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Posts posted by Orionvierling

  1. Do you really think they are going to throw them out? And who are you to question the producers decision when we didnt even see what happened after the confrontation?

    No I don't think they are going to and I don't think they should. Who am I? I am a watcher and supporter of the show. I can question anything I want.

  2. do we know Eric apologized of his own free will?

    and when did Kaysar sarah and Michael go after someone? It's funny I never heard anyone calling for the oust of these three until Eric's psycho fit last night


    It says he did in the feed update. Kaysar threw a bottle against the wall and busted it. Sarah hit Eric in the head with a bottle of water and Michael instigated the whole thing with Eric. I did not call for anyone being thrown out....I am just saying if Eric must go,as you are saying all the time, so should these others. Fair is fair ya know.

  3. While you eric haters are at it , please include in the letter that kaysar should be gone as well . 

    Everyone in here keeps bringing up the chair throwing incident from a couple seasons . Kaysar threw a glass or bottle against the wall and it shattered .

    Lets hold everyone to the same standard . If you want eric gone for the threat of violence then like it or not , kaysar should be gone as well ....

    Don't you know that you are not supposed to bring up facts...unless it hurts Eric.....:>

    Didn't Sarah hit Eric in the back of the head with a bottle or something? I thought I saw someone say something about that.

  4. lets just make this easy

    mike wasin the right

      lil nepolian was in the wrong and should mind is own business as wwell as his foul mouth

    How can you actually say that Mike was in the right? Mike has been in the wrong multiple times. Eric was in the wrong too but that does not mean Mike was innocent.



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