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Posts posted by Nightshade

  1. Kaysar was on to James. Eric was on to James. Michael didn't have a real chance to get into the James stuff.

    It seems that most don't want Eric.. but that remains to be seen.

    However, be very wary about some's motives in pushing for a Micheal vote.

    A vote for Micheal is considered safe for James. Kaysar is the worst possible HG to come back for Jame's safety.

    I vote to unevict Kaysar. Sends a message to the "Friends" and is another person to go against James.

    Gotta love it!

  2. Morph wrote " He was trying to stare her down and wanted to hit her. "

    While I appreciate a difference of opinions and the fact that everyone likes different people I find the above statement over the top.

    How can you or anyone else KNOW what he wanted to do as a fact?

    Unless you are a mind reader you don't.

    He was angry at her, yes but folks stating he is women beater based on something that we can't possibly know was in his head is simply ridiculous. Sorry.

  3. Last year I recall people apologizing for Will's behaviour as not being indicitive of all gay people.

    My nephew is gay and I have met and hung out with a lot of his friends, most are gay. His freinds run the gambet from flambouant to quiet.

    It is just like everything else. Ivette doesn't represent all gay women, nor all latinos.

    Beau doesn't represent all gay men, nor all black men.

    My point of this is just that it is sad state of affairs when people feel they must apologize or state that what we are seeing isn't how all of a certain demographic is.

    I understand what your are saying and have seen a couple posts that might have made you feel you needed to say this.

    Intelligent people should be able to realize that these people are not representative of their whole demographic.

    I appreciate your post and your point of view. :-)

  4. I just watched The Cut

    I concur it was Beau.

    He was seated to the left side of the screen, Princess was standing up talking to a few people.

    This occurs right before Princess is shown dancing.

  5. James is not someone I would be friends with. HOWEVER, I would want him as my lawyer LOL

    And April saying I don't need the money you do.. then why did you walk away from your family for 3 months.. give it a break!

  6. I don't have a guess on who will win and thus who they will put up.

    However, I feel sorry for these guys today. By 10am it was already so hot here ( I am about 5 miles from the BB house)

    From the feeds it seems the HOH comp may not be physical which gives them all a chance. But if it is physical Ick. I am not even leaving my house today if I don't have to.

    At 5pm BBT it won't be much cooler. Should be interesting!

  7. It is all about demographics.

    Don't the advertisers aim at the 18-34 age group (something like that) So they are going to put people in the house that the targeted age group would like.

    As much as I would like to see real people (not all models/aspiring actors/etc etc etc) in the house. It won't happen. We all see real people everyday.

    Its all about money. They don't put the show on as a community service LOL.

    Sad but true.

  8. They always hype the eviction.

    I no longer expect any big thing (waiting to have the first)

    From something I saw, I am thinking that they are going to allow Mike to say some stuff, so there may be fireworks and that will be it.

    SOMETHING twisty or exciting would be great... but I am not holding my breath due to the previous track records.

  9. He is too strong of player.

    He has been useful for the sheep to get rid of the "evil ones". Groups come together when provided a common goal.

    James wont allow it. and James is the most deceptive player I have seen on the feeds. He is the one the with the really good game playing ideas.

    Also besides Maggie, noone is going to want to take him to the final two. He would win for sure if he keeps up with this "taking care of the group" stuff.



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