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Posts posted by Mikeydude

  1. On 7/24/2017 at 10:31 AM, music19773 said:


    I don't think bringing back Cody is anymore 'rigged' than bringing back Paul. In fact, I would say Paul's re-entrance was MUCH more scripted in his favor than Cody's. Not only did he get to come back, he got to pick who was 'safe' (making immediate alliances/bonds), taking someone's spot which got someone out of the house, and then miraculously got THREE weeks of pure safety from "America". Yeah...right. Cody had to compete in and win three different competitions to win a spot back in the house, one of which was against Paul who did a similar challenge last year as well. Paul did nothing and got a lot more power and safety in return. In the end it's all about the drama, and Cody brings that in spades. He is the only one I think out of the four outed houseguests who would truly give Paul a run for his money. 


    Oh, and welcome to Morty's. :) 


    Of course it was scripted and rigged. At the beginning of the season they didn't 'evict' - they traded. But they only did it once with Paul... Why only him? Why not several times with whoever was evicted. To just bring back Paul was a cheap shot to everyone else. And any time they bring back someone that has already been voted out, they are killing the gamer as it was intended to be. IMO it's just B.S.

  2. On 7/22/2017 at 9:43 PM, Roli said:


    I don't like it when they bring someone back either.  I especially don't like it when they bring back someone from another season.  It's fine for an all star season, but it takes away from the concept of complete strangers suddenly living in a house together when one is already known to them.  The HGs always seem to be too easily swayed by the veteran.  





    I said this too in another thread. I'm sick of seeing someone that had their chance at the game. It's unfair for newer players and ruins the game for me.

  3. Just my opinion but I think that Victor is set by the Producers to win. No-one has ever been put in the house 3 times in a single season. He was voted out and they got him back in - okay... it's happened before. Then he's voted out again and he's back in again. It's a set up and I am willing to bet he takes all the money at the end.

  4. I agree with what everyone has said but let's look at reality in this unreal game. These are the guys that last all season. He won't get evicted... not for a while yet. Players of this game are way too stupid. I think the guy is a putz. But the putz's always win this stupid thing.



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