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Everything posted by BBvacation

  1. They went to fish because Sarah said, "He didn't lie. I wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to come here with....." And they cut her off!
  2. Now they need to save James to have his vote for their side.
  3. James just admitted to Kaysar that he knows Sarah. He played it off that he needed to keep his "ace in the hole" Interesting.... the plan is changing as the sides change. If they take James off the block, they are going to put Eric up! Kaysar is talking about this final six: Kaysar, Janelle, James, Sarah, Howie, and Rachel
  4. Whoops ... to clarify. She wants them to not use the veto to save either of them. Then they can vote out James
  5. Ivette just went up to Maggie and Beau in the hot tub and told them that she and Beau would play for Maggie and James in the veto competition so that they could NOT use the veto and get rid of James. She repeated herself forcefully several times, not leaving any room for discussion or questions from the two of them.
  6. My feeds are getting stuck constantly. 11:45 BBT Sarah and Kaysar in the HOH room Sarah is explaining how she feels her alliances are crumbling. She keeps repeating that it's "hard" and she feels that she is drowning... Mostly because April specifically told her not to trust her. She appears to be reaching out to Kaysar and trying to reestablish some of the repoire they had at the beginning of the game. Kaysar: What about James? James is smart. S: James is smart. I know he knows what he's doing. K: Do you trust him? S: He was somebody that I... I don't know.. it's teh same thing with Ivette. Ivette didn't do anything to make me not trust her, but after that day now I'm second guessing everybody. I feel like I"m just being one of those watchers... Sarah then changes the direction of the conversation toward Eric and Maggie....and how she gets bad vibes from them and Rachel. Sarah thinks that Rachel is "super fake," and only gives one word answers, and laughs at Howie even when he's not funny. Sarah thinks that Rachel might have a crush on Howie. LOL
  7. Janelle is getting advice from Eric on how do deal with petty, personal issues..... and he brings it back to the fight. "i let conjecture and rumor hurt my game.... and that's why I apologized" Janelle and Maggie then apologize to each other, and Janelle again clarifies that it "isn't her" that she's mad at. (Side note... sorry, i just can't help it.... Is this Janelle's strategy to establish herself as a part of the group?)
  8. Janelle got annoyed with Maggie.... about how she asked Janelle if it hurt when she got her lips done. B/c Janelle didn't get her lips done, she says the comment hurt her feelings. Janelle goes out of her way to say that she's not mad at Maggie, but she wants to know who told Maggie that she got her lips done because it isn't true. Maggie said she wouldn't tell Janelle because she was taking it the wrong way and the person who said it didn't mean it in a mean way. Then Maggie ran to Eric..... Eric is clarifying his deal with Janelle. That Janelle didn't promise that she wouldn't put Eric up. He says that he told Janelle that if he put her up, it didn't mean that he wanted her gone. Eric: As soon as Janelle walks out that door, I'll talk to her about how I saved her this week. Maggie says that James was talking to Janelle..... Jannelle joins them on the couch.... she's been drinking. Janelle (to maggie): You're not mad at me are you? M: No... I jsut wish you had said something to me. (that I'd hurt your feelings) Jannelle is trying to "figure out who said it about her... and therefore... who she is mad at)
  9. James is calling April and Jennifer "soroctitutes".... FUNNY It's coming up again that they were both in the same sorority.
  10. My feeds are being silly... be back later.
  11. April and Beau.... B: remember that night...? There's a certain point when you're trying too hard. A: Honestly, her and I don't really talk about game. But I can definitely say that she has never given me any information. B: She's always trying to find out information which pisses me off. You know, she says if you find out anything let me know and if I find out anything I'll let you know. I mean, if you're (going to do that) bring something to the table. You know? I think they're talking about Maggie, but I'm really NOT sure at all.
  12. Eric and James are plays foosball. (How do you spell foosball?) Pretty boring... they aren't saying much.
  13. Michael tries to distract Howie from asking Janey sex questions... M: I think........therefore I am. Who said that? H: Pinnochio? M: Yes, it was Pinnochio. What was his creator's name? H: Woodstock? M: As a child I saw a movie version of Pinnochio in Italian and it was so sad because it wasn't done like the disney movie. But it doesn't work.......... H: Did you ever see "Porn"nocchio. It's not his nose that grows.
  14. Beau and Janelle are talking in the hammock. April thinks that Michael and Janelle are acting like they like each other for show. Swiches to Janelle, Michael, and Howie Janelle: She said that you (Michael) had too many secrets and that I shouldn't trust you. (April?)
  15. Janelle, Michael, and Howie are in the gold room. Here we go again.... Howie goes into another verbal daydream of what he would do to Janelle if he got the chance.
  16. Janelle, Michael, and Howie are in the gold room. Howie: Wanna play spin or dare or truth or spin?
  17. I: The last few days I've barely been strategizing. I've only been thinking of things back at home. I'm not going to worry about the things that had me worrying. Without those two in here, it's up in the air. You know what you mean? Ivette is worried about Janelle.... James: Eric hasn't done well in any physical competition that he's been in. I guess I'll have a glass of wine.... (leaves) I: Janelle's been coming up in places that I didn't suspect her to come up. Beau: I know I: (lists all the comps J has won/almost won, etc.) I'll kill myself if I go down with her/before her.. (it's hard to hear b/c I is on the treadmill) B: Everything will pan out the way it's supposed to.
  18. James, Beau, and Ivette in workout room J: 'Eric and Rachel made all these deals with people (if you're HOH don't put me up) which is kind of underhanded because we knew who was going to be put up. I/B: You're right/Exactly J; so for people to be that scared, either they're really stupid or...I jsut dont' understand the logic. I: When it starts flaking down numbers, that deal's out the door. They're refering to BB3 and other games and James doesn't know what they are talking about. Beau and Ivette seem to know their past BB games. Very well.
  19. Michael: (to Kaysar) It's a very dirty game. It's almost as if it's not really, really thought out all that well. They just knew it would cause a big f'in issue. Which unfortunately leaves it open to very little strategy. Unless you've had a practice run of some sort. And they haven't- you know what I mean?
  20. Michael: Do you think metaphysics will lead a man to positive thinking or negative thinking? HOwie: The more technology we obtain... the better? or maybe for the worse. Michael: Metaphysics. I said metaphysics.... not physics. You know, philosophy. Howie: Metaphysics has to do with our technology and our knowledge. Michael: No, metaphysics has to do with philosophy. Howie: Okay what was the question? Michael: Do you think philosophy will lead a man to postive thinking or negative thinking. Howie: Both..... it's objective. Michael: It is objective. That's the brightest comment I've heard you make in a long time. Howie: Thank you. Michael: Is it entirely subjective? Howie: Uh.... for the most part. Michael laughs... a lot. They are now congratulating themselves for being sexy.
  21. Michael's mouth is full and he makes Kaysar and Howie hold hands. He then forms a circle and dances around with them. Kaysar breaks the circle and says, "This is retarded. What's wrong with you?" Michael is still prancing sporadically in the yard. He then lays down in the hammock and draws their attention to the full moon. This leads to a fight about the best camera angle to capture the full moon. Kaysar and Howie are rough housing in the full moon light.
  22. Howie (to Micheal): You are a part of the big brother sixhood. And that's forever. Howie paces back in forth in front of Janelle and Michael giving a patriotic speech to the two nominees as he tries to get them to kiss for the posterity of BB6
  23. LOL Micheal(to HOwie) I've got a great job for you! Porn director. Howie proceeds to direct Janelle and Howie in the lounge chairs..... but Michael laughs, calls Howie a pervert and begins to ask him about different cities.
  24. Eric: Most of the people in this house wanted him out. Rachel: I know, I know Eric: and that's the feeling I got from most people. R: believe me, you got it from me, too. E: I don't know if Michael is as bad a person as we think he is. R: That's where I'm coming from. E: He was talking to you like the old Michael, small talk, like he's a nice guy and it makes you wonder. but when you really look at it, he dug his own grave. Is it all his fault? No, of course not. I got caught up in it too... but he never apologized to me once. Rachel: My only concern is now, Janelle is getting what she wanted... and what else does she Want? E: we have to wait and see.... somebody has to step up and win head of household R: hopefully. I think pretty much anyone who wins it is going to put her up. E: Now Kaysar... R: He's a variable. E: (agreeing) He's a variable, and supposedly on his life, I'm safe. But he's gotta go too. R: It's going to be awful E: We've all become friends. Maybe even more friends than some of our friends back home. And it's going to be a bitch. But people have to understand it's strategy. You and I don't have a deal. If you won head of household, I would have to come to you. ******* R: Neither one of them have lobbied for themselves. Because Janelle is so confident. Eric wants to be able to come back to Janelle and tell her that she owes him. He thinks Janelle would cut her own mother's throat to stay in the game. Is Rachel fishing to keep Janelle???



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