has this "off in la la land look" about her). She keeps wanting to know from Paulie what the girls are saying about her. Paul walks outside and starts yelling nonsense. He announce he wants to do his friendship talk to the viewers if anyone wants to join him. Michelle is still in bathroom talking to Z who is again applying more makeup. Paul walks into house yells "hey" at Z who is walking away from from. Paulie is headed upstairs to HoH room. Enters to find Paul and Vic talking Victor has a joker's hat that he wants to wear for nom meeting. He says to Paulie and Paul that they won't be able to keep a straight face. Nic and Corey are still talking game, rehashing stuff already talked about. Vic says Meeech needs to be boned. and either Paulie or Paul has to do it. Paul talking about how Z (and Michelle) both keeps saying she wants to go further than James or Victor in the game and now Paulie joins in about "her" wanting "him" to apologize and they all 3 are tired of the drama
  19. 350PM BBT Paulie is now in the kitchen talking to Bridgette and Michelle about music. Nicole and Corey in BY ... Nicole is whining about Victor's HoH is going to his head big time. Also stating that she has no clue why America would give anything to James and Nat (America's Favorites). James puts laundry in. Goes into Kitchen and gets pot to make Slop in. James says no one understands how much you miss river and fishing right now, boat and radio blasting, drinking beers. Paulie heads outside with 3 cups of coffee... One for Corey, one for him and one for NatNat. Nicole seems bitter about James getting Care Package, but keeps repeating he needs to use it to save her and Corey.
  20. 339PM BBT The boys are now counting up how many wins they each have now. And what comps count. Paulie wants to know who has been keeping an eye on Vic to keep Z and Michelle away from him. Does not want Vic roped into a corner .. Corey says Vic said he has no one coming up and talking to him. James says he expects us to go to him, James also says no one came and talked to me. Michelle is eating and crunching into her mic. Bridgette is crunching also. James says i need to keep certain people safe, so I guess if I broke my word to Bridgette so what, it is a game. James asking how close is Paul and Victor? Is Paul and Victor talking stuff that no one else knows about it. Paulie is telling the boys about what Paul has told him that Victor has said. (no matter what the topic is, Paulie is dominating the conversations). Nic and Z are in bathroom. Nic done with HoH shower. Z is doing her hair and commenting on does anyone know who the noms are. Z saying she should have never dropped. (HoH comp). Nicole whining about her skin and zits. Paulie still talking about Corey, James and him can make it to final 3... or 5 including Paul and ?? one girl?
  21. 334PM BBT Now Paulie is talking about a rewind button, buy back if Round Trip ticket is not used. Corey says Victor no way has it. Paul and Michelle talking about "Dad was on a reality TV show, watch it". Michelle talking about her winning and she is a failed super fan. "pity party" for Michelle. Paul says he is going for his "friendship talk" if anyone would like to join him. Michelle heads to the kitchen says she #salad. We find Bridgette in kitchen cleaning up the counter. Paul gets called to DR. Paul pops his head out the patio door and says "you scheming without me" and shuts the door. Announces afternoon chat has to happen in the DR today and heads that way. Paulie still talking about how to Backdoor Victor. Feeds 1 & 2 show Bridgette wandering around the kitchen, cleaning. Michelle opens Fridge, closes fridge, Bridge says she will request Almond milk tomorrow.
  22. 327PM BBT Victor on Feed 1 & 2 sleeping. Nicole is in HoH shower. James, Cory, Paulie still on couch in BY. Paul still talking to Michelle. No sign of Z, Nat just walked into BY and James gave her his new sunglasses cause he is sitting in the shade. NatNat goes to hammock and the boys razz her about the way she is laying and if she should keep her legs together or not. Paulie and boys go back to Nicole put up who? The boys are discussing how to get Victor out and what might happen if it is a miss. Paul and Michelle are talking about how the game changes people. Paulie says the next HoH has to be a girl but they have to make sure they will go after Victor. the talk goes to which one of the girls and Bridgette's name keeps popping up 333PM BBT FotH
  23. 3:18PM BBT Michelle is talking to Paul saying that someone (?) is jealous. James, Paulie and Corey in BY talking to Bridgette about her plant needing sunlight and she says no, shadey light. Paulie talking about how they need to control this house and not let the girls take over. Paulie talking like he is HoH not Victor (nothing new here). Paulie talking about Bridgette calling someone two faced they think it was NatNat, but Bridge would not give a name. Paul talking to viewers with Michelle listening about "you want a picture, things will get weird". Corey saying that Nat will vote out a guy before a gal.. he says she is 100% about guy before gal out. James asked who told Corey that, Corey won't say, but he says he is sure of it. James is sitting on couch with Corey and Paulie while they "kind of " trash NatNat. James says Nat is not telling him anything from the girls, she is doing a great job of playing dumb. Nicole heads to HoH room, wants to use the shower,. Victor has finally taken off his RED HoH robe and is laying in bed. 327PM BBT Noms have not happened yet



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