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Posts posted by ImIn

  1. No Helen wants it to be her Elissa Candice and Jesse final 4! Helen's goal is to get out spencer this week! She told Jesse earlier yesterday aryan with definitely go home next week because Amanda wants to keep aryan safe and use her! She then said that Amanda and McCrae had to be split up because they are too powerful. That why she told Candace that she threw Elissa under the bus but she didn't mean it and she can control who aryan puts up! That's why Elissa is not up!

    well yes...in the future everyone wants to get each out...they are not going to do it this week. Until they get to jury, they have a solid agreement in place for their group to get to jury...targets being Howard and Spencer. Disposable hgs are Candice, Elissa, and Aaryn in the coming weeks. Once jury hits...it's going to be no holds barred.

  2. How does race have any thing to do with Candice and Howard being a target? I thought Helen was behind the nomn and I thought it was because the two of them were to strong and smart. Whay does it always have to do with race.

    It doesn't....I agree with you.

    The racial insults that have been thrown around by many of the house guest have nothing to do with their aligning. The reason many in the house are targeting Howard is because he's not trustworthy. His lie to Helen about there not being an MC alliance was detrimental to his game. Plus, he does not talk game with many of the hgs...so they assume he is against them. Yesterday when Aaryn was talking with him before noms he kept avoiding her questions about who he was after and aligned with...saying he makes his own decisions and then would change the topic to some philosophical ideas he has about playing.

    Helen and Elissa are in good with Candy...once Howie is out of the picture, Candy will be a stronger player.

  3. So Elissa saying "who wears a one piece" and saying generally that Amanda looked fat and looked like a stripper (she did in my opinion!) is nasty and insulting and worth Elissa hate! BUT Amanda saying she wants to slit Elissa's throat and pass her around for the guys to rape her OR calling Candice a Cword with nappy hair is not you giving your favorite a pass on it?? Okaaaaayyyyyyyyy then!

    Personally I would never want to be in that house with 24/7 surveillance because I am sure I might say something that could be misconstrued. I think many of them have said things they would not like to remember saying. Amanda is generally a more aggressive and crude personality while Elissa is more of a let's read the bible and do yoga type of personality. In the house I like Elissa better. In life Amanda would probably be more fun to party with! JMO

    I hold them both in the same regard as far as their insulting behavior, but I didn't bring Amanda up in the conversation, you did. As I said tho, I've no problem with insults and intimidation in the game. Elissa threw out the "whore" word too as I recall, and has made several nasty and demeaning comments throughout. She is not the saint she makes herself out to be...trouble is, I don't think she realizes it. At least with Amanda you get what you see...she is not pretending or in denial about who she really is.

    The main reason why I do like Amanda is because she's playing the game and she's a leader. Elissa is a lousy game player and the only reason she is still in the house is because she got lucky the first few weeks with the mvp vote/advantage. Now she is just hanging in there because the stronger side of the house decided to take her in and use her. Even Helen has said that Elissa can go anytime. She is useless.

  4. Its funny to me how people say Elissa is mean and all that when in actuality the people who are mean are Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlin. Kaitlin is gone now but Aaryn is still mean. Just last night she said when Andy entered the HOH room "you don't have to knock, Q boy" That to me is offensive and highly demeaning and just plain mean spirited. I for one think Elissa has been pretty nice in the house. As for her comments when Amanda were doing the dominatriz routine I think Elissa was trying to make a joke. I for one saw it the minute she started making comments that they were probably meant to be funny and jokes but were taken the wrong way. I really don't think she intended to be mean about it at all because I haven't seen one thing out of her that is mean spirited like others.

    Elissa's nasty and insulting comments were not a joke. She meant them...then tried to cover by laughing and saying she was kidding. They were not funny.

    Don't get me wrong, I've no problem on this show with name calling and insults...just can't stand it when some people give their favorites a pass on it, and then call others out on it when they do it.

  5. I doubt Amanda's alliance will seize the opportunity to evict her if she were to go up. They are loyal to each other until jury. It's been their goal for weeks now. They are not going to risk it and cause a split in the group. They have a plan in place to get rid of Howard and Spencer....possibly Candice. I heard Helen and Elissa reaffirming it. Jessie and Andy will not turn on Amanda at this point either. Getting Amanda evicted this week is wishful thinking on some viewers parts..but it isn't going to happen with both Spencer and Howard still in the house.

  6. Call her what you will but one things for sure. You can't call her a floater. She is deffinately playing the game hard, sometimes too hard but I'm OK with that.

    As for what she says in the house that bothers me not. She can curse like a sailor for all I care. Just play the game and not hide behind someone (like McCrea is doing) It's funny how posters here despise the floaters and attack the ones that do play the game, good or bad.

    Amanda and Helen are playing the game big time, an yes sometimes too much but I'm not going to fault them for that.

    I so agree! She's playing the game! It makes no sense to me for viewers to want to evict the players, and keep the floaters/do nothings in.

    Her cursing and name calling do not bother me either. I've seen some people call her a bully, which I don't agree with. She is bold, crude, and somewhat intimidating...hardly a bully tho. Maybe I have a different opinion on what a bully is...people throw that word out too casually these days, imo. I thought Evel Dick was a lot more brazen with all his cursing and intimidating tactics...the way he talked about Jen was disgusting. I didn't like him for it, but I will never fault him for using his intimidation tactics and for playing hard in the game. I recall him using the "C" word repeatedly and even recall something about wanting to physically assault her (was it rape?)...yet for some reason a lot of the posters here and on CBS chat, that are calling Amanda out on her swearing, loved ED...enjoyed his behavior, and give him a pass. I don't get that logic....only thing I can think of is that it's a tactic viewers/posters use in order to sway others into rooting for their favorite.

  7. I disagree. The smartest move would be nominating Amanda/McCrae. Instead, she conforms to peer pressure.

    I don't understand shy you think that would be the smartest move for Aaryn to make? If she nom'd Amanda & McCrea, she'd be going back on a deal that she made with Helen, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy & Jessie. She may get lucky and get one of the McMandas out, but then she'd have 6 other people that would be ticked off at her for going back on her word, as well Spencer, Howard and Candy would know she is not at all trustworthy.

    The best move for Aaryn is to work her way into a group of people, build relationships and trust.

  8. Helen still wants Spencer and Howard up, but it was good to see that she realizes what a liability crazy Elissa is to her game and that she's got to go. It's funny how she is telling everyone that they cannot say anything, strategy-wise, to Elissa because she's such a loose canon.

  9. I think if Candice or Howard goes out under Aaryns hoh, the social media will explode. May be a lot of DR influence going on this week. Just my opinion.

    I know DR gets involved in manipulating the outcomes by asking leading questions and all, but I honestly do not want them to actively influence the outcome in order to tell their story...show good overcoming evil etc. I want the chips to fall where they may...good or bad.

  10. Amanda really? I know everyone has their own opinion and they are entitled to it but can we possibly vote for every single person that actually brings something to the game and makes the house at least some what interesting lol ... Maybe we'll end up with Elissa, Helen, Jessie, Candice, and Andy as a final 5 ... won't that be exciting! (ugh) lol

    Keep drama in the house! I don't like Elissa but there is always potential for some drama with her in there so I won't vote to put her up either.

    I do agree with you, however I am guilty of voting for who I like/dislike for mvp nom...like so many other do. Amanda and Elissa are among the few that actually bring drama and entertainment to the house and feeds. Once Elissa is out of the house, then I will vote for the boring floaters...promise. ;)

  11. I hope Aryan honors her deal that she made last week in order to be saved...I've a feeling she will since she knows she cannot alienate herself from the group. If she goes against her word, nobody will trust her again...not that anyone really does now, but she has the ability over the course of the next week to repair a lot of the doubts the others have in her. Keeping her word is key to that. Spencer/Howie should be the noms. Hopefully Elissa will be the mvp choice again this week, and I'd be fine with Elissa getting evicted...so would Aryan.

    If Aryan did not have the deal in place, I think she'd go after Elissa and Candy in a heartbeat. Those are her 2 biggest threats in the house.

  12. Elissa would be my #1 choice to leave this week. She touts her faith as being so important to her, and then says the nastiest and most condescending things about some of the others. Her vanity is disgusting...isn't vanity one of the deadly sins? I'm fine with lying in the game, even for the religious, because it is a game where lying and scheming are a must, but the values she supposedly holds so dearly contradict her actions/insults. Aside from Howie and Candy, the others aren't using religion in the game, so I don't hold them to the same standards. If you are going to talk the talk, then stand by it! I despise hypocrites.

  13. Aryan did have an agreement with Helen that she would nom who the group wanted since they worked to save her. I haven't watched the feeds overnight so I don't know if Aryan has intentions on keeping her end of the deal, but anyways, Amanda was part of the group she made the deal with, and the group consensus has been to go after Howie and Spencer....so good for Amanda to reinforce the group desire to go after those 2 guys. Amanda and Helen have to keep Aryan in line because she was hinting that she wanted to go after other targets...Candy or Elissa, I think.

  14. Even if Amanda did get the mvp nom this week, I think she'd be safe. Her group still has the numbers and she's been loyal to them (assuming Aaryn will be nom'ing Spencer/Howard/Candy).

    I hope she's safe anyways, you never know how the house can flip. She's my favorite player in the house. She is aggressive, but she is also smart and strategic. I like players that understand how the game works and make influential moves. Plus, she makes the feeds interesting and I love her diary room comments.

    There are quite a few this season that have shown little to no game play, or even worse, bad game play, and have contributed little of interest to the feeds (coughElissaHowardGinamarieJessieAndycough)...they're the ones that should go before Amanda.

  15. From the update page: 10:04PM BBT: Candice asks Elissa and Helen if they have a final four deal. Both laugh and say no.

    This is so stupid to me. Helen and Elissa have been thick as thieves since day one. To sit there and say they haven't made some kind of end game deal with each other is an insult to anyone they are talking with, as if that person is stupid.

    It's a stupid question to ask in the first place Nobody is going to answer it honestly, if they did, at this stage of the game. If they told Candice that they did, she'd go running off to Howie with that info, and/or use it against them.

  16. Did anyone go on the CBS web site and see that "America" is voting for HOH and the noms? I saw it the other day and kept checking back to vote and I somehow missed it.

    I'm not quite clear on what you are asking...maybe this helps...

    When you go to the BB page on CBS, under the "more" tab at the top of the page, there is a link to "America's vote" and another for "MVP vote".

    The only thing I've seen on the CBS site for voting is for what the have-nots get to eat and the MVP vote. Never saw a vote for HoH. The MVP voting usually only lasts from Thursday evening to Friday evening. I forget when the vote for have-not food is....Sunday? I know it's usually mentioned on one of the shows to go vote.

  17. Flashbacks all night on the feeds was - Elissa is crazy she has to go and bla bla bla. They are angry because she wants Aaryn to be evicted.

    Got to thinking. Now how could Elissa get America's vote again for MVP? :popcorn:

    oh maybe if the whole house is against Elissa and Elissa wants to evict the person hated by the public the most Aaryn. :queen:

    I'm not sure if any of the other hgs have a strong enough following to beat out Elissa, if the mvp reverts back to one of the hgs this coming week. She is crazy, and did sabotage her alliance, but the Brenchel Army is loyal and still a force to be reckoned with. If she did plan that in order to gain more supporters for her getting mvp...I doubt it brought in more fans.

    That was crazy last night, and as much as I dislike her for what she did game-wise, drama-wise...she delivered. BB fans love drama and action on the feeds...lazy/sleeping hgs are not fun.



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