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Everything posted by suechick

  1. Eric....is just being Eric. Still trying to dictate how to act when he's gone. I is just egging him on. Gave speeches to A & jenn both now.
  2. The board is really slow, so a little delayed here: E uses the piss in the ear comment again, VERY REPULSIVE! YUCKY A talking to M&E and saying she is now going to play the game for herself. E says M is too. M - If it's God's plan, she'll win HOH next week.
  3. Apparently J took himself off, K put up E. E is pissed, S tried to talk to him, he told her not to talk to him right then. M, E & I are sitting around bashing K, E - "Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining." E said he's ok, and his wife is proud of him.
  4. movement in the house....through the fish tank.
  5. BB: JAMES TO THE DR. Veto ceremony getting close!!
  6. Going over again that Eric needs to be emotionless when he goes up today.
  7. E- Me & I are cut from the same cloth that
  8. M: James is putting doubt in your mind about Ivette. E said that J is upset because he won't let him upset him, E won't even acknowledge that J is in the room. M- He says that when we get out we will be friends. I don't think so. I don't surround myself with people like that. M getting upset about Dave: When I go home I am going to want to get married and to have kids. E: Maybe he will want that too. Maggie looks like she is going to break down in tears
  9. E to M: People are loyal to me, and they see me through you!
  10. All I hear E say anymore...BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH He thinks the good guys (meaning his group) need to start winning.
  11. M says R is not a bad person, but she's definitely playing the game. More James Bashing, saying he's wrong but would never admit to it.
  12. M&E discussing how he should act when replacing J on the block today. M really being a b*tch about James: I hope $500K will do something for him and that maybe he could have 1/10 what we (her & E) have.
  14. M&E talking about R. Maggie says, GAME ON! M says if she gets HOH right now I & B & A & Jen are all safe. E starting with what $ makes people do. E tells M she is the wild card in the house. E saying that the Kaysar group doesn't know what James is all about.
  15. Maggie's up now, she's walking to the kitchen, wait, she's in the excercise room w/ E. FISH
  16. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING E&R still the only ones up
  17. Eric going to work out now... Rachel still bitching that she feels HUGE after pigging out on Sarah's b-day food yesterday.
  18. E compliments R and says she's doing a good job playing, after he says people are willing to sell their souls for the $. E says he won't talk to James. They think there might be a luxury competition, but they don't know what for.
  19. Eric talking about morals, saying he'll walk out with his head held high. He's saying that the game makes you ? who you are, and what you would do for $. Rachel just nodding in agreement.
  20. M: My conflict is I know it's just a game and I know what I get to go home to. Alot of these ppl who don't have what I have get nothing to go home to. R: Including me M: No, there's something different about you, Rachel. It separates you from the others . You're brilliant and you're very strategic . I think we have things in common. Don't you wanna get rid of someone that...Was Kaysar's goal to get rid of Eric & me? R: James did the orchestrating M: That blows my mind. R: Howie had nothing to do with it. He's not that smart M: Oh, yes he is
  21. M bitching to R all morning about her "honest game" R leaves to get coffee, she's sick of the whining I think.
  22. M in kitchen w/ R crying, trying to save E.



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