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Posts posted by REZEVILGB13

  1. Remember when everyone played in the veto? Oh ya BB had less control over what happens. Cool. They use the excuse ...oh the veto wouldnt be used that much. Big deal let everyone play. Oh remember when they had people spin a wheel? No less control. Lets have a bag with who the fuck knows what is in side. I think they said Boogie picked Ian's name and Frank picked it too then picked houseguests choice. Why is Ian's name in it twice? This show needs a major reboot (like the batman movies) to save itself. Past houseguests, rigged twists out of nowhere. Expect the Unexpected used to be a cool saying in BB. Now it is just a way the producers can control the game in their favor.

  2. If Boogie goes home does it prove that he is not the "master" player that he believes he is? In season 2 he sacrificed himself for Krista and got owned by Kent. In Allstars Will ran his game and he won 2 comps at the end. Now he attached himself to frank when he should have made Dan his Dr. Will hoping he could win 2 comps again if he made it to the end. If Dan makes if farther than the final 4 he in my eyes will be better than Dr. Will. A previous Winner has only made it to the final four (Dr. Will)

  3. This whole game is a joke because everything is not what is supposed to be. If Frank went home that week the reset happen Janelle probably wouldn't have went home because Boogie would have been alone and had no leverage to put up Janelle. Wil would not have went home since Frank won HOH. Boogie would not be going home this week if Frank didn't win the veto . Thank you Alison Grodner for rigging the game one week that has a rippled effect for her precious past houseguests. I'm not saying that Boogie and Janelle wouldnt be home if Frank left but you have to admit this season is kind of a joke now because of the producers wanted to save Frank. What a joke

  4. Wow Boogie beats Janelle again. If they get Janelle out they are doing boogies dirty work. Talk about eating your cake and eating too.

    If they keep Frank in there do they REALLY think Booige or Frank as HOH will put up Joe, Ashley, or Wil? Wil is in Franks backpocket ..ashley is worthless as is Joe. This deal only makes Boogie and Frank have an alliance with almost the WHOLE HOUSE.

    I was waiting for Dan to pretend make the deal with Boogie and go to danielle and do the opposite. Then when they vote out Frank , Dan will say I tried man I was down Danielle wasn't. Boogie and Frank will put up Shane and Dan in a HEARTBEAT. Who is their biggest threat if Janelle is gone? Shane and Dan not Ashley and Joe. Give me a break. Janelle being in the house is good because it will still have the feud with Boogie and Janelle. You take out Janelle you are taking out a huge target in the game that would be a shield for Dan (I'm pulling for Dan to win if you couldn't tell) I feel it is just going to be a huge mistake. There is a reason Dr. Will held on to Janelle throughout all of Allstars. She is a kickass competitor who will always be nominated and hated on (by the girls in the house)

    Danielle is soo annoying with Janelle. I'm not a huge Janelle fan more of a Season 6 fan but Danielle is really jealous and to me she is really a dumb GAME PLAYER.

  5. I remember boogie saying in allstars after Howie was evicted " HEY HOWIE THIS IS THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE PEOPLE LIE , DONT KNOW IF YOU GOT THE MEMO."

    Someone really needs to smack boogie out of it. He is acting like a baby and Dr. Will would NEVER play like that even if he was upset. Shows how far about they really are in gameplay.

  6. Aspergers or not he is really bad at this game. I'm thinking maybe he watched big brother so much because he never was social and that is kind of sad. I'm just really trying to understand if Big Brother new about his condition. I actually watched big brother all the time too because I wasn't really social so I can relate to Ian. I'll probably eat my words but this game is not meant for Ian. It is above all else a social game and without social skills it is going to be REALLY hard for him to win. But anything is possible. I mean Adam from BB9 won and he was a lunatic lol

  7. That episode was the worst edit I've seen in awhile on BB. Everything was about Janelle and how smart she was. Oh and that comment at the end saying shes the real puppet master? All she did was tell her team to suck up to Shane. And in the end it was IAN that was the main reason why Frank went up on the block. Janelle offering her ring did nothing. After every scene in this episode where Janelle's team was in trouble they showed a diary room of her saying " It's no problem time to go to work" I can just tell that the diary room people told her to say these things AFTER they actually happened to make the edit seem as though she is smarter and playing better than she is. She said it 3 times in the episode. SOOO forced.

    In the end I don't really care how the edits go but this one was so obvious that is was hard not to rant about it. And I side note Dan is the real puppet master

  8. So ya I read a spoiler about next season BB15. It will be a house of total strangers...but theres a twist.. JESSIE WILL BE IN THE GAME. But not how you think. He will not be a player/ or a coach. Just be in the game. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED HOUSEGUESTS Look out for the final 3 when JESSIE will be able to compete for the half million dollars!!!! And the first comp since it will be the final 4 comp will be body lifting related. I can just see Grodner with her weird hair getting hot and bothered at this idea for next year.

  9. saying they don't need the mentors would work if there were no coaches challenge. The fact that your mentor can save you for a week means you are smarter to WORK WITH THEM rather than by youself. LOL Willie is grasping at straws he is the number one threat in the house and he knows it.

  10. I LOVE when they cut the feeds on the live feeds when BB after dark is on. WHY? I really see no reason to cut the feeds at all. All they have to do is take the sound away and keep the picture on. This would solve the annoying music and only cut the feeds all together when something happens like a comp, meeting, etc. I seriously cannot stand that music any more.. I've had to listen to that damn theme SOO MANY TIMES (have had the feeds since BB6). My breaking point is approaching lol

  11. I kinda agree Misha. I really don't see Big Brother ever just going back to all strangers , no past houseguests again. They feel the need to constantly bring back past houseguests one way or another to cater to their fans. Are they afraid they can't create new likable houseguests? They need to get better casting people too. These cast members are like F list celebs. Playmate of the year 2005, band member of some band named kittie from 30 years ago, Sid Vicious' son, An American Idol reject, Brother of Survivor player, JoJo who will probably end up doing porn by the end of the year. They should have just done BB Allstars 2 this year and had Rachel, Brendon, Jordan, Jeff , Daniele, Dick again, plus Boogie, Dan, Britney and Janelle. They would only need 5 or 6 more players and they could easily have gotten that.

    Oh and please tell me why All the houseguests will go along (if Kara is evicted) In getting rid of Daniele? Yes it will get rid of Dan but is she a threat at all to the houseguests? The mentors are running the shit out of the players it isn't even funny. They really have no power over them other than the Mentor comp. They need to play their own games and get advice on how to do it from the mentors. Not do everything they say



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