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Posts posted by hubbs

  1. Howie and Rachel even look like they could be related. So do April and Jennifer. I agree on the Ivette and Janelle connection, they might work in the same club. Ashlea and Beau may also work together or know each other due to likely connection of her being a fashion design student and him being a personal shopper. Also, Pembroke Pines and Plantation are both near Ft. Lauderdale.

  2. My first impression was how bland the houseguests look. Pretty white and young overall.

    Beau = Token black guy/Marcellus clone; Kaysar = token "other" ethnic; Ivette = could be semi-ethnic; Eric = the "old"guy (at 36!); Janelle = token bimbo; James = a slice of Wonder bread.

    Given that most of the HGs are young and single, it looks like BB is trying to amp up the hookups this year. I'm sure plenty of alcohol will be provided to grease the wheels...

    The big twist would be if they play against type. Otherwise, BB will need to have the "secrets" on an IV drip to keep it from getting dull.



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