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Posts posted by txcyclone

  1. 3:59 bbt

    Feeds back Victoria is wearing POV

    zach won a trip

    zach says he's giving the trip to his parents

    Caleb got 5k and Nicole has a unitard (germ a tard)

    it was some kind of shooting game

    frankie hosted and everyone is saying he did a great job

    Amber telling Brit she will have to make deals now and Brit saying she would have taken 5k and tried for votes

    Amber, Brit and Jocasta dissing Cody

    Jocasta told Brit and Amber that Caleb, Cody and Derrick are up in HOH trying to figure something out.

    Brit talking about being in back yard for 24 hours and something about a ball and kicking it 24 times every hour... not sure exactly

    Cody has to blow a whistle in the back yard?

    Brit has 24 hours to score 2400 goals

    every time BB blows a whistle Cody has to get up and go outside and kick himself in the butt 10 times

    Hayden and Derrick talking in SR...apparently Caleb took 5k instead of veto and Donny said during comp that if he doesn't take the veto he has to go up.

    I'm out hope someone takes over

  2. 12:05 BBT feeds back and they are talking about balloons and them being all over and having to pop them

    popped balloons are all over the house!!!

    everyone has brooms and are sweeping

    sounds like there were prizes in the balloons

    there has to be thousands of balloons and confetti every where!

    people are congratulating Spencer so he must have won something.

    Judd said it took under 4 minutes

    all complaining saying they need a shovel or a shop vac... sounds like there were letters in the balloons

    sounds like spencer won $10,000

    all are cleaning but GM who is inspecting her toes

    Judd said their goal was to make them clean the whole house... Amanda said she's done cleaning her back hurts

  3. 4:02 pm Elissa and Judd talking at hot tub... Aaryn bashing and Amanda bashing, how Aaryn lies to Elissa all the time... rehashing Kaitlin being evicted and talking about Mc/Amanda and the stories they tell... how McCrae is throwing GM under the bus... GM joined them and said something about upset stomach and Elissa told her there was pepto inside... GM joins them instead of getting pepto

    GM said she learned how to put make up on from YouTube and how to cook a turkey too

    now talking about flat tires

    Elissa said she's really pumped up and her heart is racing

    says when she feels like this in real life she is on a mission and gets stuff accomplished

    Elissa says she zones out with yoga and her bible, GM says dancing does it for her

    GM asks Elissa how to get more bangs and Elissa tells her how to blow dry her hair

    now talking about roots and GM talking about how hard it is to be a blond... i'm out

  4. 3:57 BBT Ian and Dani sitting at table having random convos... Dani asked Ian if he still thinks it's face morph and Ian said no taking too long... Dani says 3 girls, 3 guys in jury... Dani wonders if another picture goes gray on memory wall

    dani says all first round picks and all last round picks are gone

    Ian says they went from 7 to 3 in a one week span

    Dani wonders if they got bad ratings last night because of what Dan did

    Dani telling Ian that Dan swore on everything to keep Shane... (she is admitting to Ian that she wanted him out in a round about way)

    Ian says Jenn won't vote for him because he has a penis and Frank hates him

    dani says Joe won't vote for a girl

    Dani telling Ian that she wouldn't win against him in final 2

    Dani asks Ian if he will take her if he wins because he thinks Dani has the votes and Ian wiggles out saying he's not saying that... they discuss Dan in final 2

    Dani keeps talking about beating Dan in final comp (not sure if she is doing what Dan wants by trying to get Ian to throw it or if she means it now)

    Dani says if Dan wins it and votes her out that she won't ever give him her vote

    part of the power went out in kitchen

    Ian still knocking on door before going to bathroom

    Dani wonders how they will survive until Wednesday with nothing to do

    Dani crunching on something... says that jury is filming their questions today then go to sequester right after and we get fish

    Ian says it would suck to be in jury for one day and go back to that Mariott... ugh... fish and now Dan sleeping

    Dani asking if Ian if Julie asked Shane about him and Dani... Ian thinks so

    Dani said what makes her the maddest about Dan is she carried him the whole way

  5. I think Shelly's biggest mistake was getting in Jordan's face the way she did... at first I thought Jordan went after Shelly but after seeing that Shelly came in the room where she was knowing that she was devastated at the moment about Jeff leaving and yelliing at Jordan that she was more upset than Jordan was about Jeff leaving is what pushed Jordan and her fans over the edge... now mind you I get that Shelly is playing a game (a bad one in my mind but irrelevant) but I have seen a mean side to Shelly that made me not like her (tearing up the dog, saying hateful things, etc.) but nothing done in this game deserves what has happened to her family. But in the end she will show her daughter that lying really does get you no where :)

    As far as who I think will win... well Kalia talks toooooooooooooo much but seems the most aware of what needs to be done but if any of them take Jordan to final 2 they will deserve to lose... If I had to bet today I would bet on Rachel.



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