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Posts posted by mikenaz

  1. I don't think D.Letterman has ever liked reality contestants as far as interviewing them. He doesn't really know what to ask them, and they don't make very good interviews. I think he would rather interview a person off the street than a reality contestant. They could go on Craig Ferguson, but doubt they'll end up there either. Atleast Julie Chen will be on this evening.

  2. It will be great to see how Julie C is in a real setting. I am looking forward to it. The only time I recentally seen her was on David Letterman, but her segment wasn't that long. Dave was more interested in her marriage to Les Moonves than he was regarding Big Brother. I wonder if she will say anything about expecting to have Kaysar next to her on Thursday.

  3. The biggest damage will be when this is over Ivette will have the public to deal with or even family. Maybe her family/friends are used to her type of comments. But maybe when someone goes oh you were the one on Big Brother with the racist comments.... That would be great to see her expression then. Eric will probably not have a good public perception of him either, along with most of Maggie's group. I think Kaysar, Howie, Janelle, Rachel, Sarah will do well.

  4. Other bad thing with Feeds this season: FISH! FISH! FISH!

    They just seem to come and go. Right in the middle of someone saying something. And now I'm getting FISH sound but picture is staying on. Frustrating. Definately not 24x7 feeds as advertised

  5. How can Ivette have such a dying freindship already with Eric within a 3 week period? It sounds like she would throw her life down for him already. Kaysar probably should have put Ivette & Maggie up together instead, and see how fast Eric would dump Ivette.

    She has been talking in circles with James for probably over a hour now!!!!!! Hope James doesn't buy into it. I hope he is smarter than that than to believe her lies.

  6. Wouldn't it be so cool, this would only work if they definately won the next HOH, is to vote Maggie out instead. Then Eric stays, the other side gets HOH, puts him back up on the block, he some how wins Veto takes himself off, and put Ivette up and then have Eric turn on someone on the block to save the other and get another week of him whining. Then after keeping him around for that week, put him back up on the next HOH and then vote him out. That could be very long weeks listening to all of his whatever comes out.

  7. This is from the main page from Morty's site. Television City is in California, but I'm not sure of the actual city.

    This is the first year for the two story Big Brother house. The house was constructed on CBS stage 18 in Television City. This is the former home to "Yes Dear." "Yes Dear" star Anthony Clark is a big "Big Brother" fan and in 2003 had an episode of his series, "Big Brother-in-Law," take place in the original Big Brother house with 11 former houseguests.

  8. It looks like Kaysar's group is having fun with the camera. Should be alot of pictures to see from this week. It appears it will only be mainly of his group and not the Cappy side. If you were in the house which group would you want to be part of? I don't think I could spend 15 minutes of conversation with Ivette's loud talking and racial tones.

  9. I would agree with the editing of the show. I had already knew that it would be edited in favor of Eric and his side. I dunno, I think it is to favor the side of being a firefighter. Even when Eric was HOH, their side was always edited to show in a good light. I was expecting to see some of Eric tantrums on tonights show. The only thing I saw that was any good was the actual promo that they did. The promo actually showed him and his group in a bad light.

  10. I have been wondering if there will be an additional twist with the evicted houseguests. Being that those groups that have been broken up currently do not know about the $1million & $250k prize. Once that news comes out that will most likely change the remaining couples game plans. How would that be fair to Kaysar, Janelle, or hate to say even Maggie? It shouldn't matter to Maggie since she isn't there for the money.

  11. If that where the case, then why did they allow it on the air of Eric making the comment of sexual harrasement towards Michael? Wouldn't that run the risk of slander too? I just think it is not fair if Michael was made to look bad and wasn't able to defend himself as he never got a chance on BB or even talking with Julie to confront that issue, but Eric has always been made to look almost perfect to the viewers.

  12. Has anyone else seen the promo that just aired on CBS during David Letterman for Tuesday's BB show? It shows Kaysar getting HOH, and then shows a picture of Eric with Ivette & Maggie behind him with the words CAPTAIN and his sheep, and the promo voice says the captain and his sheep are running for cover, and then plays a clip from Janelle saying that 'they are a bunch a little chickens that are going to get their head cut off'. Great promo finally! Maybe this will finally be a good show that shows Eric & crew in their true colors.

  13. I think Howie is just playing the game but knows how to do it just right. He doesn't seem to have problems touching another guy in that way, but I don't think he is gay or bi-curious. I've seen him serious alot lately in the HOH room especially when it is just him & Kaysar. I also seen him have a serious converstation one evening with Michael in the backyard, and also a serious conversation with Kaysar in the backyard. I think this is just all an act of his personality. Maybe it will help get him a future weather job somewhere after this game.

    I would love to see his Elimidate or Blind Date shows.

  14. Are the BB annoucements that are done in the house, do they sound like they are pre-recorded? It is always in the same monotone voice. I just saw Kaysar get called to the diary room, and he tried to goof around and said to them he'll be there in awhile. So they replayed the same BB 'KAYSAR: PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM', after it just went off before that.

  15. Will BB have any footage at all of Cappy's group to show on Tuesday's show that will still spin them looking like all perfect people? Since the Veto competition, there really hasn't been anything positive that has come out of them has there? Will have to hand it to them if they can still pull it off in Editing to make Eric & his group look positive. In all the previous shows they always had made them look good regardless of what really is happining.



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