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Posts posted by TheUz86

  1. They need someone with more tact. Someone who can be subtle, yet get the point across to those houseguests who might actually read between the lines. Someone who can actually make waiting for a twist sound fun and exciting.

    I don't mind Julie Chen. I just think there might be someone out there who can play a more fun, more tactful with words. Someone the houseguests might actually fear talking to because of quick wit or reasoning abilities.

  2. I think there is a difference in the frequency and severity of the comments.

    So now you want to set guidelines as to what is "severe enough" to be considered discriminatory (be it against gays/iraqis etc..). There are no degrees when it comes to this matter. There is no gray area. If you're (you = anyone who takes issue with the comments made) so outraged by Ivette's comments then you should be equally upset with every other member of that house, because i guarantee they are all guilty of racial/gender/sexual discrimiation in one form or another.

    If you think you can make rules stating what is an acceptable amount/form of discrimination, then i assure you that you're treading in all too familiar territory.

    The simple fact is: There has always and will always be racism/sexism and a slew of other forms of bigotry. Either ignore it, or deal with it. Fighting it will slow its progress, but it just changes forms and continues on its merry little way.

    Yes Ivette said some racist things, so have many others in the house. Are they in turn racists? not necessarily. You can all get off your collective high-horses, because she's not talking about YOU. She's directing her anger towards 1 person, and she chose to express it in that form. Anyone who claims they've never done the same is a hypocrite and a fool.

    First of all I never said I didn't think the others shouldn't be reprimanded for their comments. That was something Sara-is-hot assumed. I do think those things they were saying were wrong and they should be given warnings and a chance to realize the things they are saying and stop, just as Ivette was. The fact that she continues to say these things shows that she doesn't care, and will continue saying horrible racist comments for no reason. I personally think CBS should do something about this instead of giving infinite warnings. And also I don't think it makes a difference that she is not talking about me personally. I don't think racism is is acceptable in any form and if everyone only cares if raceism affects them personally then it will for absolute certainty never end. I'd rather be idealist than sit there and think racism is fine as long as it is not directed at me.

    I wasn't implying that you were fine with the other houseguests' comments, i simply used your quote as a starting point. Nor did i say that racism was ok if not directed at you. However i'm tired of people getting all indignant, and suddenly turning into "champions of racial honour" when someone utters a racial slur or two. At the same time they'll completely ignore a plethora of other injustices, because anti-racism is the "flavour of the month".

    Actually, its next month's flavour.

    Thing is...

    there is a big difference between calling somone a Jerk and a 'Sand N. Its naive to think some words arent as emotionally charged as others, because they are.

    The point here is that Ivette's comments go beyond the '5 or so comments made in an unreasonable manner'. She has upped her insults every week and is really starting to worry others because of this excessive hate.

    Well, that's my 3.5 cents

  3. Hookah is awesome.

    My Arabs friends got me to try it and now we're all hooked. We try to get out to the local Arab Cafe downtown at least twice a month to just relax around the Hookah. It really does calm your nerves and gives you a feeling of total relaxation (and the flavouring tatses awesome too)

    I've even managed to start shopping around for some. But my Lebanese friend says to wait till he goes to Lebanon...because they make them more authentic there...or something.

    Favourite flavour: Apple

  4. Who would you root for in a feud between Eric and Ivette?  I'd have to think about that one since I don't care for either one of them....  I guess I'd just sit back and hope they brought each other down.

    I'd root for neither. It would be amazing to watch though...you hate both..and see both being brought down...


    the joys of speculation...

  5. I am just curious as to how Janelle is rude and immature...  What has she done?  

    Racial slurs against Ivette. That's completely unnessary and crossing the line. I don't like Ivette either but won't stoop to making racist remarks.

    She made racist comments? I must've missed it. I've tried keeping up on the live feed forum, but I might have missed it. What did she say?

    I think the max she ever called Ivette was: "Latin"...which I dont think is the least bit offensive as Ivette calls herself that all the time...

  6. I'd be secure in the fact that i know that both myself and my family are above petty name calling...

    second, I wouldn't refer to my family as my 'f-ing' family...that just makes them seems like an overly promiscuous bunch...and probably testifies to half of whatMicheal said to be true...

  7. I do remember Ivette saying something to Eric to get rid of Maggie, but she doesn't know she is on his bad side b/c she is so far up Eric's behind she can't see it.  Baaa!!

    I shudder at the thought of thinking about what is shoved in eric's butt...

    It must be wide and deep enough to accomodate (amongst other things):

    -A giant stick


    -An ego the size of Toronto



    - his 'f---ing family'...

  8. I definitely did that with Janelle and I feel bad about it.  She has proved that she is a smart woman and a tough competitor, not just the blonde moron bimbo I thought she was at first glance.

    Janelle, please accept my apology! :oops:

    I love Janelle *sighs and eventually, swoons*



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