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Posts posted by kiddyhouse

  1. I know I have seen this question here before.  Never really paid much attention because I have DVRs and Live Feeds.  But my daughter just left for college today and she hasnt been able to set up her TV.  How can she watch live tonight streaming?  Sorry, I tried searching for the answer, but couldn't find it.  Thanks 

  2. I think Donny may fly under the radar....just have a feeling the younger HG will under estimate his intelligence due to his Duck Dynasty beard. Donny will align with all guys but physically won't be able to win in the last few physical comps....I predict Derrick

    BTW....I always wrong....lol

  3. Any ideas when the cast will be announced, & actually go into the house? I'm all for a new cast, but the idea of past early-round losers returning has a lot of merit..give them another chance. Also like to see food comps for the week...let them earn food for each day. The anticipation is BUILDINGGGGGGG

    I have been saying this for years. Best idea !! Give those who didn't have much of a chance, a second chance.

  4. I'm hoping that Joe realizes that during that whole conversation early this morning when he would ask F/B where does he fit in the team they wouldn't give him a straight answer. (Not that DDBS is either.) They just kept saying well you know "we" (F/B) are never turning on each other and then we'll just figure it out in the next couple weeks... aka you (Joe) can go as soon as we use you this week. duh

    Do you think Joe will figure it out? Is he serious? Or do you think he is just playing along to get them to shut the hell up? I mean he was calling them bullies last night and was ready to get the house to declare sides.

  5. I'm hoping and praying with fingers crossed that Dan wins the next HOH on double eviction night!

    I was thinking that too, but Dan won't know about the double eviction until the HOH competition is over. UNLESS Ian figures it out due to getting everything done so quickly in the live show.

    I believe if Dan knows he only has to be HOH for 20 mins, then he would go for it.

  6. Who would have saw that coming?? With Boog being so trustworty and all. :lol:

    I know, right? Do they not remember who he played with in season 2 and all stars? The only player to ever say he was lying and never to trust him, and they trusted him anyway. I am still hoping Janelle can pull this one out of her behind. :faint:

  7. Danielle and her alliance are laughing now, but I really think it's going to come back and bite them in the behind.

    Booger and Frank will put Shane on the block this week if either of them win HOH. Then who will be laughing?? Jani while she is watching it at home.

    Why do these people continue to do the same thing year after year? *smh* I ask that and think, duh, its a social experiment and human nature is pretty consistent. Dang sheep mentality.



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