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Posts posted by MissSugarKane

  1. Dani has only been out of the house for about 30 hours. She hasn't even had a chance to decompress yet. Shane said he was in sequester since he was evicted. The only time he was able to talk to the jury was the round table. I'm sure once they get a chance to get away they will be fine. Some of the jury members have been out of the house for a while and they are still bitter. Why can they be bitter and not Shane and Dani.

    With that being said, when Dani and Shane were being interviewed at the superpass party it did sound like Shane just expected everyone to give him the $500,000.00 just because he really needed the money.

    Despite possibly feeling bitter, the other houseguests at the party were laughing and having a good time. Shane and Danielle had to be dragged there and were a bunch of whiny, bitter, sad sacs during the interview. They seem to be the only two that don't realize their summer was spent playing a game, not at a job to pay their bills and not a dating show to meet a mate. They can be bitter, no one is saying they can't, but to me their attitude and how they are handling the situation shows me a lot about their character and so now did I not only not like them in the house, I don't like them out of the house either.

  2. Watching her with Dan right now is disgusting. Talking in that baby voice, telling him that she loves like family :rolleyes: She was trying to get him to say it back and he told her to "quit fishing". I still can't believe that she doesn't ever feel a fool when Dan calls her out on her weird behaviors, she just keeps on at them. I hope I never see this nutcase again after Wed.

  3. Ian wants to break up Shane and Danielle. I think we will see Dani going home this eviction.

    Marty you are getting my hopes up. Seeing Danielle go this week would make all the agony of watching her all season worth it. So far I have only seen Ian talk about the QP final 4 so I hope you are on to something.



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