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Posts posted by wingfan728

  1. First, let me say I believe it is everyone's right to like or not like anyone.  But I do think it's weird, how often someone says they hate all the houseguests.  We all spend a lot of time watching and commenting on BB, so do we really hate them all ?


    IMHO, the twins are gross, mean girls whose only humanity seems to be Steve, sometimes.  Vanessa's game play is irritating, and I hope she goes sooner than later.  James is growing on me, Johnny is still my favorite, but the funny ways he irritates Vanessa may be the reason.  Austin blech!

    Meg is the smartest person to take to the finals at this point.  Steve is an Ian wanna be and I only feel sorry for his mouth issues, and Bye Becky !


    They annoy me, but I enjoyed last night's BBAD as they played Pot Ball together, drinking and teasing.  Some of the teasing is rather pointed, but that happens in most social situations, never mind 9 people who have been sequestered together for 60 days!    

  2. I'm with you, she drives me crazy every time she makes this holier than though


    "you know how I feel about liars"


    She has a head for the game, but she talks too much, never mind too fast


    Just a matter of time till it catches up with her, too much blood, too many stories....and BTW it is IMPOSSIBLE to do an "investigation" that she can VERIFY because everyone is doing what's best for their own game, even if they have to lie to her.... :crybaby:


    It was funny to watch Jackie be blindsided :cry:

  3. Da believes Austin will vote for her to stay because of her blackmailing Liz. But the Sleeper Cell alliance is meeting tonight. I would bet that Austin and Vanessa are NOT going to screw Clay and Shelli over. Additionally, Da believes she has Vanessa's vote but she doesn't.

    I do like to see the scramble, I'm not going to count out Da yet, she needs five....Jason, James, Liz....Austin and Vanessa are way on the outside, Jackie is too, depends on how "production" sets up this Takeover, does Da get to give her speech, and then declare Clay, Jeff and Audrey's votes do not count and then the others see there is light ???  We don't know why they all know three votes will be thrown away, is Da required to keep it secret, so the conspirators can let go, and who knows where John and Steve end up ????   


    Not a lot of hope, but I do love a shake up ! :lipsrsealed2:

  4. James obviously is an Amazing Race fan and awe struck. The AR team should both be on the block. That seemed obvious at the start, but I do think Jace put a big target on his back, made it easy for Jeff to deflect some of the attention, and now Audrey did the same, keeps it interesting.

    And this nonsense of "voting with the crowd" is idiotic.

    . I hate voting with the house !!
  5. OK she is playing way too hard and not smart. She is going to have a big target on her back. She has told too many people that she will share information with them and nobody else and they are comparing notes.

    They also were having a discussion about her needing to go but they agreed they don't want to be "that person" that evicts the transgender girl.

    Right on the mark Marty.

  6. I'll never understand why BB contestants claim to have never talked game with anyone, makes them look shady, why not admit to talking with people they like but assume everything changes all the time.  They all talk strategy in their videos, did anyone watch Derrick manipulate last year ?  Austin and Jace should be ashamed of themselves, imploding so early, Audrey is being way too obvious, I like her, and approve of her attempt to mend fences with Da' Vonne.  Jason is a hoot to watch, but he is an eye roll, never to be taken seriously, despite his amazing knowledge of BB.  My favorites very early include Meg and James, but I love the BB contestants who are fun to watch also.  I'm in, I'm hooked and 94 days more of serious binge watching !  Many thanks to Morty's Soldiers no one comes close!!  Just MHO    

  7. Poor Caleb is being pushed and pulled into so many different directions. He needs to stop taking directions from Derrick & Frankie and play his own game for himself.

    'all of these boys frustrate me because all they do is talk about big moves - but they never make any while they are the HOH. There is no more "they" in the BB house - it's only " them" . And its time for the knives to come out.

    Caleb needs some time alone so he can think for himself. Deep down inside I believe that Caleb wants to keep the boys as final four and then they duke it out in the end by winning comps. And may the best man win!



    "POOR CALEB??" That boy is so DELUSIONAL, I can't come up with any empathy for him, and he is a Good Looking Soldier, one of my favorite things.  I don't hold out any hope for him either everyone is playing him and he play himself even worse.  He opens his mouth and puts an expensive boot in every time.

  8. Just a thought, I was trying to think how CBS could handle some of these touchy subjects on the finale, many of us believe they just won't. But then I got an idea, Dr Will. If Julie can't bring up some things, or prefers not to lower herself, who better than Dr Will ? They bring him on the show to "interview" the jury and talk to the final three, he can say things as his Dr Will charcter, and it works for everybody. Is it bad I savor the thought of he and Amanda going at it, verbally??



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