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Everything posted by Canucklehead

  1. Not that winning is ever truly a bad thing but with 5 left this is the one players would rather not win if there is such a thing ... It basically means Ian cannot play in the HoH with only 4 people left ... That being said Ian probably needed this one because I think it would have been him or Shane going out the door this week. Next week Ian will be one of 3 people that aren't going to be HoH and 2 of those go on the block ... If one come down Ian has to go up which is the only down fall to winning with 5 people left.
  2. The best players know how to manipulate other players ... That's what makes Dan so good at this game ... He's very good at talking to people! They appear to be his puppets because he's manipulating them
  3. Personally i think Frank played a good game in terms of comps put that's only part of the game ... You need a good social game to go with it. I thought he should have played more of a Moose (Archie's) type role in thsi game.
  4. The DR or Wizard ... Do play a part in trying to make things happen and try to help the more entertaining people in the game as long as possible. This isn't just Big Brother though it's reality shows in general we just see it more on Big Brother because you have 24 hour feeds to see the players discussing the DR events. Survivor among other shows do the same thing ...
  5. Favorite = Dan (Choo Choo) Least favorite = Shane (Getting in the way of the train!)
  6. Ian will likely put up Jenn & Shane ... Dan won't make his play until after the Veto Ceremony ... If Shane doesn't win or come off the block than IMO Shane will become the target
  7. Frank is making a very poor move here ... He has just given Dan an out for voting him out this week. He is clearly going back on his deal with Dan (whether it existed or not) This makes it easy for Dan to now vote Frank out of the game ... Bad move Frank!
  8. So is it Ok now for Dan to go against Frank? ... I mean Frank right now is trying to get Danielle to bring Shane with him and Jenn. Frank telling Dani that Dan was NOT acting during the funeral rant and that Frank was the one that told Dan to go smooth it over with her. BAD move Frank because you know she going back to Dan with this information and you just gave Dan an easy out for not keeping you! Dummy! ... I think any chance he had is on it's way out the door with him Thursday night!
  9. I'm a huge Dr Will fan but I think Dan's mountain is much tougher to climb ... I have always thought Will was the ultimate player in this game until this season. I think Will had it a little bit easier only because all the HGs were returning during his All Star season .. Dan was an immediate target as a past winner
  10. Haters will hate ... Its easy for people to say he won't win but regardless he's going to be in the top 6 at the very least ... Not bad winning a season and making at least the top 6 in a follow up season after winning your previous season.
  11. Why do people keep saying he swore on the bible lol ... He never put his hand on the bible and swore he'd keep Frank safe until the end! Dan did swear that he was telling the truth outing the QP - it's just people that don't like him looking for something to feed off to try and make other people dislike him like they do.
  12. I often here people or teams are arrogant ... Its usually the better players/teams that are snagged with that title so Team Dan will take it!
  13. It's actually much better for Dan to get rid of Joe and not Frank ... at least for this week. Joe is the 1 person that is targeting Dan right now
  14. Watch again maybe some people are taking it out of context ... He swore he was telling the truth about the things he was saying because Frank said that Dan better not be BS'n him ... Dan wasn't BS'n and everything he said was the truth. Let's be clear he said he WOULD swear on it but he never actually put his hand on the Bible and said "I will work and protect you Frank for the rest of this game" ... Haters please try again later!
  15. People need to stop the foolishness this is a game ... None of them are cheating they all lie to each other every single day. Dan isn't working against Frank he's just not helping him get out of a situation that he himself could have avoided with smarter game play. Remember Frank was more than willing to sacrifice Dan before the Nominations happened .... Frank himself created the mess he's in and Dan would be willing to go to the end with Frank if the situation presented itself ... That appears unlikely at this point. It would actually be better for Dan to have Joe leave before Frank so Frank leaving is NOT in Dan's best interest but in the best interest of the QP. If ya don't like the Dan train feel free to jump off .... His real fans will be there regardless the out come of this GAME Choo Choo. The best part is Dan is still the most popular player and will likely win America's Favorite Player ... He is playing the game different this time because he's forced to play a different game and no matter the outcome he'll leave the best player to step foot in the BB house
  16. Frank is showing why he's NOT that good at this game ... He's good in competitions but that's only part of the game. The rest of Frank's game ability is sub par because he assumes everything he's told is the truth.
  17. I think it was the comments he made about wanting to play the game since 9/11..I think she took offence to him mentioning it
  18. Maybe your right .. I just think frank is playing it up so that people do not suspect that he is working with Dan..
  19. I think they both intend to stick with it for the time being atleast. They are sharing information when they get the chance because they do not want to draw attention to themselves by spending alot of time together.
  20. Britney you are such a hypocrite it's pathetic ... Britney wasn't gonna campaign against Danielle either but he is Britney is laying it on Shane real thick ... She's not campaigning lol
  21. I have wondered the same today.. if he can pull this off I honestly think he may very well be the best ever. He has always been up there with Dr Will in my books but he may have just made the best move I have seen yet..
  22. It's funny seeing the Dan haters (The few that exist) still hating lol. The guy made a brilliant move to try and save himself ... I mean come on yesterday people didn't think Dan was playing a very good game and he may have just made one of the best plays in BB history saving himself from a certain trip to the jury house ... But he's still not playing a good game. How brilliant an smooth was it when you take a guy many considered finished ... It was a death blow that he had 24 hours where he couldn't even talk game to try and save himself ... Instead he takes the times in solitary and plots his way of saving himself. He makes a valid point if he tells Danielle about his plan she doesn't give the reaction he wanted and it's not like he told anybody this was a huge secret ... I thought it was great for TV now I just hope they can seal the deal and get the little Brit out This was discussed last night and according to Frank - Ian will have to play his veto first before Jenn .... So Ian doesn't use his and Jenn uses hers on Dan and up goes Britney
  23. I disagree lol - There is only 1 Vet still standing and she's the one that was the lowest on the great player totem pole ... Like I mentioned before its so easy to sit on the outside watching everything unfold and judge how someone is playing. Dan only knew that Frank was planning to backdoor him so he reacted first and it also become well known thanks to Ian that they were suggesting Ian go after their other Silent 6 members ... When you hear this and have no clue what people are actually doing it's easy to say yeah Dan should have stuck with the Silent 6 but that thing was falling apart the day after it was formed. This season doesn't take anything away from any of the Vets IMO ... They came into the game with huge targets on their back so it was a major challenge for them right from the start ... Dan and Britney had no reason to not enter with Shane being a major target and Danielle unlikely to win anyway they might as well try.
  24. True Marty ... Not looking to good for our boy Dan ... My season will likely come to an end with this weeks eviction ... Not a strong enough cast left. Not a huge Boogie fan but with him leaving last week and Dan this week not to mention my dislike for Frank and the boring other cast members ... it's not looking good for me either unfortunately Dan's issue with Froogie came when he heard Frank wanted to backdoor him ... He was never informed that Boogie talked Frank out of this idea though otherwise Boogie is probably still in the house and quite possibly working with Dan and Frank. Again just goes back to us knowing more from the outside because we know everything that goes on.



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