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Everything posted by butfirst

  1. 7:52: Neely DR (format is they get a bunch of questions and have a limited time to answer them; I'm paraphrasing answers)- her strategy was to dumb herself down, but she hasn't been doing that as much as she planned; she's just trying to meet everyone and make connections. She's aligned with Kryssie, Jason, Danielle the most; monte too, but especially the others; she trusts them, enjoys hanging with them, and feels they can do things together and get shit done. She likes everyone in the house- wait- that's a lie- she really likes jason, kryssie, justin is hilarious, shane, monte, morgan, alex, whitney, she likes cornbread; she really likes most of the people in the house; there hasn't been enough drama for her to make any enemies; she likes most of the people in the house. She is not feeling Shelby. Shelby can kick a rock. It plays into her game to be cool with her right now so she is not showing her cards. She is an obvious floater, playing the game way too aggressive too early, having too many conversations, shenanigans; she can't trust her. [that's not a floater- bf] That's the only person she's not digging right now. "Let the viewers in on some secrets they don't know..."- She feels like she and Danielle did some shit today- everyone wanted Kryssie out but the seeds they planted today sprouted and it's really working because Kryssie is a much better ally for them; she'll keep it real and be loyal. She and Danielle talked this morning and is proud of what they accomplished. She doesn't have any crushes; Shane is pretty but he's Danielles now. Justin is hot, and Monte is really hot but no dirt under his nails- no romance in the house for her. Shelby would be her target if she got HOH. High point in the house so far- when Jason won veto and took himself off it was a great moment for her bc she thinks he's someone she wants to work with so it plays very well into her game. Do you want to win next HOH comp? Absolutely. A) she wants to possibly get shelby out, and she wants to break those get-em girls a bit; they cling to monte and vote as a unit; that's a lot of power; she wants to stir that up a bit. She wants to win HOH and get Monte's info on what he heard when he was HOH. She wants to get a sense of who she can trust; wants to align with some of the get em girls, but wants to see who she can trust; she could strengthen some alliances and make things happen. They need to start spicing up that strong Monte and get em girl group and stir the pot a little. (wow, these sessions are fast!)
  2. 7:34 pm- Kryssie Morgan Alex Shelby, Neeley talking in Washroom area about cornbread; he's said stuff about people; blew up last night, was pissed at Morgan last night bc he doesn't get her sense of humor. From convo between him and Scott this am and what I'm hearing tonight and the brief clip they showed on the recap, sounds like he has been overreacting to a bunch of stuff and annoying people. Shane gets called to DR. (I'm assuming they'll post these DR's on the cbs site?) Shane is aligned with Monte and Danielle, especially Danielle. He likes Jason. He likes everyone except Cornbread. He doesn't like Monte's pairing with the three princesses: Whitney, Morgan, Alex; if he wins HOH he'd go after that. He thinks Alex is swaying from the pack so he hopes to get Alex and Scott on his side with him and danielle and monte and morgan. His secrets- he thinks he's manipulating Monte; he's trying to tell him what to do without getting blood on his hands. First was Kryssie; he wanted Kryssie out this week; he had a bad vibe from her. This past week he sees her as homesick and a strong competitor; he thinks she'll be on his side and if anything go after monte and morgan as he flipped the house to cornbread and told monte about the switch. Does he want to win HOH? He's going to play, but not sure. He wants to put up Shelby and Kryssie next week but doesn't care about winning because he doesn't think that HOH would be a big move; he thinks a bigger move will be made week 3 and 4; he likes to do big moves. If he did get it this week he'd be fine because he wouldn't get blood on his hands. If you were a nominee what would you do to stay in house? He doesn't think he'd be a nominee, so he's not going to answer that question; he's doing pretty well so he'd keep being himself. His strategy- it's changing every day; today he just wants to hang with Danielle; loving the showmance. He feels that he has his hands in both cookie jars; he's in with some, she's in with others. He thinks he and Danielle are a Bonnie and Clyde situation. His mind is constantly racing in the house. He can't sleep; Cornbread's snoring is keeping him up- so he's glad Cornbread's leaving; Monte and Morgan, who he thinks will be a couple which is great because they'll be two power couples, will be in his bed. He'll be backstabbing people. He needs to get Whitney out so he can cut Monte's group of people; that's why he wants to be HOH week three or four; this week will be a softer week with noms. He really likes Justin. Neeley he doesn't really understand; he doesn't talk game to her because he has Danielle for that. (His speech is pressured; he's rambling; his DR comes across as stream of consciousness- but his time is limited (got a two minute warning a few minutes into it.)
  3. 7:11 BBT- Scott and Shelby on hammock; Shelby says seems like consensus is switching to Cornbread. Scott says yeah, that's why I wanted to talk to you, to make sure you knew. Shelby whispers promoting a split vote; Scott says no; not smart week 1; he's voting with house. Shelby speculates that Cornbread is America's nominee bc he's in DR saying "not PC" stuff. Scott says he's just here for 1000 a week, not to mastermind anything; to get his paycheck, have some fun. Shelby acknowledges that the girls are a four person voting block; she is trying to pull him to vote with them but gets why he doesn't want to stick his neck out this week. She gets him to promise not to put them up; if he wins HOH he won't nominate them; they can then vote out who he wants. He says yeah, he's getting close to the girls, especially you and Alex. Shelby says everyone thinks she's an idiot; she's not. Scott says she's one of the people he trusts the most. He knows she doesn't have anywhere else to go; a lot of the people in the house aren't a big fan of you, but that's good for her because they'll want to keep her around and take her to the end. He reiterates that he's just here to have a fun time, last as long as he can, and hopefully put on a good show. He says the people sitting on the couch would go after Whitney before they go after her; he says she's good for next week. Shelby says she thinks she's out next week; ten minutes ago Kryssie was going. Shelby says she told Kryssie she could swing the girls if she's around for me later. The two leave the hammock so others don't get suspicious about their conversation. They join Shane, Neeley, Jason, Danielle in outdoor couch area.
  4. 6:55 pm BBT- Won't go word for word, but came on to find Monte and Jason talking in HOH: bottom line is they're talking strategy; Monte is reassuring him that he's not coming after him; this was a first week thing; he won't nominate him if he wins HOH in week 3 or 4. They're making nice. Jason isn't forthcoming about his vote, but Monte is promoting (gently) evicting Kryssie. Jason is saying he thinks Kryssie will go, and she's likely the only "blood" he'd have on his hands from the week; she's the only one who would be pissed. They discuss that Shelby winning HOH would be worst case scenario next week; she'd nominate Jason and Monte. They seem to be on the same page. (During convo Scott comes in, tells them that BB didn't want to shut down feeds to make an announcement, but they want everyone dressed and ready to go at 7:30; they're going to move things pretty quickly at that point. (Then 7 pm BB: "Houseguests, Live Diary Room will begin in thirty minutes."
  5. Not able to continuously update, but have feeds on in background. Cornbread and Scott talk in bedroom; Cornbread talks about how he thinks it's good strategy to keep Jason close as he knows the game- not necessarily to work with him, but learn with him; Scott agrees but advises caution; Jason is threat to win next HOH. Both agree that it's about having fun (initiated by Cornbread, who really enjoyed photo shoot;) Scott says yeah, the person voted out will be one who can't relax and have a good time with everyone. Cornbread reassures scott that he has his back 100%. Scott seems to be mentoring him a bit; cornbread can tell him anything one on one, but be careful what he says in front of the group; it sounds like Cornbread had a little meltdown yesterday; scott says be careful what he says in front of Neely and Kryssie. Scott reassures Cornbread; he's had a stressful few days with nominations, etc. Scott seems more mature, confident, together than he did early in game. Advises Cornbread to keep it cool, stay focused. Reviews his own strategies for finding some alone time to be quiet and focused. Scott agrees stay close to Jason, figure out what he's thinking- he's a smart guy. Cornbread thinks they won't suspect Cornbread; he's someone to cut up with. Cornbread says scott is a very versatile person; a good person for Cornbread to go to and chill when he needs to focus; Scott tells him yes, come to me one on one for that. Hold the faith. Cornbread leaves.
  6. 10:30 AM BBT- Came back to find the photo shoot breaking up; HG's making their way out of the pool; lots of crew walking around with lighting equipment. Crew advises them to make sure they dry off before putting mics back on. (Interesting to see the behind the scenes and HG's interacting with outsiders. HG's seem to have had fun; thanking the crew; very respectful.)
  7. 8:36 BBT: Gathering in LR. Waiting for Whitney to get out of WC; Justin runs to HOH to do the same. Cornbread hasn't brushed his teeth. They speculate about what is up; this is early. Monte opens envelope . "It is time for BB over the top photo shoot. Everyone has thirty minutes to put on swimwear and sunglasses and meet in the back yard. Don't forget your flip flops." Monte comments, "This is when I'm glad I'm a man," as the HG's scramble; all girls in washroom primping. (I'm out for a while.)
  8. 8:22 AM BBT- Danielle talking with Jason- who is in bed and looks like he just woke up. They are discussing the replacement nominee; they think Monte is going to nominate Kryssie, but Danielle thinks Kryssie staying would be better for her and Shane and Jason. She's talking about how Monte has said Jason has said he and Shane are the strongest people in the house; Danielle is trashing Monte's strategy, throwing Monte under the bus to Jason; Monte thinks Jason is a threat. Jason is concluding that he wasn't going to go after Monte if he wins HOH but now he may want to if Monte is going to keep coming after him. She's whispering; can't get everything she's saying, (bb wants her to change batteries) but she's talking strategy about everyone, breaking up the girls group because if they all vote together it could be dangerous. Danielle leaves just as Cornbread enters room. Jason tells Cornbread he was going to talk to Monte because he thought he'd be receptive to what Jason has to say but after talking with Danielle he's doesn't think he's going to. Cornbread says he and Monte are friends but he's (Cornbread) kind of a loner in here. He doesn't know if he could push too much, but he's worried about who he would put up to ensure he doesn't go home. Jason says they only need four votes. Danielle comes back; Cornbread says Shelby is the best option to ensure that they're both here. She won't help them in the future at all. (Meanwhile, BB comes on with a funny announcement: "Justin, I SAID it's time to get up for the day!!" and they all laugh). Monte is called to DR. BB comes on AGAIN "JUSTIN, I SAID IT'S TIME TO GET UP FOR THE DAY!!!") Jason is going on about how it's not worth talking to Monte again; he is not absorbing what Jason is saying to him; he doesn't know how to approach it so that he gets that nominating Shelby is best for everyone. No one will miss her except Alex, but Alex will be okay; she has Scott, others. Danielle says the girls might vote for Cornbread not because they don't like him but because they like Shelby, she's their girl. But the rest of the house will vote for Shelby. Cornbread says he's tried to give Shelby the benefit of the doubt, but he says you can be real nice to her and then she goes crazy bitch. He doesn't offing like her. Scott enters room, Jason asks him where he feels like he's at with Shelby. Scott doesn't think she'd nominate him. He feels good with her. Jason tells him he's probably the only one who feels that way. Jason says he feels that way with everyone, so who the eff knows. Jason says he's trying to figure out how to keep both danielle and Cornbread in the house. Jason says if he nominates Shelby and everyone's voting for her that's the way he's voting. It's week 1; he's going with the house; he's not doing a pity vote or shit like that. Scott is speaking too loudly; he says he has bad hearing. Monte comes and pulls everyone to Living room.
  9. 8:31 BBT: Monte and Danielle in HOHR (Shane quickly joins them) Monte explains his rationale and answers her questions; he likes Jason but strategically wants him out; she is strong enough and has Shane's support to help her through. She asks if he'd take her down if he won veto; he says maybe. He promises her that if it's a tiebreaker vote he'd vote Jason out; he begs her not to tell anyone that; it's big brother; she will do what she will. (His conversation is guarded reflecting his previously stated concerns about not wanting to show his cards or be blazing guns against Jason in case Jason stays, but he wants to reassure her.) He lets her know taking the vet out puts the least blood on his hands; she is not the target; if it's a tie he's not going to let her go; it's not personal. He emphasizes that he and Shane are buddies; he's not going to stab him in the back and take his friend away; he acknowledges that she may be like "well why am I on the block"- she seems more relaxed; she understands; he wants a strong person against Jason on the block so she can compete in veto. He says he wants to get the veteran out of the house so that from here on out we have a level playing field; he figured she of everybody was most likely to understand, especially because of his friendship with Shane. Danielle hopes she wins the veto. She wants to work with Shane; she feels like working with Shane is working with him (Monte). She's not like "If I stay I'm coming after you." Shane suggests that if it's a competition where the other two nominees drop maybe Monte can drop and throw it to Danielle, and Monte agrees. Monte starts reassuring her about other people who he thinks have her back over Jason. He does indirectly beg her not to talk about his strategy outside this room because if word gets out that he's going after Jason all heck could break loose. Danielle says she feels better. Monte says a lot of the house didn't think this was coming. Shane says he was up at 6:30 yesterday because Kryssie was positive she'd be on the block. Monte has her back more than he has others' backs. Kryssie wouldn't win a veto. Danielle is a fan of the game; this is part of the game. Monte will continue to try to sway house towards Jason and will let Danielle know if the house is swaying in another direction. (I'm out for the night.)
  10. Neeley goes back to her bike; nine HG's (Monte, Scott, Shelby, Whitney, Danielle, Morgan, Alex, Kryssie, Shane) stay in living room discussing latest announcement, recapping her three rules. Monte says great- HOH will have even more enemies now. Kryssie leaves, Cornbread joins them. None of them saw that coming. They speculate about when they are going to tell HG's who next nominee is and when POV is. They think America won't nominate until they see the DR's. Then they wonder if HOH can be nominated by America; they doubt it. Monte keeps talking about how hard this is; they will all have their turns; there is nothing personal. Danielle is still in nom chair looking at her knees. They speculate about how much it will suck to know america voted to nominated you- you must be a jerk in the DR. Jason is now in the conversation from the kitchen; he thinks america could be strategic, or they could vote because they didn't like something that came out of your mouth. Hard to predict what prompted it. We overhear Jason in kitchen commenting they're not cutting feeds this year so they hear EVERYTHING. Monte is stressed; they don't know when veto is going to be, they don't know when they find out who america's third choice is. Cornbread points out that it will cut out a lot of the backstabbing, because what you say or do behind closed doors will be used against you. Cornbread's game is right here in the open; what you see is what you get. Monte says it makes HOH less powerful; whoever he's targeting might not be who goes.
  11. 7:59pm BBT: Shane and Danielle now in BY. Jason is with Justin and a bunch of others in KT; Justin is still marveling at the game; his friends are nominated; this sucks. Jason says get used to it; you make new friends, and then they get nominated next week. 8:00 BBT: BB: "Houseguests, please gather in the living room" Danielle laments having to sit in the orange chair. They take their seats with Jason and Danielle in nom chairs. Justin brings a plate of snacks and places it on coffee table. Julie: "Hello houseguests. The safety ceremony is over for the week and two of you are nominated for eviction." She states that each week viewers will vote and nominate a third nominee for eviction, so each week there will be three houseguests nominated for eviction. She has rules about america's nominee. America cannot nom same HG two weeks in a row. All three noms compete in veto. Should america's nominee come off because of veto, america will not name a replacement, so each week there could be two or three houseguests on the block on eviction night.
  12. 7:40 BBT: HG's put block passes in SR, lining them up neatly in a row. Jason jokes that they're still laying them out nicely; that won't happen in a few weeks. Cornbread and scott are the last two in SR; cornbread stops scott before leaving and has him do a four fingered handshake- four horsemen. (Scott is still wearing makeup and a flower in his hair, which makes it funny.) Neely is now on exercise bike next to Monte; they are chatting about how hard it is. Monte can count on Danielle not getting close to him, but he's happy she and Shane are close; maybe he can comfort her. Neeley is going strong on the bike. Shane meanders over to the weights, and says, "well, you've got the first villain." Neeley says, "at least you're a handsome one." He says he's really tired right now but he's just working out to get his mind off everything. She says, "yep"
  13. 7:22 PM BBT: BB: "Jason, Danielle, you have been nominated for eviction." Monte heads downstairs with some laundry. "What's up everybody. Is this everybody?" "That stinking sucks, just to let you all know. It's early in the game; we've been here five days." He likes Danielle and Jason a whole lot. Jason, you're cool; you have guts, you have my respect. This is your second time here, you're a threat; you could win veto. Danielle, you're smart, you're pretty, everybody likes you; that makes you a threat. You have a great shot in the veto too. If this was five or six weeks in you could say why do you hate me; at this point it was a stab in the dark; nothing personal. There is silence; he tells them they can talk; they say we're not going to applaud; he says he knows he's the evil guy right now. He goes wot WC. Shane and Danielle to British bedroom; she is crying. Shane tells her Jason is the best person to be against. She doesn't think so as she thinks the house likes him more than they like me. The pawn always goes home. Shane tries to reassure her; she will win the veto. Justin comes in, hugs her. Justin says it's the first couple of days; they were the late night bunch; he thought he'd be up. He's laughing, you know now you need to win the veto. Danielle thinks if the two are still on the block on eviction day the house would keep him. Justin says, "eviction, I don't know how that shit works; i don't know nothing about the game." Danielle explains veto and eviction. Justin asks if everyone participates in veto; she explains it will be her, monte, jason, three other names out of a hat. It's random. Justin sighs; he's no longer laughing (it was awkward at the beginning; he was laughing and had no clue how upset Danielle was.) He expresses sympathy and leaves the room. Jason is in BY talking with Neeley. I'm coming into the conversation late; some speculation about Monte trying to get Danielle out to take away Shane's distraction. Jason thinks no way they're not voting him out; Danielle has a kid... Neeley says everyone is so fake; she can't fake that shit. Jason says they put personalities and really pretty fake people in here. Neeley leaves to talk to Danielle. Jason, now alone in BY, asks no one if they can put these damn block passes away? Neeley joins Shane and Danielle in british BR. She says she's the realest person in the house; she doesn't fake stuff at all. She really wants us to be successful, and by us she means strong back women. When this opportunity came about she assumed she'd be the only black girl in the house. During the audition process she said you've never seen a black woman win this game; america doesn't see the best of us. Neely starts crying, says, "even though we're very different, our stories are different, I don't want you to lose; I want you to be successful, because you're one of us, and people are always trying to bring us down. " We've both had our struggles. I don't want you to struggle; i'm here for you, I want you to do well, this is painful to me. She likes Jason; he's cool as fu*&*, and she really likes her (Danielle). She says people want us to fight and be catty; they don't want us to be classy and successful. She supports her and wants her to know that. They hug it out, Neeley apologizes for interrupting. She leaves. Shane tells Danielle "You got it." Shane offers to talk to him (Monte). Danielle says she will; she doesn't want him to think she sent Shane. She's not ready to talk to him yet. If she is a pawn, there are so many other people who could have gone up- why her? Shane continues to reassure her that Jason is a bigger target and majority want him out.
  14. 7:11 BBT: Jason enters kitchen, Kryssie goes to WC. Monte is pacing in HOH, biting his nails, talking to himself, but all sound is now chitchat and cooking in kitchen. "Please make your next selection"- Kryssie (who is now out of bathroom.) She says, "I didn't expect this." Shane and Danielle are lying together on a bed. Danielle is now talking about her clothes; she didn't bring any long sleeve shirts; she is upset about the weather; it's cold. Shane says let's go and see and they head to kitchen. Kryssie is now much more exuberant, and hopes that other people besides her wear flowers. Scott says he needs a flower, and she leads him off to get him one that will go well with his makeup. He now has a large pink cherry blossom behind his right ear. He heads to kitchen leaving her alone in bedroom; she looks at camera, grabs both of her cheeks, and whispers, "One more week- baby, one more week!" and heads back to kitchen. 7:18: "Please make your next selection". Shelby's block pass lights up and she dances and squeals about how she is so happy. Now she can breathe and help with dinner. "Please make your final selection." Scott lights up; he is low key about it. Danielle says, "Me and Jason are on the block. I'm gonna cry." BB says, "The safety ceremony is now over."
  15. 7:01 PM BBT: BB: "Houseguests, it's time for the safety ceremony. Please gather your block passes from the storage room..." "BB: Over the next thirty minutes, five of you will be made safe". Monte is in HOH facing the wall of pictures; most of the others head to the BY; others are in the kitchen. BB "If your block pass turns green, it means you are safe from nomination. The two people whose block passes do not turn on are nominated for eviction." Shelby says she thinks she's going to puke. Group in kitchen still preparing to cook chicken (Shelby, Cornbread, Justin, Kryssie, Morgan, Alex.) Scott is alone in bedroom adjusting and checking the appearance of his block pass around his neck in the mirror. Neeley is lying by herself with her eyes closed in the white room. "Please make your first selection." Justin's pass turns green. Jason is sitting outside, apparently by himself, smoking Shane and Danielle join scott in the bedroom; they are making beds, but sound is off except for Jason smoking. 7:09: "Please make your next selection." Monte pushes Alex's button in HOH room and she says "Yay, my thingy lit up" in kitchen.
  16. 6:32 PM BBT: Jason and Scott in BY speculating about how many people will be at end. Scott is smoking and appears to be wearing lipstick and possibly full makeup with foundation. (It's not a pretty sight.) Scott says he never did talk to Monte. Jason says he did and basically told him, "I know I'm not good but it's okay." Scott says at least you can play in the veto; Jason agrees as he got back doored last time. Scott reminds him that the first veto of the season is usually a spelling thing and advises him to think of big words; compound words like schoolhouse. Shelby joins them and they discuss favorite past houseguests. Meanwhile, everyone else around kitchen island. Justin makes some sort of figurine that looks a little like a mummy which he places among the pumpkins. General chitchat, some singing which gets shut down by BB. Monte gets called to DR. In BY the other three are discussing who has been in DR and hoping ceremony starts soon. Someone knocks Danielle and Jason says she's the only one who talks to him. Shelby says she tries to find the smallest group and talk to them, which Jason says is a good strategy. He says she is smart. She was playing chess with Shane earlier.
  17. 6:20 PM BBT- Briefly turned on feeds to find Alex talking to herself in the storage room: "Somehow I got stuck working with my sister!" She takes avocado and leaves. (Interesting, but I don't have other context to clarify this.) HG's in several groups around the house; general chitchat. Only strategy is Monte briefly pulls alex aside to make sure she's still on board with voting Jason out; he is putting Danielle up. He, Alex, Morgan, and Whitney are all on same page; he's not going to tell others. He knows Danielle is safe, and figures Shane can control her later if she's mad at him. He thinks Kryssie would flip. Conversation happened in hall outside HOH room as he is apparently locked out (BB came on a few minutes ago and said lockdown is over and you are free to move about the house, but maybe he didn't hear it...)
  18. 7:28 AM BBT: All HG's sleeping. Cornbread's snoring is shaking my computer.
  19. 11:05 AM BBT: HG's seem to have woken recently; girls doing ADL's in bathroom area, Cornbread and Scott in bedroom; Cornbread hopes he doesn't get voted out for snoring; Scott reassures him , Justin and Danielle and Jason chatting in backyard; nothing too exciting happening.
  20. 10:39 BBT: More of the same from Jason. Monte says Jason is the first person who has said to him, "I have a good idea; you may want to roll with this." He can tell Jason has been processing things more. Jason says especially since there is no jury this year he wants a good player to win; in season 15 the smart players ran the house, and then the floaters realized they had a majority and it was a mess. They joke that some may not have studied; they don't think Justin has watched one season. Those who don't have a strategy can be the most dangerous; they find a different way to play. They discuss that it stinks that everyone's nice; there's no one they can make a scapegoat. Jason says that in BB history the first evictee is someone that cannot gather sympathy- this year anyone can gather sympathy; Jason says except Jason- he's had a chance before so maybe there will be less sympathy. Jason says they're playing NOW; eventually everyone will get there; he can't wait to get there in two weeks; so far he's only seeing it in Monte and Jason. Monte says there are a couple of "in betweenness" who are almost there. Jason was most surprised by Shelby; he originally thought she was there more to be a party girl, but now they see that she's starting to think and play. (BB calls Morgan to DR.) More Monte saying HG's and America will hate him for noms. More discussion. Jason says no one will be mad at you if you get me out. He feels like this is his second chance; he doesn't want to leave this time with regrets. He didn't have regrets last time; he loved the people he worked with; was happy to go down with the ship. He's giving Monte ammo to take him down next week; he's laying it out and offering himself. But in the long term game, he's got to buy himself weeks, try not to piss off as many people as he can. Monte says that's what he's trying to do; he really appreciates Jason straight shooting with him. Jason says America appreciates loyalty; where they gets pissed off is when people turn on their own people. Jason says what he can offer; these people are all going to be your friends regardless; this shit does not matter when you're out of the house; he (Jason) is a gun in your corner IN THE GAME. He wishes he had a personal connection with a lot of people, but the personal connections killed him. He may be an easy out this week, but what he can offer is he can help him. In his season he fought the twin twist You don't fight the twist, you weaponize the twist. If I'm the twist it's pathetic, but no one's using me; if you don't weaponize me, it's a missed opportunity; weaponizing the twist is leaving me around and leaving me in your corner. The people who went to the twins and approached them and said we've figured this out; we're going to work with you- that was the way to play this. Jason doesn't know if there's another twist, but if he's the twist he could be a benefit, more than a hindrance to Monte. Everyone is lovely. The first day he honestly couldn't tell Morgan and Alex apart (Monte says they're both from Texas); (neither goes farther with this; starts rambling again about weaponizing.); changes to talk of Justin and Neely and people working out... Continuing to ramble about personal and game connections; Cornbread didn't have a personal connection with him; he knew he was going to hand him the crab. Jason makes a pitch to consider him an asset more than a threat. Monte starts to nudge him out of room; doesn't want people to think they're in there too long. Monte reassures him that even if BB is cancelled tomorrow Jason will be fine. Jason rejoins group. Monte calls Danielle up; then will call Neely and shane. [Okay guys; really late; I'm out.]
  21. 10:03 BBT: Monte goes down to Jason in white room (old safari); gets Jason. They head upstairs. Monte says he's sure he feels familiar upstairs. Jason says their room felt larger than this. Monte says he'll tell him the same thing he's told everyone; it's been 60 hours; it's been kumbayah so far; he's not here for a plea speech; they have time for that over next few days; he wants to hear his take- 5-10 minutes; it's his second time. Jason says it's harder- this is a nicer group than his. Jason says when he had the crab, where does he go with this. No one is saying anything to him. Monte agrees there's not tons of junk going on; it's too early. Monte has two people to put up; he's picking his poison. Jason discusses his HOH experience; in his season two HOH's won; they'd nominate two pairs; they'd compete; opposing HOH was dethroned. It scared him this season that no one was talking to him because day two in his house people were talking. He knows the responsibility of nominating, but it was different for him because of the four nominees. No one wants to be HOH because of the stress. Monte agrees- Jason says he was debating give it to Monte because he's actually talked game to me, or keep him safe because he gets it. Monte discusses that he likes everyone; he's going to put two people up and hate himself. Jason says that's the game; it is what it is. Jason says he was more stressed than some people because he knows the being nominated; the others haven't had to deal with it yet. He says when you're nominated you're not mad at the HOH; it's just part of the game. Jason was afraid this week because he's trying to find out where he fits with people; there are lots of people that he feels good with but nobody's like "I want to be your best friend"- and he feels like everyone's in the same place. Jason feels that in a group of lots of people he's more comfortable talking about his own past. Monte agrees; it's easier one on one. Monte talks about "pick two people you're really close to, nominate them; they're going to hate you now." Jason says the first two people he nominated are two of the five people he's now closest to from BB17. Jason says his thing the first week was the people he felt he'd talk to the least (monte says crap, I've talked to everyone equally). Monte thinks it will take 2-3 weeks for things to settle in, cliques to declare himself. There's no brendan and rachel; easy target. Jason agrees; he feels he's the easy target; maybe he wants to be HOH, not because he wants to nominate, but because he doesn't want to go home first. He discusses his mistake last time; he aligned with people; these are my friends. He will do the same this season; he will align with people even if it means he's going down with the sinking ship, but so far he hasn't found tight groups. Monte says two of the 12 people he talks to tonight will have to be nominated; it's a game; that's what they signed up for. Jason agrees; nobody wants to be HOH, but before we're done all of these people will want to be up here. Jason discussed his decision to hand the crab: Monte, Whitney, or Alex; he hadn't yet spoken to Alex yet, and she approached him and asked about his season; he felt he was trying; he'd already talked to Monte, so he gave it to Whitney. He talks about nominating Becki; he felt he had nothing in common with her; now she's one of his closest friends; it's just impressions at the time. Monte says everyone tonight- he likes them all; he wants to be nice enough, genuine enough to say we're all in this together; I'm not trying to break hearts. He's HOH; he didn't run out and grab it; it just fell into his lap; they can't hold it against him; he didn't seek it out so he could get two people out. Jason says in a season like this; there's no jury; you can't calculate in the same way; it doesn't matter what time people go home; eventually everyone's going home. Jason says he shouldn't make short term decisions; as much as he has to be the nice guy, he has to think about how can I make it a few more weeks. Jason says the way he won HOH will work to his advantage; he didn't have to take people out in this HOH, and he's here with a jock stereotype, but he won't have to compete in next HOH; he can sit back and watch the others compete and see how they act without having to show his cards. Jason talks about other format; feeds aren't on for the first seven days; don't have to nominate as early; this will be harder because they're still getting to know each other; he will do noms and then see how relationships build. Monte says he has an advantage because he's getting to talk to everyone one on one early and see how they talk to the HOH- while the others are still just getting to know each other and feeling each other out. Jason says the only person he hasn't gotten to know yet because he has the least in common with is Cornbread. Monte says they're both good people. Jason says the one way him being safe could help Monte's game this week is he's the veteran; people are coming after him; no one is going to let him get that far. Monte says no matter what you know America loves you anyway. Jason says; you don't know that; everything changes- but others will be thinking that way too; his target doesn't go away, especially because america is voting for the winner. Monte says he knows Jason is smart; Monte says he (Monte) is also probably smarter than people think. Jason expresses respect for the fact that Monte was willing to talk game earlier than the others. The sooner they build relationships, the stronger they'll be; Shane and Monte were the first people to talk game. As HOH evolved Jason was like, :"you guys realize we're mid comp and no one is realizing we're in a competition." That's why Jason was going to grab the drink and drink it; Shane beat him to it. Jason's mistake last season was not aligning himself with smart people; he was with silly people; he feels shane and monte are smart. Jason is the least smart person; he works in a grocery store. He would rather sweat for ten hours than sit in a cubicle because he went to college for several years. He finds that shane and you (monte) are here to play. He doesn't want to be like, "please work with me," but none of these other people are here to work at all. He thinks maybe everyone is holding their cards really close, but doesn't know. He's not one of these people who is like, if I win this money I'm going to do ABC and D, but he wants to get himself out of grocery store and his mother's basement. Monte says he's already well known; being on here again is only going to help Jason out. But the other people are all going to have good stories. They start joking about how long it's taking them to get to understand Justin's bayou accent. Jason says everyone here is nice, can be very beautiful; he never fit in with the beautiful kids. He's glad he's finally starting to connect to people today. Jason says part of his problem in his season is he didn't brownnose (in response to Monte discussing brown nosing); so if jason isn't up here brown nosing; he's outside smoking; so he's not part of this group. Monte says he doesn't hold that against people. Jason also discusses the insecurity of going upstairs and hanging out and invading the HOH's space. Jason reiterates that Monte's goal is to buy himself more weeks; keeping him around keeps a target that will help Monty stays in. Jason says he's small; in an endurance he won't be dragged down by his body weight. Monte clarifies whether he can compete in veto (yes) or next HOH (no). Jason says the only thing he can guarantee people is "if I keep you safe, next week you keep me safe"- and it doesn't really mean anything, but it's all you can do. Also you look around; Jason looked around, saw Shane and Monte playing; he didn't play hard enough his last season; he wants to make sure he's playing this season. He wants to show that he's not just here because he's silly; he loves big brother and wants to play big brother. Monte says Jason is one of the leaders, and that he (monte) and Shane are also seen as leaders. Jason says Shane is seen as more of a leader, which is good for Monte; he doesn't want to be seen as a leader; Monte agrees. Jason speculates that cornbread might come for him; does that mean he's coming for cornbread? No. Things can change in a week. Jason says Monte needs to think how he's going to stay for more weeks. (BB calls Scott to DR)
  22. 9:43 BBT: They (Monte and Whitney in HOH) discuss POV. Monte thinks HOH doesn't get to play; Whitney corrects him. They discuss if Jason wins POV he'd put up a floater. Whitney convinces him HOH gets to play; he feels confident about his abilities. Whitney has a bad taste in his mouth about Jason because he gave her the crab; she was shocked; there must have been a reason he gave it to her instead of Alex; she and Alex are on the same playing field; why did he pick her. Monte is still surprised he didn't pick him. Whitney thinks he has already decided she's a threat; everyone likes her. Monte feels that jason is sizing everyone up; him, whitney, etc. They discuss putting Chrissie up next to him; he hates doing it and can't tell her she's a pawn. They discuss votes. Right now they think they have six; they need five to win and he would be tiebreaker; Whitney thinks they'd have shelby too. They laughingly discuss Jason winning Veto. If he gets POV he'd have to put up Justin (he likes justin and wouldn't want justin's target on his back); maybe Shelby. Monte doesn't want Jason to know he's coming after him hard in case he stays; he plans to play it casual; he's a vet; easy nom. It's so early in the game he doesn't hate anyone; he has an advantage. He discusses what he'd say whether her puts Chrissie or Shelby up against him. He has already talked to both of them; he got similar vibes from both; they're not aligned with anyone, they both know what's going on; he's not going to tell them he's nominating Jason; he doesn't trust them not to tell Jason. Whitney wonders about Cornbread; she thought maybe he was going to give crab to her. Monte reassures her he's "100% cool." He's strictly against Jason now. Whitney asks if he has anything against anyone else? Monte says he doesn't understand Justin. They discuss not to go against Justin; he's a big target; likely to be good at comps. Chrissie, Shelby, and Jason- one of those three depending on veto; if Jason doesn't win POV, he's gone if people keep their word. Whitney reassures him they have nothing in this game if they don't stick to their word/alliances. Justin, Neeley, and Danielle don't matter this week. Regarding POV; whether someone else would use it. He doesn't know rules of game- if someone wins POV do they HAVE to use it? He doesn't want people outside of his core group to know they're safe, would they then use veto. They're worried about new format; he will tell people they're safe as nominations unfold; does that mean they are still safe at veto time [no, but they don't seem to get that yet.] Discusses that if Jason wins no one can freak out; he wants to keep tone casual and not make it clear that Jason is target. He tells Whitney he's going to talk to Jason next; she coaches him about how to talk to him: get on his level; he knows he's a good competitor; ask him who he thinks is a good target to go this week. He'll probably give him some bullcrap answer or even try to bribe him, but (monte speaking) there's nothing he can say to change my mind. Monte is here to be bold; he didn't give up college football not to be bold. The two solidify their respect for each other. They aren't "vining" Danielle. She's a little too self centered for Whitney. Monte thinks she has good traits but she hasn't opened up to anyone. Whitney feels there are good sides to her. Monte is concerned about Shane and her; will Shane flake on him. More recaps he's good that he has the votes and isn't going to campaign to anyone else at this point for votes. He'll play up just because you're put up doesn't mean anything; you can still play POV, etc. He feels like he has to have the cajones to put up Jason this week. Whitney says some people are saying "we can wait until next week from him," Monte feels Scott is one of the ones who wants to wait; they plan to play nice with Scott, but keep him on the outside. She wants to sneak back up later to hear how it went for Jason; she leaves; he wants to get Jason.
  23. 9:32 BBT: They strategize and decide he has to get Jason next; it will be better since he still has several others to talk to. They discuss not making their core group obvious; no sleepovers in HOH room; come in separately. Morgan leaves; plan is to get Jason. Meanwhile, Jason and 7 others sitting in the nook (what are we calling the safari room-- white room?) chatting. Scott, Shane, Alex, Neeley, Cornbread joins them, a few others (I don't have all the names down yet. Maybe Shelby)- general chitchat. Whitney somehow ends up in HOH room with Monte; he is talking to her about his plan too and about the larger group he has in mind. She agrees to his request to promise to put Jason up if he does; he's not going to tell anyone outside of the group he has in mind that he's putting up Jason. Whitney thinks Shelby would vote Jason out too, but he's not telling him. He recaps some of the tidbits he told Morgan about Jason wanting to take target off his back.
  24. 9:24 BBT: Morgan and Monte talk about who the second person should be; Monte doesn't care who second person is; if they're mad he can deal with that. He doesn't want to get on Neeley's bad side. They talk contingencies; if Jason comes down they have to have someone up there who they are okay with going home.
  25. 9:10 BBT: Monte and Morgan in HOH discussing that Monte is going to take a shot at Jason. He also says this am he had a tense convo with Jason; Jason says Monte, I can tell you're kind of leader, you're going to be a threat... Monte was like you've been here before, you already have America behind your back; you know what you're doing. Jason told Scott that he wants Shane, Danielle, and Monte to be here for a long time; he sees Monte as a threat and a leader and would rather people target Monte than Jason; Monte wants to get him out. Jason is terrified that Monte won HOH, but Monte is surprised he gave the crab to Whitney. Monte is interested to see what he says when he comes up there. Morgan recaps conversation where Jason told her he wanted to be HOH. Monte figures he has a good reason to put him up and people can't hate him for doing it, even if Jason stays. Monte feels he has a strong core of Morgan, Whitney, Alex, Shane... he will be okay regardless; Morgan supports this. Scott, Cornbread, and Alex have already told him they will vote Jason out if he's nominated; Morgan says she will, too. Monte is nervous about Justin; he can't figure out what he's saying. He's playing the floater role, but he's a cool floater; they can't see him making big moves, plus everyone loves him. Monte plans to keep a poker face; begs Morgan for secrecy. They confer about what he is going to say when Jason comes up. He plans to keep it vague. Morgan points out he's going to come in talking; Monte agrees that he'll have his own ideas and try to sway him. Monte has been wanting to talk to Morgan; feels they have good chemistry. They are watching Shane and Danielle; Monte's a little worried about Danielle; that she'll get to Shane. Morgan thinks Danielle is more into Shane. Monte has only told people he has good vibes about that he's nominating Jason: Whitney, Scott, Cornbread, Alex, now Morgan. He also mentions Shane in that group. He thinks it's important to establish connections early. He's loyal to all of them and will have their back in the future; anyone who promises him they'll vote Jason out and comes through; he'll have their back in the future. Morgan recaps her interaction with Cornbread when he told her to infect him and he'd infect Jason; they're grateful to him for that; Morgan will remember that and she owes him for taking the heat off of her with Jason.



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