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Posts posted by morty

  1. People are forgetting to post:

    4:00PM BBT: Kaitlin, Aaryn and David are in the bathroom area chatting. Andy, Amanda, Judd, Jeremy and Nick are in the backyard. Jeremy says he's going to be in so much trouble when he gets out because of things said in DR

    4:03PM BBT: Aaryn asking David when he showered last. He said "a few days ago". He is wondering why he needs to shower every day if he goes in the pool. Aaryn telling him to shower every day and complaining about how he never cooks/cleans

    4:05PM BBT: David says sheets aren't all dirty because of him says "Candice was in there", then says it was racist (didn't catch the whole sentence). Aaryn says "well it wasn't as bad as saying 'Asian eyes'"

    4:10PM BBT: Helen leading a workout in the backyard with GinaMarie and Spencer.

    4:17PM BBT: David/Jeremy lining up things to jump over (trash cans and lawn chairs). Aaryn is NOT happy.

    4:21PM BBT: Kaitlin and Aaryn are in the the HoH room. Kaitlin is saying Amanda that is getting overprotective of McCrae.

    Kaitlin and Aaryn are wondering why Elissa isn't crying. Saying they're getting a weird vibe from DR. They say she doesn't want to play, just wants TV and image

    Kaitlin and Aaryn are sure that Elissa will come back after being evicted. Pretty sure she's going to come back via Pandora's Box.

    Aaryn is worried that Jeremy will sway Kaitlin against her. Kaitlin says she's not easily manipulated,

    4:35PM BBT: Jessie and Spencer are in the hammock talking about their favorite part of BB. Kaitlin and Aary are still in the the HoH room, talking about Elissa Aaryn: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, you're going home"

    4:37PM BBT: McCrae and Howard are in the backyard. Howard wants to play up the girls not trusting each other. Wants the alliance to make to the final five to make BB history. And on BB20 bring them back with the brigade and Will/Boogie

    4:39PM BBT: Aaryn: "I know how to manipulate Judd." Kaitlin: "Me too, it'll only take one 'flash'." Aaryn: "We just need to keep giving him attention and he'll vote how we want."

    4:43PM BBT: Aaryn wants to target Candice. Kaitlin wants to target Helen because "Reptar" (Andy) will go where the numbers are with Helen gone. Aaryn thinks they're overlooking Amanda and McCrae. They decide to keep McCrae because he's loyal to Jeremy and keep Amanda and McCrae until final six. They also mention keeping Spencer because they can give him attention like Judd.

    Aaryn and Kaitlin decide to leave the the HoH room. They think showmances are a good idea because the guys will there to protect them. They think they are sitting amazingly.

    4:53PM BBT: Most of the HGs are in the backyard. Amanda is in the DR, Elissa is in the kitchen.

    Howard, Andy and Spencer talk about how awesome it is that he girls are fighting already. It's perfect for them. They discuss MVP and think Elissa or another girl will keep winning for at least two weeks. They all like David, but want him to go. Andy asks them if they can get a read on Nick. They say no and Andy think that's a great game move on Nick's part. They talk about worst case scenarios with two members of the moving crew being nominated. Spencer thinks that Candice is a sinking ship and that Judd will try to talk to her too early about her vote because he has a huge mouth. Howard says he'll talk to Judd about keeping his mouth shut, because they need to blame Candice on the vote so the girls will target her.

    Not else much going on feeds right now. Jeremy and Aaryn talk about being awake during surgery, which happened to Aaryn. She never went to sleep with the anesthesia. BB tells them to put their mics on. Amanda/Nick joke about how hungry Amanda is and that maybe she's pregnant by immaculate conception. Jeremy wants to wear Judd's bear shirt, but Judd think it will be too small for Jeremy. Jeremy says it's the dopest shirt he's ever seen.

  2. This update was written by our twitter/facebook update team:

    7:30PM BBT: GinaMarie and Elissa practice their gymnastic moves in the backyard, while Spencer and McCrae have a riveting talk about how McCrae hates Gatorade, but Spencer loves it.

    7:55PM BBT: Amanda tells McCrae she's never read the Bible before. She looks through it. She says she's in a bad mood and sad and doesn't want to go downstairs. She starts crying to Elissa about how Kaitlin told McCrae she wanted Amanda gone and that the whole house wants it too.

    Aaryn does her impersonation of going to a nail salon and uses a staged Asian accent, Elissa is there and wasn't amused.

    8:14PM BBT: Amanda and Elissa are in the in HoH room. Amanda's upset because Kaitlin told McCrae the whole house wants her gone.

    Elissa asks if eviction is tomorrow and Amanda tells her eviction's on Wednesday, just a regular on Sunday, so they have a while.

    Elisa is telling Amada that she just wants this week over. She wasn't prepared for all the bullying, she said she feels like she's back in Middle school.

    Elissa: "When I was in casting, they said don't put on a show, this is reality, don't act like anything that you aren't. This is just crazy. I can't believe I got myself into this."

    Elissa then proceeds to tell Amanda about Aaryn's racist impersonation of Asians. Amanda: "I can't wait for Aaryn, Jeremy and Kaitlin to go. They're nasty."

    Amanda asks if Rachel warned her about this and Elissa says, "She encouraged me, she said, 'It'll be a good experience for you. Just don't get into the drama.' I can't believe Rachel could deal with this. This game is..." FotH.

    Meanwhile... Kaitlin is saying that GinaMarie has Nick in her back pocket. Aaryn disagrees and says she thinks he does but he doesn't. "He has a bromance with David. He loves David." Kaitlin implies rather crudely that he is gay and that is the reason. David and Jeremy gasp out loud and Kaitlin insists she is only joking. Talk turns to them winning HoH every other week so that they can share the HoH room with their "boyfriends."

    Elissa and Helen are hanging out in the backyard and talk about different stuff. Helen tells Howard she's going to do some slop stir fry with soy sauce. Elissa thinks that will be awesome.

    Up in the HoH room, Amanda is discreetly blaming McCrae for the kiss. She thinks he's making her look like an idiot. She needs to distance herself and do her. She thinks she shouldn't sleep in the HoH room anymore, but she likes hanging out with him. McCrae says she can stay as long as she wants when he's HoH. Amanda is still sketchy on Elissa. She's mad that she confided in McCrae and not her. (Why would she confide in her? McCrae was the HoH!) Judd joins the couples alliance and they quickly stop talking game.

    Judd brings Kaitlin and Aaryn coffee. Jeremy asks if he goes to Tennessee if Jeremy can hang out. Judd says sure and he'll introduce them to his boys. They discuss hanging out in Vegas for the reunion. They talk about the wrap party in L.A. Jeremy offers to take Judd sailing.

    Aaryn keeps talking about the wrap party. Kaitlin says she loves Whiskey and she gets really happy when she drinks. Aaryn and Kaitlin says that Jeremy will rip all his clothes off. Jeremy says he hopes their party is at Caesar's palace. "Did Caesar really live here?" They quote Hangover, the movie. Judd says he thought Dolly Parton lived in Dollywood, an amusement park in Tennessee.

    Kaitlin and Aaryn can't believe Jessie, because she and Nick are having a romantic pow-wow in the hot-tub. GinaMarie is pissed. Kaitlin says she's over Jessie being so pathetic and desperate. Aaryn agrees. Andy agrees and they hang out.

    8:55PM BBT: Jessie and Nick talk about the worst thing that could happen to him. He doesn't seem that interested in the conversation and shoots down all her ideas.

    Kaitlin and Aaryn talking about how they dressed to go to the club. Aaryn says that she used to wear booty shorts to the club. Now she thinks it was dumb. Aaryn says she went on a year long weirdness streak.

    9:05PM BBT: In the HoH room - Amanda is expressing her dislike of Jeremy. She would like to step on his face in soccer cleats. She and Andy discuss if CBS was upset when they figured out that Elissa was Rachel's sister. They feel she is a benefit to them for the moment.

    9:10PM BBT: GinaMarie complaining that the house curling irons don't curl her hair enough. There is discussion that they are not allowed to do anything drastic to their looks.

    9:17PM BBT: Howard, Elissa and Helen are enjoying some slop in the kitchen. Howard is confirming he can have salsa. Helen has made some fried slop as in fried rice.

    9:19PM BBT: Candice and Helen are discussing if Helen's kids are allowed to watch the live feeds. Helen says she doesn't think her husband would allow that but isn't sure. Helen is now hoping that tomorrow is the last day for them to have to eat slop.

    9:25PM BBT: In the HoH room McCrae, Amanda and Judd are discussing past seasons of BB, trying to figure out what seasons were doubled up. Judd is pacing the room. Judd leaves the HoH so he can go mingle. He asks a question and Amanda tells him she can't understand him. Says she wants to shank him.

    9:30PM BBT: David changing into his bathing suit - not being shy around the cameras. Aaryn and Kaitlin whispering in the bathroom area. they decide to go up and change. Sounds like the group is heading towards the hot-tub.

    The alcohol has arrived. The HG erupt in screams and cheers. Kaitlin grabs a Coors and says that McCrae likes the brand. Aaryn thanks BB for the alcohol.

    Aaryn getting ready to go in the hot-tub. Says she just put on self tanner so this will defeat the purpose. In the backyard the HG are collecting around the hot-tub for some general chit chat.

    9:50PM BBT: Aaryn and Kaitlin are in the bathroom area putting on make up to join in the hot-tub. Aaryn tells Kaitlin that her bathing suit is the same suit that David bought his Ex.

    Helen and Elissa are cleaning up the kitchen. The rest of the HGs are relaxing and chatting around the hot-tub. Discussing how hot it is and enjoying their alcohol.

    Judd and Elissa are in the kitchen. Briefly talking about the game. Judd invites her outside to chew. The hot-tub crew just general chatting.

    The hot-tub discussion about Taylor Swift and John Meyer. If they had sex or not. Discussion now moves on to Britney Spears. General talk about songs and artists.

    10:12PM BBT: The HGs around the hot-tub are talking about weird places they and urinated, then the talk turn to meat clubs and coffee clubs.

    Inside the house Elissa and Andy are talking about Elissa coming into the house and having a target on her back and about Rachel. She says Rachel told her to just have fun with it in the house and play the game.

    Elissa says she told people before she came in the house that she wasn't going to come in saying, "Hi I am Elissa, I am Rachel's sister I just wasn't coming in like that."

    Andy gets up to go out of the bathroom area and Elissa says, "Thank you so much for talking to me, I just have no one to talk to."

    10:25PM BBT: around the hot-tub they are talking about having a buzz and that there is one more beer left in the kitchen but they don't know that Spencer hit it in a bowl covered with foil in the fridge for Judd after he gets off slop.

    McCrae and Nick are in the kitchen BB tells McCrae to put his mic on Nick goes to the bedroom to get a shirt and swim trunks.

    10:30PM BBT: Spencer and Howard are playing a game of pool and McCrae and Nick are in the HoH talking McCrae says now all we have to do is get the numbers so everything will go smooth. Nick says yeah and goes in the shower as Andy comes upstairs.

    Andy and McCrae go to the lounge room and Andy says they was talking about Vegas out at the hot-tub and McCrae says, "Dude what is with that everyone seems to know famous people but I don't, what's with that?"

    10:38PM BBT: Elissa tells everyone goodnight she says she feels like she didn't get any sleep last night and she heads to bed.

    10:40PM BBT: Nick and GinaMarie have both gone to the bedroom. GinaMarie asked him to help make the bed he says alright then GinaMarie lays on the floor listening under the door. Now they are both on the bed whispering low.

    [i think GwenyLou wrote most of this. If I stepped on some toes by posting something some was working on, sorry, it just looked as naked in today's thread, as naked as David at 2:21PM today.]

  3. 1:27PM BBT: The feeds are back. The PoV was used to remove Candice from the block and put up Elissa.

    1:40PM BBT: Jeremy goes to the HoH room and talks to Amanda, McCrae is there, but quiet. Jeremy it's obvious that he's been kept in the dark about EVERYTHING. Jeremy thinks that Elissa is definitely the target, and he's stoked that they're booting her out. Jeremy's future targets are mostly people that McCrae has on his side. Jeremy wants out "the floaters" like Judd, "and I think I'd put up Candice again, Helen and Nick... and maybe Howard, but I think him and Spence may be together..' McCrae: "You think so?" Amanda tells Jeremy that some people wanted Jeremy to be the replacement nominee, but that her and McCrae wouldn't do that to him because she knows he wants to compete and they want to give him a chance to do that. [i can't believe Amanda would be so pretentious as to tell him that. Many in this cast are arrogant and crass, I have never heard so many "F" bombs dropped in 14 years of covering BB. -Morty]

    1:55PM BBT: Spencer and Howard are playing chess again outside the the HoH room and Judd stops by to talk some game. Spencer tells Judd there are no outside deals and Nick is outside their "circle of trust." Judd agrees but says, "You have to make a fake deal here and there," and he tells them about the alliance that was made last night. Spencer tells Judd that Candice is not part of the alliance, and not to give her any information, they're just going to use her for a vote and then deny everything.

    2:15PM BBT: Jeremy leaves the HoH room, and Amanda and McCrae start trashing him and joking about how many people Jeremy threw under the bus. McCrae cautions her about what she said about considering putting Jeremy on the block. Amanda tells McCrae she made the remark so that Jeremy would be thankful that after considering him, they decided not to put him, up.

  4. So we managed to squeak through another day.

    During Big Brother Canada, we had a shortage of updaters, and I would close each day's threads with a plea for people to help by posting live feed updates. I thought the problem was that there are fewer people in Canada, but it just seems there are fewer people willing to help. Those that are helping are putting in so many hours it's ridiculous, they need some sleep.

    There are even fewer updaters available until after July 5th. Don't let this be the season that ends the Morty's TV Updates.

    :help: Regards,


    Oh yeah, today's thread is closed, please continue posting here:

    Saturday, June 29 Live Feed Updates
  5. This viewer should solve your problems:


    I tried it. I installed it in the /Program Files/ directory as is the default, popped the log-in window up to full screen, opened the "log In" box in the upper right corner of the CBS site, signed in, and all was cool.

    The program uses Adobe Air, if you don't have it install (works on Mac & Windows) get it here:


  6. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).


    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572
  7. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).

    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572

  8. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).

    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572

  9. :help:Call for help!

    I don't know of anyone covering the feeds tonight. Big Brother After Dark airs on The TV Guide Network, it's free on most basic cable line-ups. So there's no excuse for not helping out and posting tonight, and every night. Remember, you will not be judged, so give it a try!


  10. We had coverage on Twitter, they just failed to post it here, this is what you missed:

    McCrae won the PoV! The competition involved some messy goop on the contestants and spelling. You can have a competition that involves spelling without remembering Jeff's disastrous showing in his season when he spelled "technotronic," a long word, that would have won the prize, if only it had been in the dictionary. McCrae references Jeff's game several times as the gooey HGs get cleaned up in the bathroom area, that has been covered in plastic to prevent the HGs from messing up the new decor.

    Here's some irony, McCrae the pizza delivery guy won by spelling the "DELIVERY" with letters hidden in balloons filled with goopy blue dye.

    9:40PM BBT: Nick tries to convince McCrae to keep Elissa and to ignore the wishes of the house. Nick tells McCrae to offer Elissa a deal and to not put her up. McCrae wants David gone and will only put up Elissa to make the house happy but get his alliance to vote David out anyway.

    McCrae says if he doesn't put Elissa up this week as a replacement nom, the house will not trust him and he'll be targeted next week. Nick says, "So we put her up but get our alliance to vote David out." Amanda comes up with McCrae's cleaned PoV medal and says she made spaghetti and meatballs. She leaves and Nick says we have to get rid of her next week. She's so annoying and smart. I hate that.

    9:45PM BBT: Jeremy says he can't wait to compete against McCrae so he can whip his butt on national television. He said, "My boy coming through again in the clutch." They talk about fast food restaurants with spaghetti. Jessie said she wanted to win, but was glad she lost to McCrae.

    9:50PM BBT: Helen is trying to cheer Elissa up in the have not room. Elissa is upset that the house is so aggressively against her in the first week. Helen tells her to lay low and wants to trust her. Helen advises Elissa to not talk this week because everyone will misconstrue it and make her look worse.

    Andy joins the crew in the HoH room eating spaghetti. They make fun of Candice's 90 pound hair loaded down with honey.

    9:55PM BBT: Nick does his best impression of Kathy in Season 12, laying in the honey, and how she got comfortable. He was so hoping for another Kathy type houseguest solely to make fun of her competitions in DR sessions.

    10:10PM BBT: Amanda, Judd, Andy, and McCrae talk about the spelling competition and how he decided to spell the word "delivery."

    Amanda talks about how last night she fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't figure out where she was and then one of the songs came on and thought it was a demon speaking.

    10:20PM BBT: Jeremy mocks Kaitlin's obsession with Gerard Butler and her Minnesotan accent. Judd looks at them with a judging look.

    GinaMarie pretends to beat up Nick and then turns around and gives Judd a slight tap for saying something smart. He tells her she is going to sleep in the Have not room with him tonight and they'll break the airplane seats in. Kaitlin says, "turbulence in the forecast huh?" Jeremy thinks that's the funniest thing he's heard all day.

    GinaMarie asks Judd if that's his full name. Kaitlin says, "You're name's not Judas?" Jeremy laughs at that. GinaMarie tells Judd he can touch her if he wants. Feeds switch to Howard and Spencer playing chess. Spencer says that Elissa is the enemy of the house and would be every week and it's smart to keep her.

    10:30PM BBT: Howard is making a case for keeping Candice, because she will blow up at Amanda because she hates her. He thinks Elissa needs to go so that they can alienate Helen and bring into their alliance for the numbers.

    Jessie and Aaryn are taking a bubble bath in the HoH room and talking about Season 10 and Keesha and Jerry.

    McCrae talks about how brilliant DR. Will was and was able to manipulate anyone in Season 2.

    10:35PM BBT: Nick and David talk about pro surfing and how the industry has a lot of competition. Nick said he likes watching competitive skiing and snowboarding.

    While playing chess, Spencer and Howard talk about paying off debt and building credit. Spencer shares with Howard about how his dad is a great man and deacon in his church. They both admire their fathers.

    10:48PM BBT: Andy says he hates driving. One time a semi hit his SUV and ripped the door off and he totaled another car when he hit a telephone pole. Nick said he's been in an accident that wasn't his fault.

    10:55PM BBT: Jeremy tells Helen that she can be friends with Elissa, but be careful because they all like her, but can't stand Elissa. Helen says she doesn't trust Elissa anymore and that she was playing her. Helen is worried about being so nice and feeling bad for her. Jeremy says, "Hey I said good job to her, I'm not a complete a-hole." Helen said if I couldn't read being played by Elissa, maybe I'm not cut out for this game. Jeremy said she's related to Rachel, a master manipulator.

    Jessie and Aaryn continue to bathe in the HoH tub. The conversation is difficult to follow with giggling, splashing of water and background conversations from the HoH. Amanda walks in and begins to rehash how she woke up last night startled and scared.

    11:11PM BBT: The feeds switch to Howard speaking in very hushed tones to Spencer over the chest board. Thee's lots of background noise from a group in the kitchen. Spencer asks who's move it is and their chess game resumes.

    Jeremy, is rubbing Kaitlin's back as she lies across his lap. Candice, and Helen are chatting in the lounge about being a have-not and the PoV competition today.

    Amanda, Aaryn, and Jessie and are in the HoH bathroom with the latter two still in the tub in their bathing suits. General chit chat. Aaryn says they are refilling the tub because the water was "sick". GinaMarie walks in and bursts into a stanza of "The Love Boat" and we get a brief FotH.

    11:20PM BBT: Andy is hanging out with Candice and Helen in the lounge. Andy and Candice admit to paying for 1 admission to a movie theater and then sneaking in and seeing a second one when the first is over.

    The lounge room breaks up and moves upstairs joining Howard, Spencer and David at the chess board. Andy walks up and Kaitlin asks if he's giving her the stank eye because she's sitting in his man's lap (Spencer). Andy says "Yeah I am!" with an additional colorful word thrown in.

    11:25PM BBT: Switched feeds and in the HoH bathroom McCrae, and Amanda are sitting in chairs outside the tub with Jessie, Jeremy and Aaryn sitting in the tub with their legs hanging out. Amanda is asking "What sound does a <subject> make" with the group in the tub trying to do their best impressions.

    Spencer, Howard, Candice, David and Helen are still sitting at the chess board with the latter two actively playing. Candice asks what Jessie (BB10) has been doing. Spencer thinks something wrestling related (He was on Impact Wrestling on May 2).

    11:45PM BBT: There's just idle chit chat in the HoH bathroom between Aaryn, Jeremy, Amanda, McCrae and Jessie still. Down in the lounge Andy and Kaitlin are chatting. Andy is missing friends and family. Kaitlin asks if he needs time alone. Andy says no and would love her company. Talk turns to missing people and Kaitlin. Kaitlin says she had a friend pass away from Lupus about 5 months ago and she misses her dearly. Brief FotH. Feeds return and Andy says he can't wait for his have-not week to be over.

    Kaitlin and Andy still chatting in the lounge. They're glad they figured out Elissa was now and not four weeks down the road. Andy says the MVP twist stacks the deck against the rest of the house with her in it. Kaitlin wishes Elissa would act like she's having more fun, she doesn't laugh nearly as much as the rest of the house does.

    That's all for Thursday, hopefully we'll have more complete posting here:


    in the Friday thread. Goodnight!

  11. Here's what I did to get it to work...I'm using Firefox as my browser.

    1. Under Firefox Add-Ons get the "Cookies Manager+" add-on (just search for Cookie Manager), install that and restart Firefox.

    2. Under Firefox Options, go to Prviacy and Under History choose: Use Custom Settings for History

    3. Select "Show Cookies" ....

    Moses, Thank You So Much! You're bloody brilliant. I hope your free, VPNless solution works for everyone.

    If you are over 40 and don't understand the instructions, fine the nearest teenager and they should be able to hook you up.

    Thanks again Moses.


    The feeds aren't even on yet and I'm in trouble. Because of some technical issues too boring to detail, I won't have the feeds tonight. So not only do I need to ask that everyone pitch in and see that everything is covered until about 2PM BBT tomorrow, but I could use some screen caps too. You'll note that there is a thread in this forum for posting pictures, please post them there. Thanks!

    -Morty :help:

    PS: Wish me luck, bad storm here, lights flickering, hoping to keep power through the night.


    We have updated info! You can ignore all this crap and skip down to here:


    During Big Brother Canada, the Yanks learned a lot about Geo-Blocking and how to get around it. Here's some info I hope will help those of you with problems.

    List of the top five free VPN services around for circumventing censorship at home and at the workplace, and for protecting your identity and data from prying eyes; especially useful when for public Wi-Fi connections.

    So what is a VPN? A VPN is a private network with “virtual” encrypted connections routed through the Internet to remote servers. The data traveling between you and those servers is encrypted, and the IP address that will appear will surfing or downloading content from the Internet will be that of the server and not your own.

    Thus, a VPN provides a level of anonymity on the Internet that helps protect your data and identity from theieves, criminals, and the prying eyes of govt.

    VPNs willl become a vital tool, in conjunction with proxies and other methods, to avoid DNS filtering and other Internet censorship plans being formulated by US authorities under the PROTECT IP Act.

    I’ve taken the time to compile a list of the 5 of the best free VPN services around. All offer upgrade packages for a nominal monthly fee ($6 and up) if you find the bandwitdh data and speed caps too restraining, and each are fairly easy to set up and install.


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    Available on Mac, PC, and Linux, you’ll also need to download the open-source OpenVPN Client along with the configuration and certificate file.


    2. SecurityKiss

    SecurityKiss is a popular free VPN service available for use on PCs only. The paid version available for use on Mac, Linux, and smartphones.

    The free package includes a 300MB daily limit, and an unspecified bandwidth speed cap of less than 12.5 Mbps, and basic packages start at about $6 per month.

    Software installation is required.


    3. CyberGhost

    Cyber Ghost’s free free VPN service includes a generous 1GB daily data limit, and a modest bandwidth speed cap of 2 Mbps.

    The free VPN service has “limited availability with possible waiitng times” so don’t expect quality round-the-clock access. Also, Cyber Ghost advertises forced disconnection after 6 hours with a redial possible to make room for other free users and prevent server hogging.

    Cyber Ghost is limited to PCs only, and software installation is required.

    Paid packages start at $6 per month.


    4. Hotspot Shield

    Anchor Free’s free Hotspot Shield VPN service is one of the more popular free VPN services around because of its generous data allowance and ease of installation and use.

    Anchor Free’s Hotspot Shield service includes a rather generous 10GB monthly limit with no mention of bandwidth speed caps.

    It works on Mac and PCs along with Android and iOS devices.


    5. Steganos’ Online Shield 365

    Steganos rounds out the list of the “Top 5 Free VPN Services.” Steganos offers users a FREE version Online Shield 365 with protection for a decent 500 MB/month.

    You can remove the data cap with for $69.95.

    The nice thing about Online Shield 365 is that it runs quietly in your system tray; turn it off and quietly and effortlessly.

    Steganos’ Online Shield 365 works on Windows XP, Vista, and Win 7.


    Stay tuned.

  14. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).

    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572

  15. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).


    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572
  16. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).


    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572
  17. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).


    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572
  18. This thread is for posting screen captures with SHORT captions of explanation.

    Watching the feeds and see something interesting?

    Grab a screen capture and post it here. You might end up seeing it posted on Morty's daily coverage page!

    Thank You!

    I regret to announce that we have new rules regarding nudity. We are no longer allowed to post full frontal nudity, even if their goodies are covered with a black bar or blurred out. Because these screen caps are the most popular, I have found that they can be posted on my update page using a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) button and hosting off site. So if you're lucky enough to catch a HG naked, attach the picture to a personal message to me. B)

    To make a good screen cap you can use irfanview, it's free, you get it here http://www.irfanview.com/ It includes a capture tool and you can crop and correct the lighting, real good software. Of course if you already have any kind of graphics program on your computer, you can just press the "PrtSc" button, with whatever key combination your keyboard requires, then paste it (Crtl + V) into your graphics program. Save your work as a .jpg, and upload to an image hosting place like PhotoBucket or ImageShack. The image hosting place have instructions for posting your captures in a forum. I also allow you to upload them here as attachments.

    You can make your posts look prettier by adding some codes. There are instructions here: http://www.bbcode.org/examples/?id=10

    There's a live feed viewer you can D/L, BBViewer-3.1.exe you can take screen caps and you can focus on left or right channel audio - helpful when watching quad view and you can adjust the size. Much more flexible than the CBS viewer. You can also control the bit rate.

    Visit my gallery at http://gallery.tvfanforums.net I've added a BB16 section and it has some pictures already. Also look for links at the top of the update page at: http://mortystv.com/bb

  19. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

    If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

    Remember your time zones. Big Brother 15 is in the Pacific Daylight Saving Time Zone (See Map Here).

    Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A" and "J."

    It takes me a while to get used to everyone's name, so I post this chart near my computer. http://m1h.us/11j

    Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

    Wash Area (WA)
    Water Closet (WC)
    Kitchen (KT)
    Dining Table (DT)
    Living Room (LR)
    Back Yard (BY)
    The screen when the feeds are off should still be called (FOTH)
    Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
    Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
    Head of House Room (HOHR)

    If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.

    Please post pictures in the following thread: BB15 Live Feed Screen Captures
    We really need your help by posting in this forum. You don't need any special permission, just watch and report. Afraid someone will get all critical, don't worry, it's against the rules. Just do your best and stick to the facts.

    If you can't help, tell your FaceBook friends about our site, or Tweet out an S.O.S..

    Everyone (especially me) will appreciate it.

    PS: When you register to post in our forums you'll need an invitation code number. Use: 8298572



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