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Posts posted by jayman228

  1. 11:42am BBT - Andy comes out of DR and heads to WC. Spencer is then called into the DR. Spencer puts on his shirt and shorts. As Andy and Spencer pass each other, he tells Spencer to "have fun". Spencer is now in DR and Andy climbs into bed.

    11:58am BBT - Spencer comes out of DR heads to WC.

    12:02pm BBT - Spencer is in KT getting drink and blows his nose. GM is now summoned to the DR. Spencer makes his way back to bed; GM makes her way to DR. Spencer tells GM that she doesn't need to put make up on. GM asks what it was and Spencer says "We just talked". GM in DR. Spencer and Andy in bed.

  2. 9:00am BBT - Andy moving around a bit in his bed but other then that they are all sound asleep.

    9:30am BBT - Andy and GM moving around a bit where Spencer is not. Spencer appears like he's sound asleep. At any rate, all the lights are still off in the BB house as they continue to sleep in on this Monday morning.

    10:00am BBT - Toss, Turn, Snore, and then Repeat. Yep, they are still in bed tossing, turning, and snoring while they continue to sleep.

  3. 2:20 PM BBT - GM talking about dancing and singing. Big Brother tells Andy to relocate his transmitter. Spencer is awake but still laying down in his bed.

    2:24pm BBT - Andy said Amanda had a good singing voice. GM responded she did and brought up that she tried out for American Idol but it didn't go well.

    2:28pm BBT - Spencer gets out of bed and goes to WC, washes hands real quick, and heads back to the room and joins GM and Andy.

    2:34pm BBT - Andy putting his contacts in his eyes. He then joins GM and Spencer and they talk about where they are sore the most. Andy begs BB "Please give us something to do".

    2:35pm BBT - BB gives them great news...HG lock down is over. GM runs outside screaming in excitement.

    2:41pm BBT - Spencer is laying down in his bed still (he said he was waiting for some pizza to be done before he gets up). Andy is outside working on his laundry. GM changed clothes and went back outside to suntan next to the pool.

    2:50pm BBT - GM outside sunbathing, Andy checks his pizza he's making and goes to talk to Spencer about what GM and him were talking about. Andy told Spencer that they were discussing what they are planning on wearing for finale night.

    3:06pm BBT - Spencer still laying in bed and Andy is sitting on the bed next to him just in general chitchat. GM still outside laying next to pool sunbathing.

    3:08pm BBT - BB calls GM to DR. Andy goes back and checks his pizza in the oven to make sure it doesn't mess up. Spencer gives this weird laugh when Andy leaves the room.

    3:20pm BBT - Spencer and Andy in the KT talking about their past/current relationships. GM still in DR.

    3:23pm BBT - GM comes out of DR and yells that she got four stitches out. She's excited and happy. Mentioned more come out Tuesday. Andy goes to BY to check laundry. Spencer goes outside with him then I got FOTH.

    3:31pm BBT - Spencer and Andy head outside to eat their pizza. When walking out GM asked what BB said and Spencer tells her "The only consistent is change."

    3:37pm BBT - The boys are talking about Spencer and him shaving his beard off because it's "insanity" (Spencer's words) . GM no longer by the pool and now in the middle of the yard sunbathing. Looks like she's half in the sun and half in the shade.

    3:41pm BBT - GM moved to the hammic to get into the sun as she realized she was losing daylight. Andy got some more pizza for him and Spencer.

    3:50pm BBT - GM heads to sit with the boys. Talk is about the stitches. Spencer is telling a story about how someone had to get 7-8 stitches at the bottom of their foot.

  4. 1:40pm BBT - HG are still sleeping.

    2:29pm BBT - Andy and GM tossing and turning in their sleep while Spencer is sound asleep.
    3:08pm BBT - A lot of tossing, turning, and moving around going on as the HG continue to try to nap.
    3:38pm BBT - Nothing new to report because HG are still attached to their bed and sleeping still.
    4:02pm BBT - A whole lot of sleepin gonna on in the house. Yep, you guessed it, they are still in bed.
  5. 10:28 AM BBT - Danielle appears to be the only one awake as she is sitting on the couch in the WA.

    10:33 AM BBT - 2 camera's show Danielle just sitting on the couch in the WA where it appears she is thinking alone. 1 camera zoomed in on Dan in his bed sound asleep. The other camera zoomed in on Shane sound asleep. No sign of Ian or Jen.



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