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fighting fish

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Everything posted by fighting fish

  1. Howie and Jenn playing coasters. Rachel watching. Rachel: Come on, Howie. Use the force! Kayser still taking pictures.
  2. James and Janelle still playing chess. Ivette is now in the kitchen fixing herself PB&J.
  3. Ivette: I hate to see him packing his bags Beau: It's sad. Ivette: I really honestly felt that we were gonna go far with him. Beau: uh hmm.. Ivette: You think that James and Sarah will eventually get on each others nerves? Beau: You should see how he is with her. He doesn't even want to hug her or touch her. ....
  4. Last night's episode was the best by far. The turn of events and the frustration in Maggie and Eric's face are just priceless. I wish I'd taped it. Fave moment was when Maggie and Ivette got ganged up by the Sov6 and James winning POV.
  5. Talking in the bathroom.. Janelle: Did you ever believe Eric? Howie: I did at first Janelle: Did he tell you final four too? Howie: Yeah! Janelle: No! You with who? Howie: Here's what he said "I'll never put you up. When it comes to the final four we gotta make decisions. We'll clear everybody out. And we're in the final four" Janelle: What a dumbass! You didn't believe in that did you? Howie: I kinda did, actually Janelle: Are you serious? Howie: I kinda did. What are you gonna do? But then when I found out he told everybody the same thing. Janelle: Yeah he's a bastard. Howie: ... I was just going by the consensus of the group.. to get all comfortable.. to hang out and I was just thinking where was I going to fit in the grand scheme of this after they wanted to get rid of you and Kaysar. Who's next? me? they were looking to make me the next villain. Janelle: Are you serious? Why? Howie: ...because they need a scape goat to get rid of somebody. Hopefully we can keep winning and get rid of everything they stood for Janelle: Me too Howie: The odds are definitely in our favour. or BB is working something or not to change those odds. Janelle: You think they will? Howie: They're not going to rig it and make it cheap. Cheap. But it's going to be something so everybody's got an advantage. .............
  6. James appears to be doing something under the sheets. There's a lot of movement.
  7. Janelle still on the treadmill. Howie walking in doing reps/talking to her every once in a while.
  8. Kaysar is actually on the table. Jenn still cleaning James' nails. James: (When asked about his background) German, Polish, a little bit of French and American/Indian Jenn: Howie you stink. Go away.
  9. Sarah, James, Beau, April, Rachel in the kitchen Sarah: Why would somebody take a sh*t in his (kaysar) toilet and not flush Beau: That's disgusting James: You didn't see it? He told me his toilet was clogged up. So I went up there after nominations or whatever, I went to take a piss. I told him your toilet is still clogged up. And he said no it's not, they fixed it for me. I told him, well somebody took a huge sh*t in your toilet and just left it there. Rachel: That's gross April: and he doesn't know who went up there? James: Well, definitely a guys sh*t because I don't think any of you girls can hold that much. FISH
  10. Kaysar and Rachel talking in the HoH room. Kaysar: (talking about Jennifer) She really doesn't have a safety net. She's like "listen, I'm at the point where I've given up. You guys have something going on, these guys really haven't fit me into their plan." Listen, vote against Eric. If you're going to sit here and lie to me know that I'm going to be watching you like a hawk. And the second you make a bad move we're coming after you. We know you're smart. We know you're smarter than that. Rachel: She is. Kaysar: ...you're a smart girl. Don't make mistakes. Rachel: She is a smart girl. I like jennifer. I always have. but you know.. Kaysar: We're taking a gamble Rachel: Yep Kaysar: At this point what can we do.. Rachel: Well, Jennifer wants to be here and she's going to do whatever she has to do to be here. Kaysar: I know that. I said to her "You want to be here but April is acting as if she's going home tomorrow" Rachel: She (April) already said she wants to offer herself up. She doesn't even want to make it to the sequester house. Kaysar: She's cracking under pressure. She's going to crack. The thing is, even if she could be someone I trusted now. She's going to crack eventually. The pressure's too much for her she's gonna eventually break down and do something stupid. Jennifer on the other won't do that. She's too composed. Sarah was right. She tried out over and over again and she's not going to give up. She's like "I'm telling you the truth. I feel like I'm being screwed over right now. I'm telling Apri, who is supposed to be my partner, the same things you told her. She's not listening. She's always having doubts and second thoughts. I'm losing her." Rachel: We'll find out on the voting day Kaysar: I'm like just because you vote against Eric that's good but it's not over. You need to prove yourself. Make the right choices. April's not safe. Rachel: Jen's a smart girl. She knows if she has to cut her loose. She'll cut her loose.
  11. BB: Sarah please go to the DR. April: Let us out, b*tches!
  12. Eric and Rachel talking about Howie. Rachel tells Eric how she had a crush on Howie when she first met him. Eric and Rachel are feeding the fishes. Eric: Oooh there's sardines in there. I can't even look at that.



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