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Posts posted by Tric

  1. janelle goes back to GR.. mike says "there you are"

    Howie walks in, says some words that i couldn't hear.. probably something about sex.. then leaves the room. Mike tells janelle that he can't do "anything" because he doesn't want to be a "bad" person on national tv.. jan says ok.. they continue to talk about miami and her fav places to go.

  2. Jan: hi

    Mike: hi

    Mike: do you still have your mic on?

    Jan: no, i put it on the chair

    Mike: where is kaysar and howie

    Jan: talking in the yard

    Mike: i have to go pee-pee

    Jan: you do

    Mike: yeah

    Mike is talking about how he hurt his ankle.. they start to cuddle a bit more.

    more conversation on greece...

    Jan: can i kiss you just once.. I know you don't like to do it.

    mike: ok..

    Jan: that's it?

    Mike: one more when i get back

    Jan: please more

    a few kisses.. very small ones... jan is acting desperate for him

    Mike: i have to go pee babe..

    Jan: nooo, please don't leave me.. nooo. nooo.. please.. (very whinny)

    Jan: you'll come back right?

    Mike: from greece?

    Jan: yes

    Mike: of course..

    More talks about greece and how long he'll be gone.. he is acting kinda weird.. very distant from janelle...

    Mike get's up to go to the washroom..

    Jan: do you want to go outside

    Mike: are you tired?

    Jan: no

    mike: i was sleeping when you came in here babe

    Mike: we'll talk when i get back

    Mike: i'll miss cuddling with you...

    Mike crashes into some stuff in the dark..

    He leaves the room...

  3. More boring, talk about how mike was sleeping..

    Mike: do you think we have been to forward with the kissing thing..


    Mike: on tv and such

    Jan: this is how i feel about you..

    Jan: how much do you like me

    Mike: this much (does hand movement)

    Jan: really, i like you more then that...

    more hand movement expressing how much they like each other..

    jan is telling mike how much she likes his feet, they are playing with each other's feet..

    Mike: everyone is thinking we are doing weird shit

    Jan: they always do.


    Jan: hi


    Mike: you ever been to athens?

    Jan: yes

    Jan: when do you want to go to greece

    Mike: the end of the summer

    Jan: i have to take off my jacket.. i'm hot

    Mike: you are still in your jacket in bed?

    Jan: i was cold

  4. Mike: sleep tight ok.. are you going to sleep right now?

    Jan: i want to talk tonight

    Mike: let's talk, i'm chatty..

    Jan: what do you want to talk about?

    mike: it still sounds like people are walking around.. weird..very weird..

    Mike: do you want me to turn around.. or are you comfortable..

    Jan: i like to sleep close to you..


    Jan: i hear people.. do you?

    mike: yeah... weird...

    Mike: they should be a bit more quiet..

    Jan: yeah they should..


    Jan: so, when do you think you want to come to miami

    Mike: well.. hmmmm

    mike and jan are talking about her sore back and he blames it on the fact she has been trying to bite his neck all night..

    Mike: i'm tired

    Jan: you don't want to stay awake with me??

    Mike: if i fall asleep, just bang my head or something..

    Jan: this bed is so uncomfortable..

    mike: are you ok

    Jan: yes


  5. mike and janelle think that there is people walking behind them in the walls..

    Mike: i just don't think anybody in this place would understand what i'm talking about..

    Jan: i think i do..

    Mike: what is all that noise.. (he seems freaked out)

    more conversation about going back to school...

    Jan: i think you are smart...

    * long silence*

    Mike: did you have a good time tonight

    Jan: yes, did you?

    Jan: do you want to go to greece with me this summer if i get out of here..

    Mike: yes...

  6. Mike and Jan are still talking in the GR about mike going back to greece, He keeps saying "is there anything to hold me back"

    Mike: listen, when we are out of here, which is me tomorrow and you soon enough.. we should hook up.. but in the meantime you should turn over so we can cuddle without me being a naughty boy.

    Mike: i want to go back to greece, it's been bugging me... it just seems like when i try or i don't know.. maybe... i dont know... it feels silly..

    Jan: what makes you want to go back to greece..

    Mike: have you been there?

    Jan: yes, i've told you that

    Mike: it's an amazing place

    Jan: are you going to study art history there?

    Mike: of course.. it's greece, wouldn't you want to study there.

    Jan: i would study in california...

    blah blah blah.. nothing very interesting...

  7. mike is trying to get jan to sleep with him.. with all his "opportunity" talk

    Jan: mike i can't.. i can't

    Mike: public tv my dear

    Jan: give me a kiss

    Mike: one, that's it..

    once again.. mike continues the whole "opportunity" talk... and explains to janelle the one thing he regrets..

    when he was in greece, he told his parents he hated it.. it made himself hate it but when he got to LA he really wished he could go back to Greece and felt really bad for making himself hate it..

  8. 11:39 pm BBT

    Janelle get's into bed with mike... no kiss, no touching nothing...

    Mike rolls over to the other side of the bed..

    mike says something... Jan says "what" he doesn't answer.

    Jan get's up, grabs her mic and head's for the door. Mike ask's here where she is going and tells her to come back..

    Mike: why are you leaving? Tell me a story.. Do you ever regret something in your live.. where you had an opportunity to correct it?

    Jan: yeah

    Mike: what was it?

    Jan: i can't think of something right off the top of my head

    jan is talking about a trip to asia she didn't take because she was in a relationship.

    Mike is grilling jan for answer's on opportunitys that she hasn't or wanted to take.

  9. eric: i try to play it off to them.. do you think the producers have done this on purpose.

    Mag: do you think we should pair up with another pair?

    Eric: april is going through all the pairs, trying to match them up.. what did i tell you maggie.. lie lie lie.. deny deny deny, we never admit to anyone that we know each other

    Mag: see while i was sitting outside with kaysar, i wanted them to think that we "are" a pair, would that hurt me?

    Eric: yes..

    Eric: all we have to get to is the final 2, april is freaked out with the whole mike thing.

    Maggie: do you know what ivette said to me today. I feel very comfortable around james, i feel like i've known him forever (maggie thinks that ivette and james are pairs)

    Maggie to eric: i can't wait for james and sarah to start acting like they are married... We are the only ones who know that..

  10. eric, maggie,ivette,james and sara are in HOH room

    Talking more smack about mike.

    Ivette: see i told you guys, because he didn't get veto he's going to get nasty, very dirty nasty..

    they are talking about the live eviction tomorrow and when julie gives mike the chance to say something. They are worried he will go off and say a bunch of stuff. THe houseguest's are saying they will get up during the live show and walk away from mike while he talks.

    Eric: right now mike is drowing... he's going to reach for anything

    eric: don't forget, he was making out with janelle in front of everyone over the last 2 days.

    Ivette: game on tomorrow, janelle can not get HOH tomorrow

    Eric: we can not let mike get to us and break up the "core"

    Everyone leaves except maggie

    Maggie: was that to apparent?

    Eric: if they notice you are hanging around kaysar alot

    maggie: he is walking up to me

    Eric: i'm going to tell the group you wanted to talk to me about the problems you are having with kaysar.. so it's not transparent

    Eric is talking to maggie about how the others know the pairs..

  11. Outside Janelle and Beau are having a smoke and some small talk conversation.

    Beau is telling janelle about his dream with his mother and sister coming to the big brother house and staying for a week, getting interviewed by julie..

    mike joins the conversation.

    Beau starts talking about his dream again, to mike..

  12. While the guest's where getting their glasses of wine/beer Janelle told mike and howie "let's go to the gold room"

    3 of them are in there, they closed the door, they are toasting each other.

    Howie is joking around with janelle tellin her that he's heard she has fake boobies and lips..

    They are talking about april and how much plastic surgery she has had done.

  13. Most of the houseguest's left the LR however still currently around the area.

    Howie and racheal are left and it appeared howie tried to talk to racheal but was distracted by the other houseguest's being to close.

    BB: eric please go to the diary room.

    Eric goes in storage room and brings out beers and wine for the other houseguest's

  14. Feed finally showing outside.

    Mike and kaysar talking.

    Kaysar: you are lucky

    Mike: why am i lucky, i think you are lucky

    Kaysar: why?

    Mike: because you can still make a lot of money

    Mike: this is a dirty game. it's almost as if it wasn't really thought out that well, they just knew it was going to be a big issue.

    Mike: it doesn't leave much open to strategy

    mike: oh well. I'll go watch all the movies i've missed.. I'll watch everything twice, i'll buy as much popcorn as i can and as much sushi as i can, so i'll be sick of it..

    Feed changes to GYM.

    beau and ivette are working out.

  15. April leaves the table and goes inside.. Wonder if she's going to go talk to someone..

    Jan: april started a rumor in the house that i've had my boob's done, they asked me in the room if it hurt when i got my boobs done. i told them i didn't get them enhanced.

    Feed changes to the living room where the other house guest's are.



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