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Posts posted by Canucklehead

  1. Dr Will is without a doubt the most popular player but what makes him better than Dan? If you put Dr Will in this season he may have been long gone by now ... People watched the seasons or have people telling them what they did during their season it's actually much harder playing in this environment then it would be to play in all-stars. Not saying Dan is the best or anybody is for that matter but the ability to play the game changes all the time because the personalities are different.

    The second point regarding Dan's game play this season ... keep in mind we would love nothing more then to scream through our monitors/laptops/TV whatever to tell them what is really going on but it obviously don't work that way ... Maybe he would have got further with Janelle maybe not that's only there to speculate what would have/could have happened ... Maybe she agrees to BD Dan the following week too.

    Dan now still has time to make something happen but he'll probably have a better chance of convincing Jenn to do something then Ian who apparently now thinks it's a complete joke ... His best chance is to out Ian and hope to join up with Frank and Jenn and try to get Shane out this week but it seems pretty unlikely.

  2. So... everyone complaining that production is helping Frank, please explain to me how having double POVs on a week when he is HOH and trying to get his biggest enemy out of the house is good for him in any way, shape or form? Sounds like quite the opposite to me. With this twist, the Quack Pack could easily make all five of themselves safe this week, forcing Frank to waste his HOH AND he won't be able to play for HOH next week on top of that. Sounds like production is trying to screw him over to me.

    How do you explain production trying to convince Ian to NOT use the Veto? ... Ian talked to Dan and said he'd use it in the right scenario then was immediately called back to the DR. There is absolutely no good reason why they couldn't have done the eviction prior to the reset which basically screwed Shane by making his week a complete waste of time! ... Not to mention got blood on his hands so to speak. Start there ...

  3. Ian said that BB told him to work with Frank. This pisses me off when they interfere with the game. Britney told him this is our game, more or less, not to listen to them. Grodner you are ruining BB stop ass kissing your pets. (FRANK)

    He just agreed to use it if Shane or Brit won the POV and told Dan ... 5 seconds later Ian is called back into the DR

  4. Once again BB Production strikes! Ian agrees to use the veto in a perfect scenario on Dan (Brit or Shane win PoV) ... Ian had previously been persuaded to not use the veto by DR staff .... Once he agrees to use the veto he's called back to the DR almost immediately after! Dan doesn't have many friends in the DR!

  5. Am I watching the same show as everyone else? I do not understand the hatred towards Frank... so what he is blunt, cocky/confident.

    Add sketchy, slimy, and a voice that grates on my nerves like nails on a chalk board and it begins to explain my reasoning for not liking him

  6. How bad is it that this bum gets to stick around and act like a champ when he clearly would have been evicted if not for the Big Brother save ... as usual Big Brother Production plays their usual role ... Now he gets to take out Dan ... Maybe they'll have some mysterious America Vote

  7. Just watched early this morning when he left the HoH with Dani and Shane and he said ... So it's Shane and Joe? ... Shane agreed

    Ian probably will throw the thing anyway he has no fears right now he's golden for a long time unless his secret gets blown up. He doesn't want the secret out and he knows he's safe on both sides right now ... Although Jenn has said she'd put up Ian apparently. Of course that's Ian though is this is Shane's thread lol

  8. So if Ian wins he's putting up Shane and Joe and Shane agreed to this? Has this guy lost his damn mind? ... and if the Noms stay the same he has a good chance of going home! ... Ian could decide to go over to Team Frank and take out the former QP's best player leaving them with Dani, Dan, and Britney ... Not saying it will happen but a huge gamble on Shane and the QP's part if they do that!

  9. I don't think B/F have Joe at this point but lots of time left ... I almost wish he'd just blast them with a big fat NO! Then again seeing Boogie and Frank in a state of shock Thursday night would be awesome and might throw off Ashley and Frank for the HoH comp that follows.



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