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Posts posted by neuro2be82OU

  1. My Opinion is we might give Jordan a little credit for swaying Shelly to vote for Rachel. I think that was the plan. It seems that Jordan and Shelly patched up any ill will and put the past behind them.

    I think Jordan may have brought Shelly back over to her side and helped procure the vote for Rachel.

    LOL not everything is about Jordan. She had the game in mind up until her last vote, and I seriously doubt Jordan had anything to do with that.

  2. Definetly deserved the win, nice to know some ppl in the house make their votes based on gameplay and not personal vendetta, might wanna give that lesson to some of the nutjob viewers outside the house :animated_rotfl: That said, hope you have a happy life, enjoy your 500K, and i hope i never see you or any other has-been on BB ever again.

  3. From Hamsterwatch:

    "They're in touch with the families of the hamsters, so I hope they're aware of the over the top hate stuff going on now about Shelly and that they'll let Tony know. Someone has posted an address for a child protection agency to report her for molestation. Someone else has said Josie should be kidnapped, raped and murdered. Someone else has posted a beyond vulgar chop about Josie. It's pathetic and disgusting that so-called 'fans' take things to this level, and the lesser levels of open hatred for hamsters who are gutsy enough to put themselves out there for our amusement. Perhaps it's time to put this little TV show down and out of its misery before someone does get hurt over it."

    LOL anything this woman does inside the BB house is minimal on the pathetic level compared to whats happening on the outside. Think Im done for a little while until this garbage cools down, have a great rest of the weekend folks :animated_wave:

  4. I don't mind the backstabbing but the way she did it makes me hate her more than anybody else thus far on the show. Her whole attitude about being loyal and kind and giving life tips and loving one another like shes a saint while she acts completely different is just hilarious. The smoking is disgusting, she walks like a dude, just overall hated her all season. The best part about it, she screwed herself so hard that she can never win. That is the best part.

    Nah, the best part is seeing Jeff's stupid ass walk out the door with Shelly's knife in his back lol. So viewers judge characters by their methods of deceit? "You can lie like this but not like THAT" "You can play both sides of the house only if you do it the way that i approve of and if you do it any different then youre a piece of sh*it inside the house as well as outside" LOL too bad Borders closed down, i was gonna run out and get the BB manual of how to play the game the PROPER way! :animated_bouncy:

  5. very dirty moving coming from someone who would be too concerned about not lying, backstabbing etc. I think if she had made it clear, at the beginning, that she was going to do anything to win, then it would be more understanding, we would know it was her game play. But I think most of the viewers feel betrayed because she was always trying to play the 'good mom' with good character.

    Made it clear to who? The houseguests? Walk in day 1 and say "Hey Guys! Im here to backstab all of you and turn you all on one another! Meanwhile Ill be in the house constantly saying im playing a moral game, its up to you if youre so stupidly inept to believe me! Have a great day!"

    Or wait, do you mean the viewers? Like Ive said time and time again, DR sessions are edited, for ALL houseguests. You have no idea what Shelly's true intentions are with every move she makes.

    Hate the game, not the player. If people are stupid enough to believe she was a mom that was placed in the Big Brother house to be some J/J laptop, its their bad, not hers.

  6. Shelly's beautiful and intelligent little girl can probably decipher the difference between playing a game and real life better than some of these fans...I've seen all types of death threats on Shelly's FB page and the CBS one. Really? All over Jeff and Jordan, two people in a "tv romance" that don't even know you exist? I can't believe how upset people are getting over a very SMART game move. She rolled over on them before they rolled over on her...period.

    Yup, and some of these fans have the nerve to call Shelly the "unhinged" one :animated_rotfl:

    "You can't argue logic with J/J fans" - Jun (Big Brother winner)

  7. Sorry Brendon. I voted like crazy for you to come back, and as much as I love Rachel I have to admit that the other house guests dislike of her, did you in. I think they will regret it, because Shelly really can't be trusted, and Shelly really is a liar. But atm unless something drastic changes it was too little too late.

    Good luck with your PHD. =)

    Oh noes! A liar on a show that rewards people for lying! God forbid! LOL bad gameplay on Shelly for being caught, but good riddance to one half of the biggest douchebag couple in BB history (and I thought I was going to be visually impaired after watching April and Ollie....Jeezus).

  8. yes jerry outplayed Renny because he did win some comps and stuff, Renny just did not get it about how to play this game

    She would have been a great low key player had it not been for that HOH win, but even then she tried to pull a big manouevre. She knew how to play the game, she just didnt have the courage to execute her plan in putting up Dan and Memphis because of Keesha's advice. She saw the 2 guys for what they really were, too bad Renny didnt strike first.

    Don't hold it against Dan when you're voting on finale night

    LOL doubt she'll hold anything, but cant say the same for Ollie, Jerry, April, Michelle, or Keesha! Dan is playing for 2nd place, thats it.

  9. Maybe its important to remember that Dan and Memphis did keep Keesha AND Renny safe for all these weeks. Dan broke his deal with Ollie to protect Keesha and Renny. He could have easily sold Renny up then and gone with the "new alliance", but chose to remain loyal to the 4

    And vice versa. Plenty of times the girls helped out the boys, if it wasnt for Keesha's plan Memphis' useless butt would have been gone and Jessie would still be in the house.

  10. Renny mired herself down in the Everything Keesha Society and forgot to look out for herself. She voiced her opinion over and over and they ignored her over and over.

    Yup, she should have done the deed during her HOH reign and taken out either of the useless weasels Dan or Memphis. She could have easily cut a deal with Michelle (who was looking for a new partner since Jesse was evicted) along with April and Ollie for final four, instead she listened to that cackling moron and handed the game to Judas and the "mixologist". She should have cut her losses and gone with her original plan, Keesha would have had no choice but to go along with it once Memphis was evicted.

  11. Well Renny thanx for the ride, youve definetly made this crap season somewhat enjoyable, just wish you would have made your big move during your HOH reign by putting up the 2 dirtbags Memphis and Judas, but instead you had to appease your toothless sidekick and took the easy way out, so your demise is your own fault. Hope you go out with a bang and make Dan's life miserable, and here's hoping he follows you out the door before final 2. With your days numbered I need a new fav.....JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

  12. Yep, she's like the loner girl in HS who had no cool friends, so when one talked to her she'd get all excited and do anything and everything. The way she chased after Keesha the other night from the HOH, how she is hanging on her. Manchelles all talk her tough exterior is a joke she's messing up big time . If you consider that Keesha was the mastermind and she's getting out the wrong person for revenge for " HER JESSE"

    Nice theory..but wrong.

  13. I dont think Ginger is disputing the fact whether or not she was a good BB player, but she needs to get off her BB high horse and quit passing judgement on new hgs. Too many lemmings who follow her around like a goddess and believe or change their opinions to whatever she thinks. Entertaining to watch? Yes she was. Good player? That too, but def. not the best..great in competitions but her social skills blew.



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