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Posts posted by Nilty

  1. Moose yeah I saw Jackie standing that was and did a double take I never seen anyone who was not in balet stand that way on purpose..

    I was just thinking she was doing it because it was some sort of like model or ballet postion or something.. but did look kinda off..

    Can we hire mike goldman to come replace the chenbot? That would be intersting LOL

    and I disagree about Nobbi going Stir crazy in the BBUS house... He would find a ton of fun and enjoyment in the stragetizing and game.. his problem is he is isolated and at night cant roll over and whsiper to his mates like everyone else does.. They all go in to go to bed or whatever and hes walking in circles outside until they wake up and come out

  2. I love BBAU.. I love how BB is more of a chracter in the show also.. The cast doesn't have all the producors coaching them like in the US version but instead has BB messing with thier heads..

    also Live TV there is Live.. BB really needes to remind them that it is live TV and remind them that BB said there was no Swearing at FNL cause the bleep had to be used way too much..

    And looks like the AU public really wanted some older blokes in there when they voted the 3 new "webmates" (all 3 are in thier 30's) The girls were all thrilled with barney even.. I think a few of them voted for him..

    I hated the stay up all night and evict someone "twist" its a lame twist like the US version used to have..

    I'm sad to see the "shop" and BB able to smack at the kitty whenever a HM stepped toe across a line...

    They said that BB would have no more stupid rules this year.. I kinda enjoyed that.. cause part of the whole idea of BB is that he would change a rule and "that is how it has always been" (least if you read 1984) But BB does not allow HM's to call him "mate" so I guess theres a start..

    Looks like they are doing more of a shift to the US version.. the FNL winner will become HoH.. he will Veto and replace 1 nomination.

    I'm tired of the US version.. <saves rant for another time/place>



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