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Everything posted by motormouthcj

  1. 2:20am BBT Jeremy and Amanda in plane room and she is swearing she didn't vote David out, Jeremy says he believes her. Nick in HOH room now and Kaitlyn saying that everyone know he is with them. Nick telling them you cannot trust anyone. Jeremy back in the room and Kaitlyn tells Nick that Amanda came up there and said its apparent that the 5 of you are together. Jessie pokes her head out and summons Judd into the house and leaves Amanda out there by herself. Judd is told to go up to the HOH... Kaitlyn asks if he is ready to talk yet.
  2. 2:02am BBT - Amanda goes into the HOH room and tells Aaryn she had no reason to go after David, not that she is trying to kiss her ass or convince her, but she voted the way the whole ass was suppose to vote and she will believe whatever, Aaryn says she didn't expect her to kiss her ass, Amanda says she has no reason to vote against David, Aaryn says she doesn't understand why anyone would want to keep her and that her comment "even you McCrae" seems sketchy, Aaryn isn't saying she believes anyone but some people have said is 100% believeable, Amanda asked who is 100% believable, Aaryn says Spencer because he talks so much shit about her and he wouldn't vote David out, Amanda says that Spencer hangs out with Candice and you don't believe Candice and who do I hang out with?? McCrae and yes, and McCrae is upset David is out and so am I. (Amanda is really trying to convince Aaryn that her and McCrae were not the ones who voted with David and pushing the fact that Spencer/Candice hang out all the time and Candice is a liar) Aaryn is saying it's not personal that she doesn't know who to believe, Aaryn says she isn't mad at her, Amanda says she is upset because she was blindsided, Aaryn says that Elissa can use the "vote for me and as MVP I wont put you up" threat and that is hard to resist. Kaitlyn says Elissa put David up because she didn't like Aaryn, Amanda says she swears on her 2 year old niece she didn't know she was putting David up, Jeremy says we just have to get her out this week and that only only Judd, Andy and Helen are the only ones who told the truth about voting David out, Helen they knew would vote David out cuz she is friends with Elissa, Andy said the house told him to vote David out and Judd hasn't said why yet... Amanda says that Elissa is the biggest threat, Kaitlyn says "This whole fucking game is rigged for her." Aaryn now says how she heard the "boos" when she voted for Elissa and that she knew at that point that "they are showing Elissa as the innocent one and portraying me as the bitch" 2:14am GM is called to DR
  3. 1:51am BBT - Jeremy leaves to get something. Kaitlyn saying if shes goes up she is going home even though she is so nice to everyone here (as she watches herself in the mirror as she adjusts her stance) Aaryn says they will have to figure this out and make sure hours before their vote is good. Kaitlyn says that Helen is giving all the couple the snake eye and that they are going to put her up (MVP) and she will be going home, it's my fault for being a showmance, she then says she has to go to the bathroom but she can't because jeremy might come back up... GM volunteers to keep him downstairs for awhile, when she leaves Kaitlyn says that they are sure Nick voted David out, Kaitlyn saying how fucked up it is cuz they thought they had it in the bag, Aaryn says she thinks they came off too strong that is why David is gone, that they are coming after the showmances. (GM and Jeremy eating in kitchen chit chatting but she is scrapping something so I can't hear what they are saying) Jeremy says that he has been putting on this physical show and no one knows he has the brain to back it up, Judd comes in and Jeremy tells him that they are going to have problems, Judd says why, Jeremy says cuz I don't fucking like you right now, Judd says why, Jeremy says cuz I love you dude
  4. 1:36am BBT - McCrae, Amanda, Andy, Judd and Jessie in By, Jessie thanks everyone for keeping her there. Judd says David didn't talk game to him till the day of the vote and all he asked him about is what Judd with do with the money. Jessie talks about how she thought Elissa was the obvious one to go. Judd talks about how "someone" apologized for saying she would slit his throat (not sure what is going on with that) Feeds jump to the HOH room and Jeremy is saying that someone came downstairs saying that him and Kaitlyn had sex in the HOH room, Kaitlyn got very upset and he said not to worry about it, Kaitlyn says "What a bitch". Aaryn is saying she has to quit thinking the game is rigged because it makes her play stupid. (best line so far lol) Aayn doesn't feel like its a level playing field, that other peoples bbq sauce was thinner and theirs was thick and how she was a genius by putting her hand in it and she would scrap her hand into Jeremy's hand. (she won and she is still bitching) They couldn't believe how well Andy did, Aaryn wasn't she said he was scared and people play well when scared. GM says she gave up when she got her partner, she said Amanda and her got a minute penalty. Aaryn says when they told her to pick have nots and she asked who voted for David and both McCrae and Amanda volunteered she knew... she feels that Elissa had McCraes ear the whole time. GM says the MVP fucks this whole game up and that it's in her (Elissas) favor. Aaryn says they better watch what they say or she might get a "clown" in her DR... (some bad joke) Production gives Aaryn the warning.
  5. 1:33am BBT - Andy is outside talking to McCrae and Amanda, but before he could get too much information out Jessie and Judd come out. General chit chat insues. Helen and Spencer are still in BR having "what if" talks and at 1:35am we get FOTH 1:36am BBT feeds back
  6. 1:21am BBT - Andy in the have not room telling Helen, Elissa and Candice about how he couldn't reach the ball thru the hole, Candice saying he was always 30 seconds from Jeremy. Andy leaves and goes back into kitchen. Girls are now chatting about how Aaryn may not nominate Elissa so she can't play in the POV. Candice hopes one of them get MVP. Andy now whispering with Spencer and Amanda telling them he is going to have to distance himself from them so he can get information from Aaryn/jeremy in HOH. McCrae and Judd chatting in the plane room and Judd explaining why he voted the way he did, McCrae acting like he could care less. He tells McCrae how Candice told him she was told to vote for Elissa so she did. Back in the BR Andy, spencer and amanda are interrupted by Candice and they change the subject fast... Amanda goes in have not room with Candice, Andy tells Spencer that "they" are underestimating him (spencer) and amanda so that is a good thing. Its hard to hear but I hear Elissa's name being thrown around a lot. Spencer tells Andy that he is doing good. McCrae comes into Br and Andy leaves. Helen and Amanda come into the room too and Helen sees they have beer... Spencer jokes about making jailhouse booze and tells them how to make it. Amanda and McCrae are going to play chess... suddenly someone yells "the backyard is open" spencer says he is just going to bed.
  7. 1:12am BBT - McCrae and Amanda still in plane room whispering talking about how "they" (aaryn and jeremy) don't know who they will put up, McCrae says just keep putting name out there, Amanda says Aaryn is a caddy girl and would probably put up Candice and Helen. McCrae tells Amanda how he is glad Jeremy isn't HOH or she would be up. They discuss how Aaryn trusts him because he told her after David left that she would probably win HOH because that is how this game works then after the game she came tohim in the BR and told him "you were right!" Amanda tells McCrae that his hair looks funny and he looks like a woman, McCrae says we're friends right, Amanda says we are best friends, McCrae says we can't get romantically involved, Amanda says "we got romantic last night" they giggle Amanda says do we need to talk about it and McCrae blushes and shakes head, Amanda says "do we need to worry about little McCraes?"(sarcasm) Andy suddenly walks in and whispers that after she left HOH and that they told him everything but then more people walk by so Andy leaves... Judd just walked in with beer and Amanada says don't tell them upstairs they drank it all last time, fuck them, McCrae says we should tell them, she says she won't... someone went upstairs and told them... everyone is gathering in the kitchen. Amanda says she wishes the BY was open so she could smoke with the wine.
  8. 1:03am BBT - McCrae and Amanda are in the plane room catching each other up, Amanda telling him what Aaryn has been telling her, McCrae says be careful with that. Back in the havenot room, Elissa is telling Helen and Candice about how Jeremy apologized for putting her hat in his butt, he came up and told her how BB made him come and apologize for their differences and she was confused because she didn't know they had any then he said they made me apologize for wiping her NC hat on his butt and asked her if she wanted it back and she said no, she wouldn't want that hat back for her life. Helen saying him yelling at the girls will go down in history, (not sure who they are talking about) Elissa doesn't understand how he is the biggest guy in the house and is bullying all the women, Helen saying that she is going to say more about his ways in her DR so his mom will see it and hope she helps change him and she would never raise her son that way (jeremy is who they are talking about) Helen says and on national TV to act that way. Elissa said she realized today he didn't mean his apology, Helen says "she wins HOH and he acts like he won it, but she hopes he cannot play in HOH next week, but he can still be put up this week". they are talking about how this season is a no floater season and she thinks her being in the house makes those who hated her sister play harder to win. Helen goes back to if Jeremy gets put up by MVP and he wins POV then who goes up? They throw around GM name
  9. 12:56am BBT - McCrae leaves to go get coffee (BB keeps announcing that they are not allowed to talk about DR with other houseguests but not sure who is) Helen and Spencer are talking about how they are in a good position and not to make any mistakes, someone is loud in the kitchen and they are wondering who it is... McCrae comes into the BR and says he loves it down stairs, its a whole new perspective being down here, Helen says that she loved being a have not just to have the experience. 12:58am BBT Elissa and Amanda in SR and Elissa mocking Aaryn saying "who voted for my BF to leave?" and laughing about it (they are now whispering but they had someone elses mic on who was talking and I couldn't hear what they were saying after that. Elissa leaves and amanda bitches there is no food in the house. Back in HOH Kaitlyn is grooming Jeremy while laying in the HOH bed, Aaryn and Andy are talking about how someone probably dates 19 year old girls outside of the house. McCrae comes in and informs the HOH room they are not going to open the BY and tell everyone goodnight. Helen and Candice in the have not room talking about how they have to hang low and not hang out together, make sure that Aaryn doesn't get a clue they are working together, make sure to stay out of the way
  10. 12:41am BBT Helen, McCrae, Spencer in BR - Helen is glad that Aaryn is HOH so she'll stay upstairs and won't have to put up with her, both McCrae and spencer agree. McCrae says he feels like he is finally having the BB experience and how David's face looked when he left. Helen telling her DR goodbye to David and how he made a "life regret", Spencer says why don't you just kick him in the nuts and they all 3 laugh. Now they are discussing how their must be 2 more weeks due to the number of people and how they hope they don't let anyone back in and if they do they don't let David back, Helen says he probably hates me now, he would not forgive me. Helen says it was a good choice to vote him out because he would've probably won the competition tonight. Now Helen says POV challenges that has "would you shave your head?" she would do it, McCrae says they won't do that veto till he is on the block cuz they will want him to shave his head and Helen laughs (they meaning BB production) 12:49pm BBT - McCrae telling Helen and Spencer how GM was fake crying about David leaving, she was making all the sounds but no tears, he says he was the only one looking at David's picture turn B&W and pretending to make a made face. They all talk about keeping it together and sticking together. Helen says and have fun, she says even being a have not is being fun, Helen then thanks MaCrae for volunteering to "take it" McCrae says he doesn't care, he wants the experience so fuck it, I'll take it (I'm guessing have not) Helen says she told someone not to be upset about putting her on slop. Someone just came out of DR, sounded like Amanda and says they will not be opening up the BY and they don't think there will be alcohol, then leaves to check the DR (actually it's GM) at 12:53am BBT Judd is called to the DR
  11. 12:40am BBT - #BB15 Helen and McCrae talking about how they heard cheering and boos when they cast their votes last night
  12. 4:33pm BBT - Aaryn, Spencer, Andy and Elissa are in the plane room chatting about random things like the temp in the house and how they thought they house might be. Helen and Candice are in the ktichen talking, neither one of them look happy, cannot hear what they are saying but they keep looking up where McCrae and Amanda are playing chess... they go back to the colorful room and Candice is telling Helen how McCrae said to vote Elissa out because she is the biggest threat, Helen wants her to make sure and to go back and make sure McCrae said to vote her out because she's MVP or to keep her because she will keep getting MVP and she can get people out... Candice then goes to Spencer and Spencer says "keep Elissa cuz she'll keep getting MVP" Candice says she just wanted to make sure cuz other people keep asking her... the ladies have all lined up to use the restroom, Spencer is brushing his teeth, Nick is just sitting there having random chat. 4:41pm BBT... everyone lined up to use the restroom, Nick was talking about how the house is full of food he cannot eat. McCrae has now entered into the bathroom to wait in line for the bathroom. feeds moved to BR with David and Spencer and Spencer telling David not to worry about anything, David tells him he's really worried, and Spencer tells him everyone is on edge don't worry. 4:43pm BBT - David is the BR with Amanda and trying to get reassurance from her that everything is ok, couldn't hear what she said but he was smiling when he walked off and she told him "your so sweet" ... random singing keeps bringing up FOTH David, Aaryn and Nick in kitchen with random chit chat. Andy Kaitlyn, Amanda, GM Jessie in LR chatting, Nick and David joins and at 4:46pm BBT we get foth again 4:47pm BBT feeds back and Candice and Spencer chatting in BR about the live show. Most everyone else is in the LR and someone yells out "It's 4:44!" 4:47pm BBT - spencer and candice whispering about if there is a tie vote the HOH makes the decision, Elissa walks out of Br and they quit talking. Just saw Howard pass by and use BR 4:49pm BBT... Elissa laid down by Spencer and he asked her to let him talk to Candice alone, so Elissa gets up and leaves, Spencer then tells Candice that everyone is on the same page and to quit worrying, she says ok and leaves, Howard comes out and him and Spencer start talking about someone who needs to just let him (spencer) handle this shit and shut up... at 4:51pm BBT we get TRIVIA
  13. 4:16pm BBT McCrae thinks he has checkmate on Amanda. Aaryn leaned over and whispered something to Jessie but I could not hear. Kaitlyn is straddling Jeremys leg rubbing his shoulders in the BR... Elissa walks up to them and Kaitlyn gives her a hug. ginamarie walks in as Elissa walks out and gm hugs Kaitlyn too. 4:17pm BBT Aaryn, Nick, spencer, Andy, Helen and Elissa are in the Plane room chatting about random things... Someone is hollering for Elissa. GM is telling David that she gave a fake hug to Elissa just now in the BR... Jeremy and Nick are sitting with David in the LR, Judd joins them and they are trying to reassure David that you never know how things might go 4:23pm BBT GM just accidentally cut Andy's thumb, not sure what she was doing to cut it. Andy is in the SR looking for a band aid GM and Kaitlyn join Judd, Jeremy, Nick and David in the LR talking about evil eyes, GM says if you get a red bow and put a pin in it when someone gives her the evil eye it will bounce back. 4:26pm BBT - Kaitlyn bitching to GM and Nick and Jeremy about Aaryn talking out loud about stuff that she didn't wan't people to hear, secret stuff. 4:29pm BBT Kaitlyn behind Jeremy on LR couch, hands all over him either hugging or massaging. Andy joins them all in the LR and GM starts talking about how all of her pictures have cute poses. They are talking about how Nick was looking weird the first night he came in cuz he had a huge grin the whole time on his face, Nick said "I was just so happy to be here"
  14. 4:12pm BBT - David and Nick are sitting on the couch chatting with Aaryn, Jessie and Kaitlyn... Aaryn helping jessie stretch as the guys watch 4:14pm BBT McCrae and Amanda are playing chess. David and Nick have left the LR and the girls are done stretching and helping each other with their mics...
  15. 3:55PM BBT Janelle says Ian is a smart player to win question comps; Ashley says Danielle is smart, she heard her counting the greek alphabet
  16. 3:49PM BBT Wil and Jen are tanning outside and talking about possible people coming back in and playing their game and not coaches game 3:51 PM BBT This just in... Boogie is actually awake; he may have been called to DR
  17. 3:46 PM BBT Janelle and Ashley eating chips and salsa chatting about game; everyone except sleeping Boogie outside, Dan out of DR and outside
  18. 3:28PM BBT backyard is open, everyone wandering out; 3:29PM BBT Ashley is called to the DR
  19. 3:26PM BBT we have WBRB probably indoor lockdown over
  20. Feeds 1&2 Boogie and Ian in HOH random chat; 3&4 Brit and janelle talking about emotions, husbands and Janelles daughter
  21. 3:06PM BBT And now Britney and Janelle are comparing periods and Janelle trying to explain contractions to Britney Britney asks Janelle if she ever cries; Janelle says she cries twice a year, she just knows how to control her emotions Boogie is telling Ian about Joe telling Frank about the "coaches trading team" idea; Boogie worried what else Joe is freaking about 3:13PM BBT Boogie says if Ian stays another 3 weeks he will win "Americas choice", he looks like a kid up against all these beasts
  22. Brit telling Janelle about the Willie/Joe incident; She said she was telling Willie that all the stuff he was doing wasn't hurting him it was hurting her and the other team mates,That is when Joe walked by and one of them called the other a pu**y and Joe walked away, Willie chased him down and when Joe turned around Willie head butted Joe twice, that Willie yelling made others come out and that is when Willie charged Joe again and hit him with his shoulder and then head butted Joe again. We got WBRB and when they come back Janelle says he was a physco, Brit says he was so nice the first few days, it's scarey to think that he could be someones boyfriend, he could be some guy you could meet and become involved with... they start to chat about him being arrested and at 2:58BBBT we get WBRB
  23. 2:43 PM BBT JoJo is called to DR 2:45PM BBT Joe out of DR and in shoe room, says indoor LD is still on, Joe gives them the menu for dinner, Thai food Britney says does anyone see how unfair this game is, I mean they put a psychopath on my team; Brit thinks 2-3 people come back 2:48PM BBT Almost same convo going on in HOH with Boogie, Frank and Ian, Ian thinks 3 coaches will be coming in when one coach goes home
  24. 2:21PM BBT Frank up in HOH, tells Boogie he want's to throw something at him that Joe brought up, Boogie in shower and says wait till hes out 2:25PM BBT Shane, JoJo and Danielle in bathroom chatting about last season; Frank in HOH bed with "Ted" listening to music on headphones Boogie is out of shower; Frank says what if coaches comp is they get to trade all their people, not just one, Boogie says no way Boogie says if that happens he will push the button and walk out; Boogies says "Joe came up with that? I think he is bored." Boogie says if they do anything else it would be to let a coach bring someone back; Frank thinks that Dan is throwing competitions Danielle and Britney talking about what they are going to do; Britney thinks she got the shaft because of what Willie did 2:34PM BBT Frank and Boogie talking about hoping Shane wins HOH next week & puts up 2 of Janelle's players; Frank thinks Wil out before Shane Ian comes into HOH; Boogie giving him advice to use the "Have not" situation to get in good with Shane and they are too Britney and Janelle in shoe room, Britney says something has to happen, we're not going to finish the game the way things are going



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