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Everything posted by Oyabungaijin

  1. Tonights late night feed footage when Eric and Company were sitting outside gabbing reminded me of Lord of the Rings. One Ivette to annoy them all....One Cappy to rule them....Etc. LOL!
  2. Man, Pretty much EVERYONE in the house has been gabbing for hours on end and no sign of stoppin. The regular late night Crew(K-Man/Howie/James) must be getting Irritated, LOL. If I was in the house, this would be when I am hunting for clues. Could you Imagine having to hear April's/Ivettes Annoying tone at 1 AM? "You Know what I mean?" Ugh.
  3. I went to Summer Camp as a Kid, and then I was a Camp Counsler when I was in College. What is amazing to me is the almost Identical amount of Drama/"Blindsiding"/and overall BS I see in the BB House. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of when I was sharing a place with 50 people and the crap that came with it. But I just laugh when certain Houseguests on BB(Ivette, April, Cappy, etc.) completely remind me of the types of personalities I dealt with. Anyone else have a similar kinship? (BTW this is my first post for Mortys and I just got the feeds going last week, but I am stoked to talk to y'all)



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