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Posts posted by Catwishes

  1. Exactly. Why should they change the whole voting system just to cater to Dan's fanbase?

    Let's make this perfectly clear. Dan is not the only BB player to have backstabbed people in the house. Dan didn't win - let it go and move on.

    On subject, I don't think it should be changed. HGs that aren't sequestered are able to see and watch the whole game plus tune in to the live feeds. Good or bad it messes with the players in the house who are scheming.

  2. Nope, I dislike her for following Dan so blindly throughout the whole game... My post was mainly focused on how judgmental people are on this forums... Yes, I am guilty of that too lol... but some people are just way too cruel when they make comments.

    Her attitude could use a fixing, but calling her fat/ugly, etc... is just cruel... People always make cruel jokes against Ashley as well, but I think she has a great personality (maybe a bit too happy at times lol). No need to be so personal to calling people fat, etc... People are way too idle in the house so gaining an extra pound or two should be forgivable.

    I try to never attack the HGs for the way they look. My criticisms are of their personalities. Danielle exhibited too many insecure tendencies and probably why she followed Dan so blindly instead of thinking for herself. Her insecurities always needed constant reassurance from the other HGs as to how she looked compared to some of the other girls. Conversations were always turned to be about her. The duck faces, smiling in the mirror are just not normal to me, especially when you know the cameras are on and all of America is watching.

    Along with these insecurities, she seemed to be a habitual liar. I mean really . . . you break your back and you dad has to carry you out of a swamp? Does she think people believe all the crap she spouts? So no I don't feel sorry for her in the least.

    Ashley seems like a sweet person but I don't have much respect for anyone who can't form a complete sentence when asked a question. She really lives in her own world.

  3. Dan is embarrassing to a religion, because he's hypocritcal. Using the Bible to manipulate Frank into believing his lies is worse than insulting a race.

    Frank would like to be a Christian, but Christians don't go into the BB house.

    Why in the world do you watch BB? It's filled with sinners, heathens and atheists, according to you. Or is it just because you need a forum to preach to the posters? Give it a rest and go back to watching the 700 club if you want salvation.

  4. As far as we can see, Jenn was person who voted for Ian b/c Dan was a 2nd time winner. Stop using that as an excuse for Dan. I think Dan knows better that wasn't the main reason why he lost. He lost the social aspect of the game and failed to realize that there is a jury deciding the winner at the end.

    If he knew he couldn't win, why not bring Boogie so the house will have to pick between to past winners. Saying Ian won b/c Dan was a past winner is BS...

    I don't think Boogie was an option - he was chillin' in his crib with his baby.

    Bitter jury mostly and offering a chance for a young man to get a head start in life. I have no problem with Ian winning. I knew it would be a toss-up. What I can't understand is why you disregard the conversations of the jury members when they said they weren't giving the money to a past winner.

    And yes even though Dan lost the big prize, we are still fans and can't wait to see him again on BB All Stars. :pixiedust:

  5. Looks like it wasn't just jury members who were bitter. I didn't agree with Janelle calling out Dani on TV about her lies. Janelle of all people knows what it's like to be in that house. She knows what Dani has waiting for her on the outside. To ambush her on TV when she hasn't even had a chance to decompress yet is totally uncalled for. As a Janelle fan since season 6 and 3 time player, I expect more from her. If you want to call her out, fine, but do it in private.

    Janelle watched the show . . . remember? She knows what Danielle did. And if Danielle didn't want repercussions from her blatant lies that she fed to all the HGs and America, then she shouldn't have lied or better than that - not gone on the show in the first place. Janelle just called her on it.

  6. I didn't have the live feeds but I did read the updates. Frank's demise for me was when he and Boogie had their Bromance. They were tactless bullies and I was glad to see both of them go. Frank's problem was that he found himself alone in the house and tried to repair fences but it was too late. Granted, he fought hard to stay in the house but eventually someone figured out the only way to get him out was to backdoor him. Better players than him have been backdoored so why is he so bitter?

  7. Dan did the best masterminding, but Ian masterminded and managed to keep from alienating. Now if someone only hips him to the mist of this society so he can escape the misery and pitfalls of dealing with people who have no soul and no interest in anything but fame and money, I would hope Ian could find a woman who will love him for himself and whom he can love also.

    I think Ian just went up a few rungs on Ashley's ladder :P

  8. http://www.cbs.com/s...le-jury-preview

    Based on that preview:

    Britney- most likely Dan

    Jenn- most likely Dan

    Frank- Ian/Danielle

    Joe- Ian/Danielle

    Shane- O_o...? I hope he doesn't vote the way Danielle wants him to vote...

    Ashley- nowhere to be seen on the preview... (I think she'll vote for Ian mainly. She likes the kid and she was happy when he won HoH). <-- nvm she was sitting next to Frank!

    If it goes down to Dan v Ian... I think it'll be a 4-3 vote... Shane will be the deciding vote imo.

    Edit: ... I was just counting the votes and realize I was missing someone... Where was Ashley in that discussion LOL!

    Spaced out :wacko:

    Neither she nor Shane said anything. Shane looked really confused - like he was having trouble taking it all in.



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