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Posts posted by PhoneActress

  1. Her feet are worse than her boy toys. They're mangled -- shudders

    LOL Her feet are bigger than her boy toy's. That would turn most men away :fear:

    Amanda hiding in the storage room behind a trash can crying because she can't win anything. This is WAYYYYY better than Rachel hiding in the bushes!!!!


    Someone needs to tell the idiot that the trash belongs INSIDE the bag. The amazon bully skitch was too dumb to win a thrown comp!

  2. So I watched tonight's episode...Helen's lie about the conversation she had with Candice got bigger and bigger as she retold it. It's time for her to go! She really gets on my nerves. I think she and Amanda read the same pamphlet "How NOT to win Big Brother".

  3. I am watching tonight's show now. I found it absolutely gut busting hilarious :lol2: when he was trying to throw the competition. As my mother used to say "you never know who is going to have to give you a glass of water" or in the case of Trailer Trash Barbie and the Staten Island Skitch a bucket of milk.

  4. So I flashed back to Candice's argument with the Staten Island Skitch and Trailer Trash Barbie. All I have to say is I now know why I have never tried out for BB, I would catch a case. The only thing my BB stipend would be good for is bail money. I would have mopped the floor with those b&*%$@#! Kudos to Candice :clap: she is a much better woman than I am.

  5. Howard should get MPV for comforting this psycho chick. Someone needs to drag her to the shower turn on the cold water, give her a Xanax, Zoloft, and a bottle of wine. She will be chill after about 20 mins.

    No stable sane person would react that way. How many couples in BB history have been split up, and how many people have EVER reacted this way??? She cannot be serious. They weren't even a real couple. Did she ever even pick up on the "he's just not that into you" vibe he was throwing off big time?

    She has proven to be effective for CBS because I just signed up for the feeds after tonight's show.

  6. Okay so this wackadoo's strategy is to fall out and cry like somebody just told her that her entire family was murdered :cookoo: ??? This is all an act! She is an unstable piece of trash. The most entertaining week will be if she is nominated. If she is nominated (which I doubt) I will take a week off of work just so that I can watch her on the feeds, it will be a 3 ring circus.

  7. OMG he is such a jerk! I truly hate this guy. He looks like Taylor Lautner and Alfred E. Neuman had a baby. In the beginning I thought I was going to like him. The more I watch him the more I want him gone. If TMC makes it to the final 5, I pray that he is the FIRST one they pick off!

  8. Thanks LenRay

    Even though Ollie didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning or going to the final 2, I think April said she would be Ollie 1st girlfriend to cover all possible bases just in case by some fluke of the universe he actually won. I think they deserve each other both of them are lying skanks. His parents should be proud.

  9. Ollie is delusional. Maybe if would had actually won HOH, a veto, pin the tail on the donkey, or just anything maybe his milk dud headed self would not have been evicted. I really wanted to like him, but I think pretty much after day 1 I had a serious dislike for him. In the history of BB I truly cannot think of a single HG that contributed less that he did. He is a goon and I am so glad he is gone.

  10. Those children are gorgeous. Awwww Cutie pie chunky babies. I too think that the lighter baby just looked like a light complexioned African American. If that is what they are calling "white" smack me on my butt and call me Caucasian, because that baby is the same complexion as I am. The other twins that I have seen that are labeled

  11. I think she is accepting of it because she knows there is nothing she can do. Everyone in the house has already blamed her for everything from toilet flushes to the earthquake. Even though she is leaving, I am sure that she is very glad that she cast a vote to evict Jessie. Also that trip to Hawaii and a cut of that $10,000 definately softens the blow lol. Too bad she isn't being sent home to those babies.



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