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Status Updates posted by jgsaxon

  1. Maddow: Billionaire GOP donor Sheldon Adelson could face prosecution | The Raw Story: http://t.co/rzl8wwEt get him good

  2. “@adjordan: No Willard, You can Not be President. Now Go to Your Room and No Pouting.”

  3. REPORT: Biggest Donor To Romney And GOP Did Business With Chinese Mob http://t.co/6Zap1f7M @thinkprogress The sh*t is about to hit the fan!

  4. Politicians Who Look Like Disney Characters (PHOTOS) - http://t.co/R1uNEjiw

  5. Mitt Romney at Bain Capital http://t.co/4ULbRW4h

  6. “@EmilyABC: .@david_kerley tonight on how Romney may have seen that new Obama ad -- a hint? His iPad. http://t.co/VgJGWxd3”

  7. #whatobamataughtme Do not trust REPUBLISCUM
  8. “@amk4obama: Hey @mittromney - here is your apology from the Obama truth team. Hope you like it. http://t.co/0JpexJ2B”

  9. George H.W. Bush Challenges GOP On No-Tax Pledge: ‘Who The Hell Is Grover Norquist, Anyway?’ http://t.co/n1rTfQe6 via @thinkprogress

  10. #NowPlaying Two - Soundtrack Version by Ryan Adams on #Spotify http://t.co/Z5ny6ocs
  11. “@TheDailyEdge: "Mommy, if Mitt Romney says a liar shouldn't be President, why is he running?" -- Concerned 4-year old”

  12. “@BJHare: Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim http://t.co/ufiCJ6mN via @HuffPostPol

  13. ths Condi thing is a ruse. I. wld put my $$ on Paul Ryan. #p2 #p21 /via @allwithhope me2

  14. http://t.co/HTrJN1iZ: Romney 'would be guilty of a federal felony' by claiming 1999 departure http://t.co/6ZHEPyP2 via @POLITICO
  15. 182 of President Obama's Accomplishments! With Ci... http://t.co/MbJvhNn0

  16. “@cottonrc: If we had a responsible media, Obama would be polling miles ahead of Romney. If we had a responsible media.”

  17. "@LJSearles: RT @KySandy: Sad Turtle Mitch McConnell: A Meme Roundup http://t.co/2pH8opXO http://t.co/IWbn58OQ"

  18. This makes my angry! - Third-party groups spending millions to attack Bill Nelson: http://t.co/9wCBRell

  19. “@ChicoDelainky: Republicans have obstructed everything President Obama has tried to do to turn things around. How is that not treason?!”



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