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Posts posted by Monadyan

  1. 1:30 BBT     Cody and Jessica are sitting in the Have-Not room on their lily pad discussing past showmances. He doesn't know much about them, but Jessica seems to be an expert. Saying she is similar to Rachel, because they both have strong personalities. 

    She asked Cody if he was really 32. He says yes and she says that she was like... "Wow, he's only one year older than me, but now that you're really 32, you're  too old for me."  

  2. 1:15 BBT      Dom, Matt, Raven, Mark, Jason and Josh in the kitchen. Josh is STILL doing dishes. Jason is eating raw slop mixed with chocolate milk. They keep telling him that he is going to get sick. He disagrees. "It's just oats and protein powder, it can't hurt me," Jason says.

    Matt is teaching Slop 101 to Jason. Water up to here, 4 half cups of oats for 4 servings. Add the oats when it boils, watch for the yellow foam to come, strain it, put it in a tupperware and you're good to go. That's it. 

    Laundry can be seen piled up by the sliding glass door awaiting the open back yard and access to the washing machine. Matt gathered up the towels this morning and now there are no clean towels in the house. Josh needs a towel to dry the dishes as they are piling up. He has seriously been doing dishes for hours. 

    Mark says they will be doing a lot of GTL (Gym, Tan, Laundry) the next few days. That's all he going to do. They have been locked in the house since Thursday so no GTL. 



  3. 1:00 BBT The house is in a holding pattern waiting for the VETO comp. The bedrooms are filled with assorted nappers. Alex is napping, Christmas is laying down with Elena laying on one breast as Christmas strokes her back and shoulders with one arm while she strokes Ramses with the other. She says her ex said she had death grips and Elena agrees that her hands are strong, but that she feels love from every squeeze. 


    Christmas says she thought being in the house and the house being all messy would make her blow her top. But she says its not too bad. She says her house is super clean and super decorated. She worked hard for what she has and she likes it to be neat and nice. 

    She says it is like a college dorm room. She went to VCU, and Kevin knows what it is and that they are having a good football year. (Kevin knows a little about most everything but Big Brother) He always asks about comps and if the house is usually messy, etc. Clearly he has never watched. 

  4. 9:15 BBT Paul and Raven are making French toast for everyone. Kevin comes by and they tell him to get two. make a sandwich out of them. Raven tells him his pants are falling off, he needs to eat more.

    Raven tells a story about cutting her leg on a rusty pair of scissors in a trash bag once. She took a photo and sent it to her mom and asked if she needed stitches. Her mom responded. "Raven Hamilton! I can see the bone, Yes,, you need stitches!" 


  5. 9:00 BBT The HG are milling about, cooking breakfast. Josh is doing dishes. The Have-nots have moved to the spike room. Jason sees Cody and Jessica inone bed and asks if he can have the covers from the other bed, They tell him to go for it and mark can fend for himself. He begins to pile up pillows from other rooms atop the spikes and they tell him to go get more. He heads out, returns with pillows and assembles his bed for the week. Then he crawls onto it and gives it a try. (It might be softer than the lily pad) He is staring at the ceiling, as is Cody, while Jessica is under the covers trying to sleep. 

    Cody and Jason are speculating who will be the replacement nominee. Cody says he has a great opportunity to play since someones chip was removed from the bag. Cody says they need to realize the mistake they made. They weren't thinking about that were they?

    Cody says poor Alex.

    Jason says nobody can beat her!

    Cody says ... not if I play.

    Jason says Alex says she can't spell. They laugh.(They are still thinking it is the spelling comp) Cody says maybe it won't be because we are wearing these suits and we cant crawl through honey and come back in the house. 

    Cody says, " well, they won't be picking me as the HG choice, that's for sure."  



  6. 8:30 BBT Paul starts banging pans... hurry up, get in here so we can pick some have-nots. HURRY UP. TIME TO PICK US SOME HAVE-NOTS. 

    The assembly of the HG takes forever. Cody and Jessica are skipping, not hopping. The HG finally assemble around the dining room table and we get FOTH.

    While holding a wooden spoon, Paul begins to read... As HOH I must choose 4 have-nots for the week. FOUR! Volunteers? Cody and Jess are already acclimated to the room, so they are have-nots. Lets make the whole frog family have-nots and I need another volunteer.... pause... pause... Finally Mark raises his hand and volunteers! Meeting over. Time in the BB house is not 8:41, Paul says. I'm sure we will be picking players for the VETO comp soon, so I wouldn't go back to bed if I were you. 

    Paul wants frog legs as a treat for the have-nots. 

  7. 8:10 BBT Christmas telling Josh she likes Dom, Josh can't be understood because hes rubbing his mic. JOSH STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR MICROPHONE!

    Christmas says she doesn't trust peoples backgrounds. She thinks people are not being honest about who they are. She says they need to get out the toxic ones. 


    Josh begins to justify his taking of the gold apple in the HOH which ensured his safety. He knew he was going home, so he had to take it. Paul told him to just calm down that it was going to be OK. 

    Christmas is coaching him on the spelling VETO comp. Paul mentioned last night that he thought it would be the spelling one. Christmas says got for big words. M-I-S-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G. If you can't get it all you can get misunderstand, understand, etc. 

    She reminds him to watch what he says to who and that the HOH can see it all and if someone is up there they will see you and realize that you are talking. The they watch to see who you talk to next. He walks away and she says... Ride or Die. 

    Elena comes in the kitchen and hugs Christmas. 

    Last tip, Christmas says to Jason... "When you get information, you don't have to tell it all. Just part of it. Gauge their reaction and see if any of it comes back to you. That way you can see who is talking to who."


  8. 7:45 AM BBT

    Conversation between Jason and Christmas about the season. They wonder if it is popular. Christmas says this is a good season. It took them 19 birthdays to get it right (BB19?)

    Jason mention hearing the MC say something about the "hottest show of the season" and we get brief FOTH while he is admonished for talking about production. 

    Christmas says she needs to finish her coffee and hop upstairs and get cleaned up for the day. Says she needs to wash her hair. 

    They begin to discuss how folks are working less around the house now. They used to pitch in more the first two weeks. Christmas says she has been beat up worse in the house than shes ever been before. "And they say crossfit is tough! They ought to come into the BB house."

    The sleeping HG are yelled at again to change their batteries. 

    Paul walks by after his DR session and says, "Get the F up you newbs and change your batteries!" He asks if Dominique ate all the granola and then discovers she did. Christmas asks how that is possible since they just got groceries yesterday. 

    They are discussing the VETO time frame. Paul says before 12 since they got them up this early. They aren't finished building it out there yet. 

    Kevin, Cody and Jason changing batteries.

    Kevin says they are all getting used to the LA lifestyle. They are staying up too late. Jason has removed his frog suit and crawled back in the bed. Cody is also crawling back in the bed of spikes with still sleeping Jessica. Josh walks in the kitchen.

    Christmas is telling Josh it is going to be wild today. Cody is going to be pissed when he can't compete for the VETO. 


  9. 7:15 BBT   Jason in his frog suit is up staring at the coffee maker awaiting the production of the much needed brew. He hops back and forth to the lily pad. Christmas emerges from the bedroom area on her crutches carrying her black toiletry bag and a pair of cut-off shorts. She sits down at the counter. Christmas asks Jason how he is doing and he says his lower back is killing him from all the hopping. They discuss how hot it is in the house and Christmas says that she complained about it in the DR. HOUSEGUESTS... YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DIARY ROOM SESSIONS WITH OTHER HOUSEGUESTS. Christmas apologizes profusely for her indiscretion. She begins to talk about wishing she had one of the warning speakers at home. Christmas, you are not allowed to do that! Christmas, don't eat that! Christmas, you are not allowed to touch yourself there! They are both laughing making up warnings for each other. Jason, your wife is disappointed in you. 

    Jason asks her if she wants a cup of coffee and she says sure... can you hop it on over here for me? Don't spill it though. 

    It is wake up time in the house. All the sleeping HG have been called out by name and informed that there are fresh batteries in the storage room. 

    Finally Maven emerges and pauses on the way to get batteries to give Christmas a hug. She apologizes for being a bear yesterday about her foot. She says she was upset about it yesterday but promises today will be a better day.

    Maven performing ADLs, Matt replacing paper towel rolls. 

    They are preparing for the VETO comp. Jason, says, what if my name gets pulled out of the hat? Christmas says you fight like hell, that's what you do. 

    He's sitting on his pad in the kitchen saying he's really not allowed to sit in chairs. 

    Ramses in the SR getting fresh batteries. 

    Two feeds show slumbering HGs. 

    Christmas talking about watching the live feeds watching us make voodoo dolls. 



  10. 12:15 BBT Jillian, Alex, Jason, Kevin on the patio. Alex says Cody is worried Ramses will not vote for you. Not to worry, we are all saying thing we aren't going to do. Jillian is stirring Kool aid in her plastic water mug and it sounds like stirring gravel. She has it pressed right on her mic. Jillian says she thinks they need to take the lead and stop letting people lead us around. Jason says, "Lets pump the f'ing brakes till we find out whats up with Christmas, cause Jess is staring over here like a mother f'er."  I'm going walking he says. He takes off his hat and shirt, then puts his hat back on and walks out in the sun and sits down with Kevin and says he's just going to do sit-ups and not walk. Jason says both sides want to take Kevin to jury so they are trying to split us all up. 



  11. 12:00 BBT Jess is mad about what Cody did and assures Matt that they still have a plan and they are still on the same page. Jess wants Christmas gone. She has to go. Matt says he told Cody that this morning. Matt notices there is no milk. WTF Happened???? Jess starts again. No Milk? No almond milk! WTF she keeps screaming. Production, we need milk. whole milk! they exit to the kitchen with jess still screaming WTF happened???


    Ramses in the kitchen making breakfast and says he was a fat kid with high cholesterol. 


    Cody and Jess outside in the hammock eating the loudest grapes. They both sound like they are chewing on gravel. Matt joins them. Raven walks over. Matt says, Hollllla! raven says he is super sweet letting her sleep while he made coffee. Raven says Cowboy and (?Ramses?) are deep in a conversation over there. Jess says, yes I know. They stopped talking when I walked out. They are talking about who would you put up against Ramses? Josh, says Matt. No, says Jess, too many people would want Josh out and it wouldn't work. They mention Cowboy and Ramses. Ramses would go home then. 

  12. 11:41 BBT Mark and Elena in the storage room having a discussion. He says he's a bit mad at her because he just came in and caught her talking to Jess and hearing them say they are on the same page. She says she and Jess are on the same page as far as how they feel about "it", but not really on the same page about "it". No mention of what "it" is. 

    She is still wearing the orange hoodie that someone cut the bottom off of that she was wearing last night. 

    Mark is really upset and shaking his head at everything Elena says. He is telling her that they are not working (with them)  towards getting to jury. They will fight us all the way to jury. He says there is nothing they can do until Thursday and that's all up in the air because of Christmas. They don't know of shes coming back or not and he says they can't vote her out if she's broken.

    Matt walks in looking for protein powder. He stays there listening and asks if he can stay. Elena tells him she in voting for Christmas to say no matter what anyone else says. Matt says the only thing that has really changed is Christmas will stay. Elena says if they don't show an allegiance to the other side they will be viewed as floaters. Or... should we stay viewed as floaters for another week? Matt tells her to go ask Cody what the original agreement was because she doesn't believe Mark. Matt walks out and Elena says, I love you as he leaves. She keeps looking in the mirror and putting her arms over her head so the bottom of her breasts show. Now she wants to know why they (BB) shop at Ralph's AND Kroger? Do they have to shop in two different stores? Smooching ensues. 

    Jess walks back in and the smooching stops. She is looking for bananas. WTF happened? No yogurt, no nannas, no protein powder!



  13. 7:15am BBT They are all exhausted, looking at each other claiming to be tired. Paul says he will be a mess the next day because his schedule is off. Frank says they will be waking him up in an hour to take his meds so he might as well stay up. 

    Bridgette asks if they are still up at wake up, can they request music? Frank says no, 75% of the house is up, we don't need music. 

    Frank says, "Am I the only one who wants to just burn through the whole day?" 

    Paul is talking about liars and we get FOTH. 

  14. 7:00am BBT Why are they all still up?

    The HOH features natalie sprawled out on the bed, fully clothed, with James, also fully clothed (shorts and a button down oxford type shirt with uprolled sleeves) on his knees next to her massaging her shoulders and back. Cute innocent conversation with Natalie telling him he is the greatest masseuse she's ever felt. He's maybe even better than her sister. He says usually people complain that it hurts. Especially with no lotion, She says, I like it dry, I like the friction. 

    Meanwhile in the tribal room we have Paul, Paulie, Frank, Bridgette, Z, Victor all discussing O J Simpson (FOTH) Michael Jackson (FOTH) telling stories that get FOTH every minute so no point trying to post it.

    Michelle is in some sort of pain seeking sympathy from everyone and medical advice from Bridgette. It seems as if she has injured her bottom and was trying to get Victor to apply some sort of pain cream on her butt, but he looked less than interested. 

  15. 5:00am BBT Paul is at the kitchen table applying sea salt to his nose piercing with a cottonball. Corey sits nearby eating something that he is scraping along the plate. Paul is now dunking his nose on the bowl of sea salt water and complaining that it hurts. He says the toe jam comp ruined his nose. All the nasty comps they have had this season. All the cow cow shit laying around, it got in the water. Fucking cow shit, man. (Does he think it was real cow shit?) 

    Paulie has retired to the pull out type bed with Zakiyah. They are snuggled up real close. 2 cameras are devoted to this arrangement, but after 10 minutes of silent snuggle there is no movement. 

    Corey gives a shout out to Mom. Says she sees that he cant sleep in the have-not room because he won't fit in the bumper bed. The boys have now gone out to the pool table to play a game and talk shit, says Paul. They are talking about how pissed they both are. Corey breaks, Paul shoots, Corey shoots, Paul shoots, Corey shoots, no balls have fallen. COREY, PLEASE STOP WHISPERING, resounds through the house as Corey is admonished by the voices for whispering. (He wasn't whispering)

    Shit is the word of the night. This game is horse shit. I'm pissed as shit This is a shit shot. I didn't get shit. You didn't leave me shit. Shit guys. That shit don't count. Corey thinks the balls have magnets in them because they are sticking together. They have begun to say pissed. I'm pissed. We are pissed. 

    Corey has a dog at home, a lab shepard. 

  16. (I just realized no one was posting this so I will give a synopsis)

    3:30am - 4:30am BBT On the patio are Paul, Paulie and Zakiyah. The spent 30 minutes trash talking Frank and how he has to go because he has a final 2 with everyone in the house, he slaps DaVonne and Zakiyah on the butt. He is controlling the girls, and wants to go to the final 5 with the Power Puff Girls. Michelle, Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette. They can't wait to send him out and are plotting to throw the HOH this week as soon as Frank is out, they will drop. (they think it will be wall hanging of some type) Discussion turns to how the girls all must go and how the person that goes will have no clue. They talk about how all the evictees were clueless when Julie called their name. They are majorly gloating and proud of themselves. They mention that this has been the best season, they have done the best things, late night strip shows, etc. Corey joins them because he cannot sleep in the have not room in the tiny bumper cars. They welcome him into the conversation, and for the time being, he is one of them. They all agree must split up James and Natalie. Paulie is clearly in charge and portraying himself as the ultimate BB expert. Conversations briefly about DR sessions and the shrink playing devils advocate and how they things he says making them think and how some people might interpret his questions as hints, but really they are just feeling them out. FOTH 

    Meanwhile in the HOH, Michelle and Bronte and Bridgette are watching the fish and talking about how they are unstoppable. With Frank with them they will get to the end. They are sitting in the bed facing the fish watching them eat. Concerns arise about one of the fish that seems to be staying at the top. 

    A bowl of peanuts have come onto the patio and the fellas are eating them with great enthusiasm. And noise. 

  17. 12:00 NOON BBT Bridgette returns from the diary room with a pencil sharpener and all the excitement that goes with it. Natalie was even more excited to hear the news of the pencil sharpener. The both squealed and giggled and ran inside (to sharpen pencils I suppose).

    Paul is going to the DR and Tiffany asks him to ask them for cuticle scissors while he's in there.  

  18. 11:45AM BBT Feeds are back. Corey and Vic changing in the Tokyo room. Corey is folding a stack of underwear into a neat little pile. Sensible underwear I might add. Vic has donned a patriotic tank top and applied spray deodorant. Vic is wearing patriotic socks too! 

    Vic joins Nicole on the patio with Bridgette and Paul and Tiffany and Natalie. Clothing conversation ensues, some remembered the 4th would be while they were there, some didn't. Ironically Vic says he didn't think about it, even though he is decked out in red, white, and blue stars and stripes.

    Most of the HG are drinking coffee but Tiffany is drinking a Miller Lite. 


    No sign of Frank, Paulie, Michelle, Bronte or James. 

    Nicole is in the bathroom area now, talking to Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne tells her that Michelle says she can't send Frank home before Jury. (Is Frank on the block)

    Bridgette to the DR 


  19. 7:45AM BBT After some discussion about making it big after BB, Frank and Paulie have settled down under the covers for a good nights sleep in anticipation of tomorrows festivities. Paulie says you just never know who will do well from this. Frank says he had to quit his job to come on the show and then his boss had the audacity to ask him to wear a company tshirt to advertise for them. Paulie says that Cody quit his job before coming on and even though he was told he was welcome back, Cody declined the suit wearing, behind the desk job, for the possibility of better things. Paulie says people rally around ideas and the people that have the big ideas make it big without even knowing it. Tom's Shoes and Save the Melon caps are mentioned by Paulie as ideas the folks rallied around. 

    Paul and Bridgette are still up in the hallway looking at the mirrors. Paul is mashing pimples, Bridgette is explaining the anatomy of a pimple as well as the pore it sits in when they see someone walking behind the mirror and begin to talk to them jokingly. STOP THAT, booms the voice of the BB gods. Bridgette says OK, I'm going to bed and Paul says he is going to wash his stank feet off in the shower, which he does. Then Bridgette says she wants to get in the water for a minute. She enters for a minute, comes out and heads off the bed, seeming to wait for Paul who asks what time it is. Bridgette says its way early and Paul thinks she says its 2:30, and he corrects her and says it's 5:00. The two of them run into Da'Vonne in the kitchen who says that she cannot sleep. Da'vonne continues on and nestles into her bumper car, wrestles with the sheet, moving and tucking it around her fetally drawn up legs and curled up body. Paul enters, pulls his shorts up around his waist and begins making his bumper car nest. Blankets on the bottom spread out? Check. Kerchief on? Check. Kerchief back off? Check. He curls up awkwardly and begins pulling and flipping the covers all around. Finally the movement stops and the room becomes silent save for the low sounds of oncoming slumber. 

    Another check on the quad feed shows all rooms dark and quiet. 

    Happy 4th of July houseguests!

  20. 4:20AM BBT  The houseguests are awaiting the 4th. Paulie and Frank are stretched out atop the pristinely made HOH bed (kudos to Paulie for not allowing fills to pile up in it all day) discussing what they hope will happen later in the day. Frank says he's ready for some outside food. Paulie asks him to define outside food. He says last year James said they got BBQ and pizza. What kind of BBQ, asks Paulie. Platters I guess. Frank says. Paulie is hoping for chicken wings and they both agree that chicken wings would be good.

    Meanwhile Paul is getting his eyebrows shaped by Bridgette. Casual talk there, mostly about pre emergent hairs on Paul's eyebrows. 

    Tiffany passed by and says good night, and they echo the same. 

  21. 10:10AM BBT

    The feeds begin and we see Victor stirring eggs in a small bowl with a fork. Minutes later, he is still stirring them. Frank and Paul up (vertical)

     in the Tokyo room. Corey watching Vic stirring the eggs.

    10:15AM BBT Brief FOTH 

    Corey and Vic at the stove cooking well stirred eggs. Corey has pulled up a bar stool and is intently watching Vic cooking at the stove. 

    Michelle and DaVonne performing ADLs in the bathroom area. FOTH

    Paul has entered the kitchen. Vic is stirring more eggs. 

    Michelle asks if the BY is open, a chorus of NOOOOOOOO's come from the kitchen. 

    Brief shout-outs from the fellas. Corey-hi mom and dad. Sorry I haven't shaved yet. 

    Vic reports that hes working on his beard. 

    They have a cucumber or a zucchini that they are using like a microphone. 

    Frank in the kitchen pacing with a coffee cup waiting for the pot to finish. 

    Paul is holding a cookie (or something) that looks like a turd. He's not eating it, just holding it. 

    James entering the HOH shower. Paulie doing one armed push-ups on the carpet in the HOH. The bed is made and the room looks straight. 

    Paul still holding the turd, gets the milk out of the frig and pours a cup full, then returns the container to the frig. (I must say, this group seems to be more aware of food preservation than HG's of the past)






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