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Posts posted by Mausie

  1. 11:07 Tim asks if Nikki is awake and says why don't someone wake her up

    Cass says "idiot fucking idiot"

    In the KT talk turns to how to deep fry the onion rings

    Joel apologizes to Cass for making her mad

    Joel, Maddie, Brothers, Jared Cass are in the KT

    Maddie hopes they are putting alcohol in there, or batteries

    Tim is sitting on the blue chair

    Joel is trying to talk in a Scottish accent



  2. 10:56

    Kels & Jared still sitting on couch, and he's telling a story.

    Pink room  ( Maddie Joe, and Nick).. still chat about school



    It shows Tim in the washroom but feeds are blacked out

    Nick, Maddie and Joel are chatting about Universities etc.

    Feed are back in on the washroom Cass still in the shower, appears Tim has left, and Cass is getting dressed

    Phil joins Phil, Jared and Kels on the green couch

    Maddie walks by Tim who's sitting on the White chair outside of the HOH

    Maddie says she's going to sleep.

    Kels says okay Tim wake me up if I'm not have not anymore.

    Jared talked about going to the washroom (going for a poo -- were his words) and BB came over telling Joel to make a battery change

    Kels is going to bed and says Good night to the boys

    Joel Phil and Nick run down stairs chasing Kels they say something about slop

    Camera pans back into the washroom with Cass & Tim

    Tim thinks that Joel may vote to evict Tim

    Cass says lets go to the high roller room and he wants to go to their room Cass goes no because Kels and Jared are there he says NO the are running around screaming

    Sounds like the Have are making onion rings

    and Tim says you're actually making onion rings now

    They joke that the Havenot are Have's now



  3. 10:49

    Kels says I hope everything goes well tomorrow

    Jared: oh it's the eviction tomorrow , something about things being hectic tomorrow

    Kels says that it's weird how empty the house is

    Jared ssays I wish u were a have right now

    Kels goes why..

    Jared says I want u to come cuddle in bed

    Kels goes i wants a snack

    Kels says you go crawl into bed and Kels is gonna crawl on the floor

    Jared what an experience is this is

    Kels starts singing and Jared says can't sing but wow does that song hit home for us

    BB - Please stop singing

    Kels says okay let's go to bed .. Bye

    Kels asks if she should finish the story tomorrow

    Jared says could she start now.. says she's so infatuated when she tells the story

    Back in the pink room

    Maddie is laughing,

    sounds like general chit chat about school and what Maddie took.

    and Joels talks about his school

    and they mention how being on the honor role does nothing





  4. 10:39

    in the Pink room again

    Maddie says I wish I could say whole good bye speech in French

    Joel tells her she's learned a lot already

    She wants to know what House guests is in French

    Maddie continues asking Phil & Joel how to say things in French

    She says Too fast, slow down because Phil talks too fast

    She wants to know how to say this is been the worst week of my life

    (I'm sorry I can't listen to her stupid talk --- I really do hope she leaves to Jury tomorrow.)



    Back int he washroom

    Jared, Kels doing ADLS

    Jared says he looks like a caveman

    Kels says she looks and Jared says pretty

    Jared starts talking like a caveman


  5. 10:35 Feeds come back Cass Jared and Kels are in the washroom chatting,

    in the Pink room Nick, Maddie and Joel are chatting about maybe since Canada voted the brothers in that Canada will vote to evict.

     in the washroom, Cass, Jared and Kels are general chatting

    Kels : I am so tired Cas

    Cass: Me too

    Kels I am so ready for bed

    Jared giggles

    Cass is changing in the shower  and having a shower

    Cass says  tomorrow's gonna be double eviction

    Kels sort of laughs 

    Kels I wish I could

    Jared asks how how many meters in dental floss cass guesses 30 and the answer is 40

    Cass asks if Tim is in the DR and Jared says I think so



  6. ( Sorry im coming in so late I've had a busy day off)

    10:26 Nikki is in the blue room reading a First Aid Pocket Guide

    Maddie, Cass  Joel, and Phil? are in the Pink room chatting,

    I heard "that was so funny" from Maddie

    Then they continue chatting about certain comps, and Joel thinking it may be a double tomorrow

    There was some singing going on (Maddie) and the feeds go black

  7. 10PM: Phil says it was hardest being alone for a while and said week 1 he and Jared was cooking a lot week 1

    Nikki said it was mentally draining having 15 people

    Phil says he feels in the first month is was bad living wise, but fun because there was always something to do

    Phil says he doesn't think no one in the outside world realizes how hard it is in the house

    Nikki says now 7 people would come into the house, and it was like a new start of them, and people in the house was like WTF is going on.

    Nikki said at the point was like enough is enough and left at week 8,

    she spent the week laying in the garden and bed, because she was out of it, she begged to be  able to leave.

    and she got voted back in


  8. 9:57 Phil says winning HOH in the first week is probably not the best because you can make enemy
    Asks Nikki about there was cards, to vote who they think, would win, and brothers if you don't win HOH .. that's why he got locked in Solitary  and he was second off and got safety for the week

    Niki says she hats the first night

    Phil says he didn't know what it would be like but no one slept,



  9. 9:53 Nikki and Nick are still in bathroom she is quoting movies

    TIm went back down stairs

    Jared and Kels were doing "Acrobatics" he was sitting on his feet, and spinning, at one point he had her up on his shoulders from the ground and back up

    Nikki asks Nick if he thinks there is an eviction tonight

    Nick says it could be something that is going to take a long time to set up

    Nick says there are some pretty intense HOH comps near the end, and talks about the US had a Pirate ship and standing on Panks and it would rock and forth

    Nick and Nikki talk about the First POV the Merman POV

    He asks nikki if she saw it and she said she did see it

    Back in the round ciricle in front of the TV

    Jared " hear that Cass .'

    talking about Tim is the Appetizer

    Kels says shes scared because she's so hungry


    Back in the Bathroom

    Nikki & Nick talking about the Comp

    Nikki asks who got off first, Cass .. he said he thinks hewas 6 or 7th Levita won 

    the Dryer beeps

    Phil says Joel could have gone forever



  10. 9:35 Nick and Tim are in the Bathroom alone just grooming

    Jared Kels, Joel and Jared are chatting and Kels is laying down looking like he's doing an activity and Jared is sitting on the ball

    Kels is excited because she's going to see Joel's wiener

    Jared throws the ball to Kels hits it with her foot

    He made her say Down word dog because it's a Yoga pose and they could relate

    Joel gives a pose for Joga history


    Back in the bathroom

    Phil is talking about something that helps the nose



  11. 9:17 in the HighRoller they hear Nikki and get really quiet they are whispering and calling for Tim

    Cass moves a little to try and hide, in case they check the High rolller

    Cass is trying really hard not to laugh

    Phil finds them and they start laughin

    Tim says it's a good part of the house because people walk in and see no one is in here

    Joel and nikki walk into the high roller room too


  12. 9:08 -- Joel walks into the blue room

    Joels says can i do something
    Kels says Squeeze my boob

    Joel says No

    Jared asks what day is it today, Joel says Jared is pissing him off.

    They think today is the 22nd

    Joel asks maybe the HOH has something to do with the UFC fight

    Joel suggests maybe something will happen, that whoever wins the HOH can go watch the fight and take someone

    Kels - I would just kill to see something

    Nikki asks where Tim

    Kels thinks he's trying to sleep

    They comment on a shirt that Nikki made

    Joel tells Jared about the hidden cookies

    Jared found it earlier, and was sad that someone ate it he wanted milk and cookies

    Joel asks Nick if hes' settled on into the wild

    phil says blue room sucks ass and wants to go to Pink room

    Jared and Joel find Cass and Tim in the High roller

    Kels and Jared sit on the couches near the high roller

    Tim wishes they could go outside

    Tim and Cass start chatting about movies

  13. 9:04 Cass & Tim walk into the high roller room and sit on the floor

    BB tells Cass to put on her Microphone

    Tim is trying to figure out where everyone int he house is

    he starts to crawl towards the door to see if he can see anything

    **It would appear they are trying to hide from everyone else in the house***

    Cass crawls to where Tim is..

    Tim is whispering (there's someone above us" They stand up and go back to their seat where they were

    Tim offers Cass some coffee and says it's really good

    Cass and Tim just general chit chat.

  14. 8:55 Maddie walks into the bathroom sand says "Not in here"

    Phil asks Maddie in the Pink room  if she's got socks he is looking for socks because he's going for a look a style

    He wants to keep himself busy and do stuff

    He finds a pair of Joel's socks and says Joel probably has the longest socks in the House

    Maddie wonders if she should go to bed she went to bed at 10 and woke up at 3, wondering what day is it


    8:57  back in the Blue room Jared and Kels are talking about a day, they think tomorrow is the 23rd (it's only the 19th)

    Kels does Jared's hair and he says it looks stupid

    Kels says she's really tired, and doesn't think she can stay up much longer, she used too much energy today

    Jared suggests giving Kels a back rub,

    Kels mentions that the green couch was made into a fort, and they can study at the same time or something 


    9:01 in the KT Cass and TIm are being very quiet

    Tim Pours some Coffee

    they hear a nose and duck down

    Tim says to cass that Jared and kels are in the blue room and asks Cass if she wants Coffee



  15. 8:49 Kels & Jared are in the blue room

    Jared getting dressed, Kels laying in the bed

    Kels: " I don't liek this room|

    Jared: Why"  this is private"

    Kels says I just don't like it

    Jared: says why cuz anyone can come in and watch us study

    Kels I'm tired

    Jared we have to study though .. remember the shitty skull you drew okay okay

    Kels is gigglign

    Jared : Are you kidding me

    Kels keeps giggling  .. she says show me the ring show me the ring. she's too hot to be in the onesie and the shower made her hot

    Jared asks her where she wants to go  .. where would be your happiest study place

    Kels says away from here where there's food she can eat and songs she can sing

    Jared well that won't happen



    8:53 Back in the KT Phil and Nikki are chatting

    Nick talks about ipad in the pantry ready to charge

    Joel asks something about war, and Phil says war is bad

    Phil is watching up a Dish

    Nick walks back upstairs "to his other planet" as he called it


    Joel mentions that if he was on Survivor and Raul would have done that people would be so mad, they'd have his heart on a plate




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