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Posts posted by LenRay

  1. Echoing the I don't care sentiment. Vanessa. Is the only real player in the house this year, and she is a horrid person. She would have been gone early in most other years. Fortunately for her the rest are non players.

    How do you let a known three person alliance last for 5 weeks? How do you get voted out and come back with a plan to target the weekest player? And for most how do you let a known self absorbed crybaby bully talk to you? Why talk to Van at all? She has offered nothing but deceit and manipulation and these geniuses think she has good stuff to say. She made her bed and they should have let her lie in it long ago. She deserves an Audrey send off where she is isolated the hole week. Becky showed the balls but was awful player too.

    Come to think of it, there was never really a good player in the house this year. Great candidate for worst season ever.

    Usually I reluctantly am at peace at end of bad season. This year I could care less re: who wins. Whole house still votes in unison.

  2. I have a question when Austin's glasses are off his right eye looks bigger than other one. Did he get it knocked out in Wrestling bout and he's got a glass eye?

    Earlier I thought James looked like a gremlin until I remembered this old twilight zone episode. Can this be Austin? Peeping through window?


  3. If Vanessa doesn't break up the Austwins (looks like she's not going to), she doesn't deserve to win either.  She has to know, with the Austwins still in the game, she is playing for 4th or 3rd.  Austin will take Liz, Liz will take Julia and Julia will take Liz.  Vanessa doesn't fit into that plan at all.

    If Whinessa doesn't lose the Austwins they will chew her up and spit her out. I say loose Big Foot Austin first ...AusLiz pitted against each other but Van doesn't want blood on her hands...




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