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Posts posted by kansas

  1. I have been hard on her this season believing her "stalker" status regarding Shane...but after tonite's episode...he is leading her on and sending mixed messages! I would be confused too based on his actions!

    Same here..until remembering other night's BBAD when Shane & Dani returned from luxury trip. Dani describing limo full with BB staff/cameras ...the producers were asking for the two to act like a couple and for kisses. Shane was agreeing with Dani.

  2. I don't agree, she was dealt a bad hand in the coach twist, her team forced her back row, for a woman who lives on stage, I believe it was very hard for her to tone it down. When toned down in studs, tattoos and stage make-up....

    Also...left with children too young for adult conversation. ...Dan's work revolves interacting with children. Sorry Jenn :/

  3. I can't stand listening to her either. (But, I think I prefer it to the squeeeek of the hammock... toss up, maybe!) And, she is one eviction (Ian's) away from winning the whole thing! She's played a great game and she deserves just as much as the other 3, imo.

    Dan told her to put up him (Dan) and Ian. 'Cause it doesn't really matter, only PoV.

    Possibility of backdooring Shane ? ....Can only hope.

  4. Dan won't vote her out unless he knows with 100% certainty that Ian will send her home b/c it will expose him to her. And sending her home makes him look even worse to a jury that already has a negative opinion about his backstabbing ways. Yes, Jenn is the easiest to beat in the final 2 but getting her there with him is a lot harder than getting Dani there.

    I believe the jury would respect Dan's game move sending Dani out this week. Jury usually goes on who plays the smartest game.

  5. Danielle does not strategize on her own. All her decisions and game play have been encouraged and motivated by others mainly men. She has not had one original thought. Her two big moves were both directed at (interestingly enough) other women who were more attractive and received attention from the male houseguests. Any pretty houseguest frustrated her since she craves all the attention. That is why she is so comfortable with Jenn since she poses no threat to her.

    She repeatedly comments she is the last girl in the house. :/



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