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Posts posted by AzGrama

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am a longtime lurker, seldom poster but definately a BB addict. My hopes for this season are....no returning hg's, more real people, less plumped up, injected, sculpted tanned actor/actress wannabes. I have been watching since Season 1. I think the last few seasons, the hg's are very spoiled. I see so much wasted food being thrown out. As I recall in the early years, the hg's had a grocery budget. They had to come to an agreement on what to buy, beer vs. toilet paper, among other compromises. And if they bought too much booze, oh well, so sorry, the meals could be very lean. They had real grass, and planted a garden to supplement their food, and that's when Chicken George took care of the chickens. I think several seasons had "pets". Wasn't there a pig one year? Anyone out there remember? Anyway, I am excited about this year. Hope there is lots of juicy strategy, and someone that I will love to hate. I like the truly obnoxious houseguests, gets me all riled up. It gets real boring when everyone gets along.

    Happy to see some familiar faces here. Anxiously awaiting the start of summer and BB14.

  2. Hopefully sucking his thumb would be less noisy then those damn suckers he has been jamming in his mouth. He had such a huge piece in his mouth the other night it looked like he had a complete sucker crosswise in his mouth. He made so much noise you couldn't hear him talk. April finally told him to take it out of his mouth (so they could get busy) and he saved it....to be continued later. ewwwwww

  3. The other nite, April and Ollie having pillow talk. Discussing if their personalities would change outside the house because they will be famous celebrities. Ollie says he thinks she will change because of the red carpet treatment. She said no change for her, she already gets red carpet treatment. She has been in a movie! A BIG movie, has done tons of commercials and when she goes out clubbing, she does not wait in any line. She gets right in, so she demands red carpet treatment. OMG This woman is so full of herself. I wonder how there is any room for her Big Heart. :animated_rotfl:

    Has anyone hear what BIG movie she has been in?? Probably "April Does Phoenix"

  4. I think in the POV competition Jesse won a letter from home. I believe that is what he and Michelle are reading. My sense is that Jesse doubts that it is from his family. Could be his paranoia again. They went to FOH and when they came back it sounded like Michelle had gone to the diary room and complained about his letter.



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