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Everything posted by CurlyQs

  1. Howie has peed in the shower, Ivette pees in the yard, Cappy threw up on the yard and Michael apparently peed in the jacuzzi....
  2. 3:00pm BBT - H, I, B, R, A in the backyard having a LONG conversation about PB& J
  3. 2:29 BBT - F1 - empty dining room F2 - empty living room F3 & F4 - Ivette, Jennifer, and Beau talking - sitting on lawn chairs....Ivette is going off on Beau and jen about ..all of the things she goes off about B - right now you aren't listening to me. What did i say in the room? Jen - it's hard to convince people of things at this point..they have their mind set I - it's like a cheating guy that leaves his g/f for you..eventually he will do it to you too. - He went to them on a shady note..did they think it wouldn't come back to them? His actions speak volumes..i dont have to say anything else. I have other things to worry about B - what was sketchy was that R was telling us that we needed to keep them safe for 3 weeks Jen - who in their right mind would save you and offer up ourselves? I - R is #1 on my target. Watch her. she is always up J and S asses. The only times that i am with them is when they come up to ME. R is just as obnoxious as S is. B - if they are on the same page with us..why did she eliminate A before S? I - tahts what i'm telling youuu.
  4. R - he (james) is an idiot..he overplayed the game H - I dont like to be stabbed in the back R - we have to be prepared for the storm...for what he will say, do, cause between us H - as long as it is verbal..it's fine R - right Jan- what should i say? He's gonna flip out and wanna know what happened H - tell him you figured it out for yourself. And that he should too.... H - as much as you wnna take shots...let THEM do it (R agrees) H - our backs are against the wall, but we aren't out the door. No one says you cant win hoh R - hopefully Jan - so no matter what, we are gonna put up sarah and get hr out nxt week? R - we aren't at that point yet R to H - put some socks on - your feet are sweaty. Put your slippers on....
  5. H- I'll ask if anyone has anything else to say R - ask if anyone else has comments H - and if they do.....and if they don't, I;ll adjourn... Jan - April wants to get her 2 cents in H - "i think you are two of the most dangerous players in the game. I feel safer.... Jan - they totally fucked us.. R - they tried to sell us out H - it's our fault for trusting them, but with the twist..... R/Jan - yeah, yeah R - like i said to howie earlir..i think james and sarah ....we have a double edged sword here..two paths to go down Jan - I feel like whatever we try to do... H- we're back to square one.. Jan - yeah R - just pray to god Michael or Kayser comes back
  6. Maggie to the DR R - i'm not in this game to go to the sequester house, but i wanna get over that hump - i dont want james voting for the winnr H - th three of us are stronger Jan - they have the people power H - K didnt hav people power and wont it...they have to vote someone off if thy win HOH. H - what i like about this is..its set in motion to get rid of james and sarah Jan - get them to swear to finish the job R - they already did. H - BB is gonna make it competitive R - yesterday we dominated H - james went out on a technicality. Julie shouldnt have finished the q. Julie gyped him. Maybe they WANTED james out of here Jan - maybe they want to see the house work together for once H - they lov what he is doing R - i guarantee you america doesn't lik james R - April is gonna be rolling the grass in the backyard and smoking it Jan - i dont like April threatening us H - James fucked it for us or she would be sweating H - the house wants to tell james individually why he is going up Jan - tell him you were his best ally in the house until you were trying to take me down..someone came forward with the info. H - i am gonna say, i keep my friends close..and my friends closer until i usher them out the door. R - i dont want to say anything about our alliance H - i will say ''strategically, you are my biggst....my biggst.....' "i nominated S and J because i think you are R...the dirtiest players in the game Jan - you have lied and deceived everyone R - you dont have to give a BIG speech. Don't make it personal.
  7. 2;08PM bbt = F1 - empty dining table F2 - empty living room F3 &4 - HOH with howie and janelle - april comes in - they are talking about april being put up as a pawn A - "if people mak promises and you fall through on it and piss someone off..." H - the deal doesn't work that awy R comes to the door = J ushers A out of the room saying that they (H, R and Jan) need to talk
  8. H - when we tell M that we are putting her up, we are going to make it clear that James is the target right? R - yes. F1 - Jan reading bible in kitchn F2 - H listening to headphones, R going to sleep F3 - James and Sara spooning F4 - common bdrm 2:04am BBT
  9. H and R agree that they have talked enough about it tonight R thinks it's about 3am (it's 1:59) H says he is gonna listen to some U2 before he goes to sleep
  10. H - will eric gun for me for getting maggie out? R - no, just tell him it was James' idea (lol)
  11. R - If S gets hoh we're screwed H - the vengeance thing? R - yeah R - If she loses James, she will wanna go next week. I know h has tried to serve us up already, but... H - i do NOT wanna be taken in this game by him cause he's a piece of shit player R - we have a better chance of having the entire house after him. If Eric comes back I guarantee you they are working together H - he and James? R - yah
  12. R - i still say Maggie has to go..She is controlling that camp. James is awfully friendly toward Ivette H - I gave me her word that all ties were cut with james, but what does that mean anyway? H - i'm gonna do what i need to do to our advantage R - exactly R - dirtier would be to put maggie up against A or I. Don't veto her off, keep maggie and james and vote off I. Same problem though because we would still have M and I together. They agree that James is shady R = he's such an asshole..such an ass, but i guess in this game i can't blame him. He's doing whatever he can to stay alive and that's part of the game. H - he makes great television R - we gotta work around it. We cant put him up cause he will get off wilth a veto and we cant risk that. Maggie has to see that..it has already happened twice. R - you can't put him up, it's as simple as that. If we cant backdoor him out, we cant put him on the block. We take out Maggie
  13. R - odds are it will be michael or kayser H - i think it will be eric or michael H - now that i think about it....any 3 of them could be back..they all stirred it up R is dreading eric returning H - James fucked us - he's a two person show, he just kills us. R - what is life after them? Someone is coming back and if works in our favor either way. if E comes back..he goes after james...If M or K come back..they are going after james. I t works in our favor either way. He's public enemy #1. If eric comes back and Maggie is still here? H - we would be back at square 1 R - If you put S and J on the block and James vetoed and eric comes back, no matter what about the past, eric and J will pair up. He wont trust us and will go straight to eric and eric will know that th only way to gt back in there will be to team up with james
  14. back to H & R in HOH H comes out of the shower, but forgot something in the bathroom R - get rid of your mic H - i might get a piece of you R - nooo - i'm not doin that on national tv H - under the covers ..no one will see H - with the exception of you...bing HOH is a bad thing. I wanna change that situation somehow..what is the best way to do that? H going over what he will say to Maggie R - If we evict james...ok...if we gt him backdoored out and eric comes back...they are gonna have to convince eric to go for sarah H - im not worried about that all - they will take out S before they come after us R - they SAY that....people say a lot of things in this house. If we evict maggie and eric comes back..eric and james will go after each other..if Michael or Kayser comes back..we're all goin after James H - god..every fuckin week you're different..jeesus. First you were..Jams has to go R - he does..he does ..i know its a gamble either way. well lose sarah if we vote out james H - what if maggie wins the veto? R - then put up james..that's the way H - oh that's the way? R - dont stress out. we are just looking at scenarios H - i'm not making any more decisions without conferring with you and janey
  15. 1:36 AM bbt - F1 & 2 - Janelle reading the bible in the kitchen F3 - James whispers to S that he hopes that K comes back...S - me too F4 - common bedroom
  16. howie taking a shower and stuff in hoh bathroom R watching the spy screen from the hoh bed - she gets...fish
  17. H & R agree that someone else coming back into the game changes everything... H - god, i'm so fat..i'm fatter than YOU right now R - no, i'm fat howie tells BB that the room is great, but would have been better if they hadn't forgotten to put the light saber in the room
  18. 1;19am - BBT - howie to rachl - "you think mika saw us today? R - yeah, i'm sure everyone saw us they are in the hoh room together getting ready to go to bed H - i gotta talk to maggie tomorrow..then she has to talk toher people R - dont worry about it H - i dont like saying one thing and doing another, it makes me like James R - take your shower and we will talk after
  19. if someone already got this..sorry..but RIGHT before the fish sarah was questioning howie about something that she should tell him.... then ...Fish when they came back..i think that howi was confirming that he and rachel are a couple (married...i think)
  20. 9:08pm BBT - James, Rachel, Sarah, Howie talking in HOH about the HOH competition. James is saying again that he was number one on their radar even before Janelle. And James is going again into how Julie shouldn't have finished the question for Ivette. Fish
  21. Maggie trying to wake up K A making beds with M and R... I to K "sooo K, what did you do in the BB house??" I - "nothinnnng" - "I slept and then I slept and then I slept" <joking>
  22. R vacuuming with the loudest vacuum on the planet....
  23. Jen, B and M all discussing their dreams in HOH R downstairs vacuuming
  24. M to B and Jen - if they're audio is broken..does that mean they cant tell us to stop doin stuff? Jen - they talk to us individually, so there isn't music or anything B - yeah on thursdays M - they always do it on thursdays!



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