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About BB6_FaN

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Maggie and Beau taking a nap on the HOH bed. Ivette and April taking a nap on the HOH floor. Kaysar in the hammock. Janelle just ate so she can't work out now. Howie covering up hot tub. Rachel getting ready to cook dinner. Everyone else in kitchen.
  2. Janelle going to work out, but Rachel is on the treadmill and Jenn on elliptical
  3. J: I'm crazy K:They're going to depict you as the hot blond gold digging crazy girl
  4. Kaysar giving Janelle advice about the game...trying to tell her how to kick out James without him knowing what is going on K to J keep him [James] thinking that he is informed
  5. Cam 1 is on LR Cam 2 on DR...both empty Cam 3&4 on Kaysar and Janelle talking about nothing
  6. BB: Houseguests did you know that it will take approximently 1500 batteries to power your wireless mics this season.
  7. Maggie sitting on HOH bed saying hello to the picture of her boyfriend. Rest of HG in kitchen talking about last night's competition.



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