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Posts posted by Port

  1. F6 in GR.

    James: We all do it sometimes but don't criticize others for doing the same thing! (discussing Maggie)

    J: We have majority right?

    Everyone: Right.

    (Hard to hear everyone)

    K: It's not even. I have HOH it's 5 versus 4.

    K: Try to get Jenn on our side to lower their moral.

    J: You don't have a problem stabbing them in the back right?

    K: I'm not promising them anything! I'm just going to say they can vote with us or not end up on the jury.

    R: She's trying to weasel her way in, that's what they are trying to do.

    She want's her and Jenn (April) to get in.

    K: When it gets tense they go crazy and try to stab each other.

    James and Sarah kiss. Howie being nasty and getting wood, talking about seeing James and Sarah and her boobies.

    J: Did you see the hat move? I'm not going to give it to him I'm going to wear it.

    H: He was his brother a week ago! And maggie! You were supposed to help me not evict me! You didn't see Revenge of Sith?

    Howie playing with Rachel. She says keep your thing out of my butt!

    R: That's why I knew we needed Ash out of here, Howie's ALWAYS chasing girls.

    K; Is that why you put us up?

    R: No, it was legit. You two were the only ones I had never gotten to know.

    They make their peace and love and such.

    K: I had such a HUGE problem keeping Mike and Janelle focused!

    J: I told Sarah if you lose don't think I'm not playing this game full force!

    K: When Mike left I kicked this game into highest gear.

  2. Howie comes out, and we get fish for a sec, then back to Ivette asking questions about Maggie and Eric.

    Everyone else tried to talk to Howie, to change the conversation, but Ivette and Maggie steered it back and Iv said: We are trying to hear about Maggie and Eric!

    And FINALLY feed goes to GR with the F6!

  3. BB: Eric to DR.

    E: Wooooo baby! (looks happy to be leaving this boring crap)

    I: BEAU STOP IT! I can't hear with you cracking the bottle.

    M: You really care?

    I: Yes, I do! (she really is an accomplished liar.

    Maggie goes on and on about how they had to live on alcohol and PBJ and drove all the way to Vegas living in a UHAUL, parking in Walmart lots, truckstops, showering in Flying J truck stops. And on and on.

  4. Eric and Maggie talking about Maggie working in a club.

    Eric telling about a company he worked for, Maggie adding to things.

    (COME ON BB! Give us the F6, where are they? These whiney bastards are annyoning and boring!)

    Maggie says she didn't know racism existed till she moved to Boston.

    Beau: Really, mmmhmmm, (like he doesn't believe)

    Maggie continues about life in Boston.

    Eric: Tell them about FDNY

    M: I don't want to go into that, ok?

    E: Oh, Ok, then they went to Vegas.

    M: So after 9/11 our lives got turned upside down.

    She keeps on and on about stuff with her and Dave, and how they ended up in Vegas. Eric interjecting at some points. Everyone trying to seem interested, but look bored (me too!)

  5. Eric Maggie April Beau Ivette outside.

    Ivette: No one is going to tell me who to hang out with.

    April: It's not right for them to make people feel bad like this in this house. I was just telling Sarah.

    M: I don't want to hang out with Sarah. I don't hang out with weak people. Look at all the people I hang out with. I hang out with you, Ivette, Eric, you guys.

    Ivette: Did James tell you that he knew you were together.

    M: He figured out we were together, but he was wrong about the way he figured it out.

    I; How did Kaysar find out?

    M: James. Kay didn't know until 4 days ago, James told him.,

    April: I am so discombobulated right now. I wanted some drugs.

    M: Did you ask them for sleeping pills?

    A: Yeah, they said "We are not a pharmacy", (all laugh)

    Now Maggie is telling everyone about talking to Kaysar and telling the "wiping the slate clean story" for the 1000ndth time.

    A: They won't believe us that we aren't together.

    M: Well, it's like I said if you truly don't have each other, then you might as well go in as a foursome.

    I: But we can't, what about who get's HOH.

    Beau and Ivette start making excuses.

    I: Howie's played the best. He's stayed fun with us and played with them.

  6. Maggie Beau Ivette Eric outside at the table. Ivette trying to explain why she talks to James. Her and Eric arguing about James.

    Ivette: I want to backtrack and try to take you back to where we used to be, where there was trust.

    E: There was never trust! He tried to sell you and Beau to me!

    M: He asked me if I would sell out Dave for the money. Dave is worth more than that for me.

    E: Look at Jan, she broke up with her boyfriend on national television?

    E: You are trying to act rational about someone who is willing to do anything.

    B: He doesn't even have a job.

    I: Sarah came into the gym today and said Just trust me. I thought whoa! He said, look at Sarah she's a fucking mess, and she was.

    E: When you said you didn't know how you felt about Maggie, it was awful funny that you should say that when who should come walking in the door not two seconds later.

    M: Neither of us was willing to play dirty.

    B: Look at Rachel and Howie.

    M: Exactly I told Rachel thank god you are with someone like Howie who is willing to play dirty.

    E: Rachel is going to vote me out, she won't go against Howie.

    B: Now Jennifer, we don't know how she's going to do. She's hanging out with them now.

    M: Wait, Beau you've been going up there too!

    B: I told you guys I was just going up for information!

    E: Ivette stop worrying about me. You need to play the game, you have a game to play.

    M: Cappy and I have got each other.

    E: Right, inside or outside this house. And I'm telling you they can't get rid of both of us at once and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She's a better player than me.

    M: No, we are not going to do that!

    E: I'm not saying this for votes, but...

    M: You have people fighting for you, I don't.

    E: She's the better player.

    I: I know how you want them to take your hat off and let him stay. I know how you feel.

    E: Let the people decide.

    M: You let the people decide!

    E: I'm going too.

    I: I was so worried, and I've put everything out there and been totally honest. And I told you Maggie, I'm going to be your partner, Beau, I'm going to be your partner. I told James he got dirty. I could be in there right now, I'm not.

    E: But you don't know what they are going to cut and edit. You don't know how it's going to look. You don't know how it's going to look. (Eric seems a bit worried about how he's going to look on tape.)

    I: Hopefully they will edit it correctly.

    E: I'm done with Kaysar. He said when he swore on his life he meant it at that time. I guess there's a time limit.

    All laugh and say "Are you kidding me?"

    E: If I swore to anyone it was the truth I was not misleading anyone. I was always honest with everyone. Like I said it's not for the money, I have a great life.

    M: I think we should stop saying that because maybe people who don't have great lives are going to hold it against us.

    Eric leaves to get PBJ sandwich.

  7. April's turn. April denying everything. Ivette and Beau denying completely. Joking that Beau is straight and trying to change subject. Sarah wants them to reveal SOMETHING so that they are all on even ground.

    April and Ivette saying they DEFINITELY don't know anyone! Beau telling that he works for the company Ivette used to work for. Them saying they never knew this and don't know each other.

  8. Dave, Maggie's boyfriend, is a firefighter too! Knows Eric. Maggie not married, but been with Dave for a long time. Eric says Maggie is like an aunt to his kids.

    Ivette: Let's all target Ivette.

    They all say, we spilled our beans! Wait though, Janelle is next. Janelle tells about her and Ashlea.

    Kaysar next. Tells that he and Mike are neighbors. They've known each other 5 or 6 years and met in a coffee shop. Tells all about Mike talking to him in Arabic. Eric agreeing Mike is a good guy.

    Ok, Rachel next. Howie says he's never seen her before. Howie tells it now. About 10 years ago. Everyone interrupts, Howie starts again. 10 years ago in a town near Chicago. Howie goes in with his friend to Rachel's job, Howie get's her phone number for his friend. His friend and Rachel dated. Rachel says they came into the night club she worked at all the time. Rachel telling they introduced each other's friends to each other.

    The HG's want to know how old Howie really is. He won't tell until wrap party. Howie says he's younger than cappy.

    (still waiting for Ivette/Beau/Jenn/April's turn! They keep trying to change the subject)

  9. (Hope someone is getting this on Video)

    All HG's minus James talking and laughing and telling secrets. All seem to be more relaxed than ever before. Maggie telling all about her life and everything. Tells about her boyfriend and that she lives in Las Vegas now, just like Eric. All yelling about Maggie's life! Maggie wants to know if her and Eric spill all the beans will everyone else spill all too? All agree yes. (April, Beau, Ivette, Jennifer quiet at this point)

  10. They are all in the LR now except James who is in DR. They are all telling secrets except for Ivette/Beau, and April/Jenn still swearing they don't have partners. This is the most the whole house has ever talked and all together.

    Ivette and Janelle talking! Ivette tells why she didn't like Janelle, cause Janelle wanted to put her up to keep Ashlea. Ivette yelling that she couldn't see Janelle and Ashlea together. Everyone all talking at once.

  11. The dethroned Cappy and the Cultists in the LR. Cappy in the nom chair. Surrounded by Beau, Maggie, Jennifer, and Rachel. Audio is bad, can't hear what they are saying. Someone says, "You are a little stuck up rich bitch!" All laughing. Ivette joins them and starts going off. Still too quiet to hear. Only snippets of conversation. BB has their mic's turned way down.

  12. Back inside everyone laughing and talking about everyone and talking about Ivette and April still lying! They all know they are still lying. James wants Ivette out as soon as possible. Sarah, Howie, James, Janelle all having a good old time out in the open talking. They are in HOH, but being loud and open.

  13. April and IVette in the back yard.

    April: Let me tell you something, no one else but me knows about you being you know what? You should go in there and tell them about you.

    Ivette: NO NO NO! AND DON"T YOU DO THAT APRIL! So they can target poor Beau?

    April: I won't, that's fine. They can think what they want about you and Beau knowing each other and now thinking Jennifer and I know each other? I want to walk out of this game. I do not know Jennifer! They won't let me walk out. I want to walk out at this point. They won't let me. There is no need for me to be here. No need.

    Ivette leaves to go pee.

  14. Eric now in Kitchen telling Ivette he was always with her. Giving her the PLAY speech.

    E: Focus! Just play! Don't give up! Don't let me leave here thinking you are just going to give up. Frankie wouldn't want that, Stevie wouldn't want that just play! Your time will come mine has passed, just play! Figure it out! Play!

  15. Eric comes in and tells Jennifer and April to get over it and play. It's a game. He says the game is on now, and this is the game so PLAY it!

    Eric: Do you want to survive in this game? Then do what it takes!

    Rachel: It's out in the open, do it!

    Eric: Now the playing field is truly level! It's all out in the open, it's all been exposed.

    Beau comes in and starts whining about partners joining partners.

    Eric and Rachel saying that's the game! Telling Beau it's the game and he needs to just play.



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