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Everything posted by thebaysingerboy

  1. it's kind of bizarre that he called a group meeting as he was taking a shower...
  2. michael says he speaks 5 languages and he came to america in 97 to go to university...
  3. michael is in the shower and telling everyone that he is from italy... and that he didn't move till america till the late 90s and that he felt like he was lying to everyone... michael wants everyone to know that he was born and raised in europe...
  4. kaysar and janelle are talking about seeing someone die... but cbs keeps going off of them for a few seconds... apparently cbs doesn't like it when they talking about watching people die...
  5. yeah it's really annoying... i can't make out what he's saying... not really sure what they are talking about...
  6. all 4 cams on 2 girls taking seperate showers...
  7. howie massaging rachel's back in the kitchen... it seems everone is asking for medicine from big brother
  8. james and ashlea laying on couches opposite of eachother throwing coaster back and forth...
  9. beau and ivette in the gold room gossiping saying that it's gonna be a long summer... ivette said that she needs motrin because "i can't take it with these people"
  10. "it doesn't feel like we've been here a week, it feels like a lot longer" - James
  11. they aren't sleeping... rachael said her eyes hurt because of the sun... my guess she is resting them... she keeps picking at her arms....
  12. now they are talking about WD40 and squeaky doors...
  13. "gee, what to do today? I'd love to go to the mall" - Rachel to Eric
  14. when sarah was refering to "her" lying, she was talking about janelle...
  15. sarah and beau said that that could both trust rachel... beau said that he doesn't think there are any alliances at all...
  16. sarah said she said that she agreed that she would vote ashlea out but now that she knows her, she doesn't know if she will... sarah also said that kaysar really wants to be there... sarah said that janelle said that the girls were gonna vote out the guys, but no one told janelle that... sarah said that janelle said that it is a guy/girl thing, but sarah doesn't think so... sarah doesn't like that janelle lied to her...
  17. beau said he doesn't know who he is gonna vote out yet...
  18. beau and maggie are talking in the gold room...
  19. yes it is totally obvious that michael has the hots for janelle...
  20. michael just told janelle "you might just have the prettiest eyes i've ever seen" haha nice...
  21. ashlea is still kissing up by offering to wash some of the girls clothes for them...



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