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Posts posted by Orionvierling

  1. I have to know the answer of why he gave away the final vote.

    It was either blind fear of Maggie (judging from his senseless blubbering to Julie, I think this is it,) blind fear of James dominating the game after they got to final 5 (still does not explain why he would give away the final vote, since two are in the finals,) or he's completely retarded, and despite knowing so much about the game did not realize he was forfeiting almost all hope of his team actually winning money at the end.

    So most of the SOV fans would have someone to blame the losing on.

  2. for once i agree with you! marcellas should have kept his personal feelings out of it and conducted himself better.

    had it been anyone else, marcellas would have participated... but since it was the person that mentioned HIS name on tv a few times in a negative way, he got bent out of shape and decided not to be professional.

    Ok now wait a minute. I agree with Depeche and you agree with me? What next? Is the world going to spin off of its Axis? hehehe :lol:

  3. and he did that by not talking to him.  Beau offended marcellous on plenty of ocasion, personally also, so whatever.

    Beau had no responsibility to Marcellas to be nice. Marcellas is the host of a show about people that are forced to be there. He should have the decency to at least be polite to them. That is his job. If he wants to be a "journalist" he needs to grow up and do his job.

  4. That should have been if you have balls enough, but not enough space.

    Ok, I just watched todays HC's with Beau and I have some serious issues. First off a disclaimer. I have nothing against Marcellas as a person. I think he makes very valid points sometimes. But after today, I want to see how much he can look at himself in the mirror and look at HIS true face. And, I really don;t expect himhim to respond, becuase I don;t think he has done enough looking ito his own self to be able to respond and make sense.

    I don;t know where to bein, but I will begin with his ignoring Beau completely on the show today. And remember, i am not a fan of Beaus or the Fiendsheep.

    Many times this season Marcellas has refereed to himself as a "Journalist". Yet as a "Journalist" he chose to completely ignore and ridicule by actions, Beau. A "Journalist" would not do that. A TRUE Journalist would have been professional enough to set aside their personal feelings and ask the questions that needed to be asked.

    Marcellas was offended that Beau referenced him many times during the show on the live feeds. As sopmeone who has watched the live feedsmany more hours than is healthy, I can only count a few times that Beau mentioned Marcellas.

    For the sake of argument, If Beau is mentioning your name, hell if any houseguest is mentioning your name, that just advances your fame, so why would you be upset? You can disagree with what they say about you, but a self proclaimed journalist, you should be proud that your name lives on.

    You have said multiple times that that people who haven't been n the house, do not know what it is like, yet, you as someone who has been in the house, feels free to personaly attack anyone who for whatever reason, feels some kind of kindship with you. Now given that Beau is nothing like you, should you hold hit against him that he felt some kind of similaritry to you beacause he was black and gay? He didn;t know how he was coming across to everyone just as you didn;t.

    If I remember correctly, and anyone with the DVD of your season can verify or deny, I think at one point, you and Amy said you would be friends FOREVER after the show and we now know that that is not true. Does that make you a liar? No, in my opinion it just shows that whne you are cooped up in that house, you make attachments that aren't real.

    I, personally, was offended by your actions on HC's with Beau. If you are the "Journalist" and "Celeb" and "upstanding, moral person" that you claim to be, you should have been able to put your PERSONAL feelings aside and interview the guest. Julie Chen does it every week. But alas, you took the low road and went against everythijng you have said all season.

    Beau was picked out of millions

    Beau agreed to have his life put on camera

    Beau agreed to have his faults shown

    Beau played a game as he saw fit

    Beau was dedicated to his partner

    Beau respected you enough to compare himself to you.

    And in the end, you disrespected him for having the guts to play the game and you disrespected yourself as a supposed "Journalist" by opting out of the discussion instead of at least being man enough to ask a question or make a comment that didn't affect the game.

    Many people will support you going on emotion, but I, even as much as I hate Beau, will not support you. As you have said, Anyone who has the guts to open their life up, deserves props, but you couldn;t even give Beau that.

    Go ahead and respond, I dare ya. I know you won;t, beause your behavior on Tues HC's made you look bad. And anything that makes you look bad.


    WoW. I have to agree with you completely. His job is to interview and not pass judgement. I have basically stopped watching HC because of his attitude. He is not a journalist he is the host of a gossip show is all. I don't care who he is "interviewing" he should show them respect like a real journalist would.

    I saw the interview and it was very entertaining and funny.

    This is entertainment folks. You just couldn't help laughing at Beau. Every question asked he went around in circles and did not answer.

    So being rude is entertainment? He is being rude to people that have no choice in being on that "show". Makes it even worse.

  5. America is HoH and gets to put up 2 people for eviction.... Oh how great would that be.

    That would be awesome. I'd love to see the look on two of the Nerd Herd's faces when they realized that America hates them.

    Do any drones at CBS read these boards? Forward this suggestion over to Uncle Arnie.

    Just because the SOV fans hate them does not mean America hates them. They had America vote during the first BB(maybe the second I don't remember) and it did not work well at all. America is pulled in because someone is "cute" or "hot".

  6. i dont know why everyone hates james. you dont even know the guy and would you like ppl commenting on your relationship so shut up abou. i dont think you want america to talk about your relationship with your partner. And i dont think sarah will listen to her mom or dad because she feels she really in love with james and i think james is too but doesnt want to show it on camera.

    If you take your relationship on national television then you should not expect any privacy about it. I don't hate James...I think he is a sad little man that has to make himself feel better by demeaning and controlling Sara. James loves James and that is about it.

  7. how would you know how james treats sarah outside of the house. there is a lot of stress in the game and he may of did that to relieve stress but he probably didnt mean it and i wanna see you ppl try to be in a house like that and get critized come on ppl. YOu just can judge a person like that unless you trully know them not judge them of how stressfull it is when a person is put in that situation

    He talked terribly to her and about her. Even in the diary room where he did not have to "put on a show". It convinced her mom and dad and I don't blame them a bit. I hope they sit down with her and show her the tapes and give her a reality check.

  8. So abuse is ok? He does abuse her ya know.

    Huh? When did you see or hear this. I think it has been pretty clear that she MAY have been in abusive relationships before, but she considers James to be her hero, and she has said many times in the past that he treats her like a Princess.

    Were we watching different shows? He mentally and verbally abused her time after time. Mental and verbal abuse is every bit as bad if not worse than physical abuse. He manipulates her.

  9. Oh, sheesh. More of poor, pitaful Sarah.

    Umm, hello? She adores James first of all. She accepts how he talks to her. He doesn't hold a gun to head to be with him. Secondly, all she seems to do is cry and say she loves James. Good riddance!

    As far as her looking for an ounce of encouragement? Oh, please. Learn to live on your own accord. Maybe her mom doesn't like the way she's living. Not saying I agree with this, but I know my mom would have a cow about me or one of sisters living with a boyfriend and not being married. Add into that being on TV and kissing him, and professing her love every 2 seconds, mom may have been having a hard time. Toss into the mix of Daddy's little girl...

    It just kills me how Sarah has been portrayed to be the most innocent, undeserving, "sweetest little girl" on the planet. It makes me want to dry heave.

    So abuse is ok? He does abuse her ya know.

  10. I suppose I'll be chastized for bringing Maggie into a Kaysar thread but...

    I have a friend (male) who claims MAGGIE is the best looking female in the house.  This is the first time I've heard anybody claims he's pretty.

    Any comments?

    There have been more than one man say she is pretty on this board and I am one of them. I agree that I think she is the best looking female in the house.

  11. Hey, Kaysar is a graphics designer and Eric is a meathead.... who has friends most likely to be smart enough to design a "simple bot"?  

    Go Kaysar!!!

    Well well...aren't you just an Ivette in training. Way to generalize and insult.

  12. well, if cbs allows multiple votes from the same IP, kaysar could be screwed. someone could just write a simple bot to vote for eric nonstop.

    Or these Kaysar worshipers could spend hours voting for Kaysar. Seems unethical to me but ethics don't matter I guess.

  13. All the "bad team" supporters will vote for Eric and he'll be back.  Lights out fishes!

    Good post Logo...I totally agree...I so hope Eric comes back just so that it makes the people on this board go apeshit...lol...I love it when they say "I cancelled my feeds" or "I wont watch if E comes back" so funny...

    I agree completely. It would be so funny if Eric came back. This board would be full of posts about how the vote was rigged, they were not going to watch anymore, how the world is coming to an end,etc... hehe

  14. I got my 20 votes in.

    p.s. after voting .. click the back button and the circle under Eric is highlighted. Hmmmm.

    The plot sickens...

    You should really do more research before you start crying about it being fixed. If you hit backspace the highlighted circle is the one under the person to the left of who you voted for. Vote for Kaysar and backspace it will be Eric, vote for Eric and it will be Michael,vote for Michael and none are highlighted. Gee maybe it isn't fixed.

  15. I don't know what a carpet muncher is, but if he said it as a racist/discriminatory remark and with intent to seriously and maliciously offend someone, then CBS should take action against him.  Did Ivette say those comments as a joke, and Kaysar laughed at it, and everything was over with? Or did she say it seriously and prejudicially behind his back. I think she called him a raghead and a sandn*gger behind his back and compared him to Osama the terrorist. If you're going to compare all this to a joke song then be my guest.

    Just seems like bashing is bashing. Guess everyone does not agree with me. Guess it is ok for some people then? Okie doke.



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