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Posts posted by rawlikesushi

  1. I'm with you on that because after Jessie gone, I didn't like anybody else in the house. I was with Helen until she help evict Howard. That was the beginning of the end for her. If she would kept him for a little bit more she probably would made to the end. I can rank how think the top 5 will be. But who I like, it will be none. It's like a lose, lose, lose, lose, lose situation. I really hope they pick better hg next season. If it's almost the same, I'm not watching it. This is the most pitiful hg in history of Big Brother.

  2. I agree with you 100%. I've seen that from almost the beginning. He fooled the whole hg. While the women going against each other, he's laughing at them making fool of themselves. The guys couldn't see either. Everybody went to him to make major moves but he flip it on all of them starting with Nick. GM was calling somebody else a rat in house. Andy is the biggest rat in the house. Nobody see how there information got Amanda and Helen. And he even turn on them too. As much as I don't like Andy, on one of my post, I did said this is the best he can make a major move. Why should he want to go to the final 3 with McManda when he still have other people who would take him to the final 2. I was thinking he be a fool to stick with them. But

    if I was everybody else I wouldn't take Andy or Judd to the the final 2. No way.

  3. Andy need to stop bashing people. If the table turn on him about gay. He'll call it homophobic. As for Spencer, he probably don't get a hard on with Elissa because she's older than 9 years old.

    I don't know why but for some reason, these people don't see Andy as a threat. Not one of them has said, why not put Andy up. He talks to them about not doing things that might hurt his game and they just agree that its OK and never question it. They know that most of the people in the jury like him. They have the opportunity to get him out right now but the dummies don't see it. I don't think any of them will win sitting next to him.

  4. It is official. Big Brother is dead:

    7:12PM BBT: McCrae just sniffed the dog bones. Judd and Andy have made their way through the house to gloat about their victory. McCrae is not saying much. GinaMarie was just called to DR. She was doing dishes. McCrae just whispered to GinaMarie, "Let's just bury the hatchet." She replies "Nothing against you. Now everyone is playing for themselves." Andy wants to play cards. Judd and McCrae say they can't sit down. Spencer yells "Everyone know what time it is?" They all say "What?" Spencer says "Time to pack that bitch's shit up!" They found pills in Elissa's bag. Spencer says, "They are 'Bitch Pills, she wasn't taking 'em."

    7:29PM BBT: GinaMarie is still in the DR. The boys are going on about Elissa again. Spencer has called her a bitch a few dozen times. He keeps yelling "F-you B! F-you!" Andy yells she is an idiot. Now they are imitating her. Once again the Big Brother house is full of hostile winners, viciously spewing vulgarities about Elissa, and say how right now all of "sane America" is thanking them for getting an insane bitch out of the house.

    7:32PM BBT: The Elissa bashing continues. [it is becoming nauseating.] They speculate what they would have done if Elissa had a special power. Andy said he would have punched her in the throat. Spencer says he was not sexually attracted to Elissa what so ever and mentions how she never got him hard. They all agree. They are now on to Helen and wonder how Helen could have a conversation with Elissa.

  5. Anybody notice on all my comments I never said Aaryn is racist. Racist is hate. I don't see that. But see do have some prejudice in her. Few were maybe jokes but certain comments crossing the line. Also the problem is females do the most damage to each other in the house while the stand on side laughing at them making a** out of themselves. I would for once like to see the women get along. Of course, arguments may occur. Remember I'm not saying it's all women. And I'm not saying that guys don't do it either. But a lot of shows make appears that way. One season of Survivor I was proud of the come together and got rid of all the guys. None of them got mad when they vote them out. I hope to see that on at least one Big Brother.

  6. They are the ones who started it. Look who she was up against. She have the right to defend herself. They have been nasty to Candice and Jessie. At the beginning, those girls didn't like Candice. She was loud to them because they were loud to her. I'm not into loud people either but that's how some people in this world are. Amanda is the worst of all of them. Aaryn never take responsibities for her own action. Candice and Jessie handle themselves very well with most of these hg against. I think they handle it better. They did alright. Aaryn have a lot of growing up to do.

  7. Candice for what? What comment she made? Almost everybody against her except Howard, Jessie and Elissa. Those comments is horrible. Aaryn got what she deserves. It's her fault she put herself out like that. I hope the same for Amanda, GM, Andy and Spencer(more disturbing). They really verbally bash Candice in the house. Candice did nothing to deserve this abuse. Since Candice put up with them in the house, when others get evicted, they should Julie and the audience should harsh on them. It will serve them right. Those hg should be ashame of themselves. Oh, Amanda shouldn't call anybody fat. We've seen her fat stomach. And Candice not even fat. I'm sick of Amanda the most. I know a strait- jacket will be ready for after she step outside the BB house.

  8. Amanda is psycho. Something is really wrong with her. Is she off her meds? Do McCrae really think he could deal with her outside the BB house? Amanda is the type of person who want guys she can manipulate. As far as game, she want whoever she can't manipulate out the house. Earlier in the game she said she want Howard out the house because she can't manipulate him. Outside the BB house, I think she's the same way with men. If she don't have her own way, she will kick them out after she go psycho on them. Or maybe she will go psycho and someone will file a restraining order on her.

  9. Honestly - I really don't care who wins. Nobody I could cheer for this season.

    The favorite to win via the Internet fans is Judd. Now I think he is OK but of the people left he probably played the messiest game and just got lucky he is still there.

    but... ya I don't care who wins. d378d423.gif

    Honestly - I really don't care who wins. Nobody I could cheer for this season.

    The favorite to win via the Internet fans is Judd. Now I think he is OK but of the people left he probably played the messiest game and just got lucky he is still there.

    but... ya I don't care who wins. d378d423.gif

  10. I think Aaryn was totally unprepared for the tepid reaction she received when she left. Julie was tough but Aaryn did say those things. When she is out of the jury house it is going to be worse. Fortunately for her Big Brother fame is fleeting. I have a feeling she did the most damage to herself tonight when she kept saying that's just what we say in Texas!! Uh no it is not.

    She is young and beautiful. This will be a learning lesson for her. Nobody said life is easy and now she will get experience and get to move on

    I agree with you. She did made it worst on herself by put the blame on Texas. Right now, I think she's naive and ignorant. She have a lot to learn about life, people and more importantly herself. She learn that somebody else(definitely not herself). But hopefully she will learn her lesson and move on. However almost all the hg that's left, should get the same treatment. The comments that Spencer made is more disturbing than others. I wouldn't trust him alone with any kids.

  11. For real I don't like any parents should there kids alone with any strangers. I don't care they are celebrities. We don't really know them behind close doors. As for MJ, we still don't know the truth about him. I think he's guilty on some of the charges(not all). If he is guilty, that secret is with him to the grave.

  12. That's true. Maybe either way she's screwed. To guarantee her safety next week, she definitely have to win POV because no one in the house can be trusted(including Judd). Who knows Judd probably will try to prove his loyalty to his old alliance again.

  13. She had a choice of two good moves(McManda / GM & Aaryn) and some nonsensical moves(Spencer, GM, Judd) and one so-so move(Andy)...

    Both duos have to be broken up... IMHO, the more dangerous duo is McManda and therefore the better choice to pair up on the block... BUT, Aaryn & GM are also a voting block that needed dismantling... the argument in favor of putting Aaryn up is that she has proven to be a beast in comps and she has proven she will set her sights on Elissa...

    So, two good choices but one is a better choice than the other in my opinion... She should have put McManda up... Neither choice was 'incredibly stupid.' Incredibly stupid would have to been to put up Judd & Spencer....


  14. If Andy not evicted and win HOH, this would be the best time he make a move on McCranda. He don't need to go to final 3 with them. Just think about it. If one of them get cut off, other hg sure will consider taking him to the final 3 or even better final 2. Also who will Amanda or McCrae will turn to. I think he's too coward to do that. At this point, he sticking with McCranda is too risky unless one of them win HOH themselves instead of him. For his game, he need to get rid of them before the final 4.



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