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Everything posted by bb6247

  1. ****random quotes & thoughts*** I have quad cam so I can't tell everyone who's aroud the pool but there are 7 of them and they are all trashing Mike. Beau and Kasar are in the bathroom. I says M is like Puck from Real World - someone else says he's worse. Maggie is not there - shes laying on the kitchen counter. I goes in and starts trash talking M with her. I is getting more and more worked up and heads for the bathroom. K & B don't even stop talking when she walks in. She says nothing to either of them and she says, "Before I go over there and put Michael in his place I'm going to blow dry my hair". She gets upset and goes outside and announces to everyone that she can't blow dry her hair. She's obviously upset but someone asks for a bandaid and that sends her off in another direction. K says, "If I find out tomorrow that Janelle and Mike know each other they're gone." hmmmm.... James, "We're not here to judge other people's morals". I, "If you kneel down to pray every night...." she's interupted by E says that Mike said that his parents abandoned him as a child and he's adopted E..."Howie this is a game, would you do it?" H...says no but it's a game Kasar goes to the gold room and says that Ivette has told everyone what Michael said. K is clearly upset and keeps flincing. M smirks and J laughs. J says, "I'm not going to do anything Kasar, are you mad at me?" K says "we need to play this game withing the rules. Ivette says, "It's going to go down today" "I have not said one word to him for him...." K says to M, "Don't tell me I'm right and then do something else." He's obviously upset and M say, alright. James said, "we've gone from a family program to one where people watch every two days to see what's going on'. "We're Real World Vegas". Ivette complaining that M burped in her face. J & M think it's really funny. J says, "you're not going to apologize". Beau says Ashlea was talking s*it before she left the house. He's stirring up Ivette some more...
  2. When Eric, Kasar & Ivette were at the table Eric told Kasar he should walk away because of the s*it that was about to go down. I believe it was before Michael came out into the backyard. Eric was already ready for a fight. Ivette was trying to tell Kaysar why she didn't like him and he kept interupting her by asking questions. She said, I'll say this in the nicest tone I can but I'm latin so I can really raise my voice. She spoke in barely controlled tones of anger. When Kasar continued to question her and not let her talk freely she berated him and asked him if he really wanted to hear her story about why her feelings were hurt. She said she and Eric had both gone to him on several different nights in the beginning and told him how to get into the game...that's when Eric went off and the rest was lost to the fish.
  3. He went for M, who was clearly egging him on, but even so Cap lost it, jumped out of his chair (which fell to the ground) and went after M saying that M had been talking s*it about his family behind his back. Kasar went to hold Michael back (bad move on his part) and Howie held back Cap (James might have been there as well). Cap was ready to punch when we went to fish....
  4. Looks like the fun is over so I'm going to sleep as well. Thanks to all the morning posters who catch me up on what's gone on. I'll try to start posting to help the night owls because I see a lot of the fun 1-3am stuff doesn't always get covered. Good night!
  5. She also said, "I don't know what to do, the camera's are watching us." Or something very close. They start talking louder seemingly trying to engage Howie into the conversation to see if he's awake. The camera is noticeably silent - not moving.... Howie is definately awake - he just looked over at them. Oh my. You think J & M know each other? Seems everyone knows someone in common...very strange.
  6. Howie's still pretending to be asleep and M & J are still fondling each other. Occasionally one will make a big move (J on top for a few seconds) and then Mike will peek out to see if Howie is looking, pull the blankets up as if it's going to hide them, and the start again. Free porn, who knew.
  7. Didn't see this posted so thought I'd mention it. M, K & J were all outside and K&J were dissin' on everyone else. Crappy was the subject of most of it (sorry, I really thing he's a disgrace to the fire service - my DH is a fire fighter and would never act like this pompass ass--editorial over). Anyway, M starts to say that he's being slandered - J jumps in that she's slandered many peope in the house (especially I & Jenny - calling them maids) but M says it's different because Crappy is accusing him of being a molester, etc. He says "we have a contract with CBS and not (couldn't figure out what he said here)". "He (I assume Crappy) has no idea the lengths I'll go to..." That's when they cut to fish.
  8. :shock: 2:37 AM BB Time Janelle turns down Howie's offer to share his bed and chooses Mike instead. Kasar is outside contiplating life, everyone else is sleeping. Mike & J wait about 3 minutes and then start going at it. Now she mentioned earlier that she's on her period so it look like some seriously heavy petting. J's head didn't come out from under the blankets until 2:41. Mike kissed her goodnight and rolled over. Kasar just walked into the house - timing is everything! My observations - they think it's dark in the room so no one can see them. Both J & M were fumbling around in the room before they went to bed because the lights were already out. J even fell off the edge of the bed. Little do they know that we can see them quite well. I'm curious, why don't contestant's watch previous shows? Oh well, show's over...for now. Kasar is heading to bed now and all motion has ceased in the Gold Room. What a night! Update - 2:45am - back at it.



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