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Posts posted by zhod

  1. Thank you so much for the recaps from BB1. I loved that season too and was kinda sad to see the way the game changed for BB2 and beyond.............I have to say that I was dissapointed in BB2 after having loved BB1 so much, but now, I couldn't imagine not watching BB. It's the only part of summer I look forward to! B)

  2. my favorite part of the whole thing was the latest

    janelle-ism. "i have like the hugest memory i can

    remember." rofl. add that to her strategy to win

    all the prizes and wearing heels so she can be

    even more buxom.

    i liked gretchen and marcellas last season on

    housecalls but i really dont like marcellas this

    year. its too much about him name dropping

    and his insecurity about beau. they spend as

    much time talking about marcellas as they do

    the game itself. housecalls as a whole has been

    a huge disappointment this season.

    Funny, but I thought HouseCalls was just as good last season as it was this season. Marcellas was doing the same thing last time as he was this time............. Is it a disappointment for you because Marcellas and Gretchen couldn't stand the friendship?

  3. Hi, Zhod! I just voted a bunch of times for Kaysar. I hope they accept more than one vote by IP number. Is the CTV poll on Open Court? I'll have to go and take a peek. I imagine the NG's are voting for Eric.

    Frankie Bones!!!!!!! What's up girl! You got that right about the NG's and voting for Eric, you know how they are for the lying underdogs! It's on the open court board. I'm glad you came over to Morty's! It sure is a fun place!

    Oh and to say on topic........VOTE FOR KAYSAR!!!

  4. Here's to the Best House Calls EVER!!!!!!!! Oh My. I am going to watch it again! Thank you Marcelles for calling Eric on his crap! I am sure that Eric was upset that he didn't feel any "love" for his leadership skills from you two! I think he has to be the worst house guest ever especially since he admitted that he has watched all the BB seasons...........he knew what he was in for, and still played the way he did!!! Once again Thank you Thank you Thank you for that interview!

  5. Just had a thought.  Remember someone left Kayser's meat out?  What if it were Maggie?  What if they are waiting till tonight to reveal that?

    "By a vote of 5 to 4, Eric you have been Evicted from the BB House" Eric says his good by's leaves and talks to Julie.

    Julie: So Eric, you played this game with your morals and values?

    Eric: Yeah Julie, that's how I live my life.  I choose to surround myself with others with the same morals and values. I played the game the same way I live my life

    Julie: Well, lets go to the video tape

    (tape showing a montag of all the lies and childesh behavure Eric and his team perpatrated.  Last seen shows Maggie getting up while everyone else is asleep, goint to the kitchen and taking Kaysers meat out of the fridge.)

    Julie: What do you think about what you've just seen

    Eric: ah ah

    Julie: Wait before you answer, lets go back to the house

    Julie: House Guest

    HG: Hay Julie

    Julie: Maggie, don't get too confortable.  This is a double eviction week and you too have been evicted from the Big Brother House

    Double Eviction! Double Eviction! Double Eviction! Double Eviction!

    From your keyboard to God's eyes! Oh it would be almost better then Christmas morning when I was a kid!!! :D

  6. Ok I posted this on the other thread but since this one is now a sticky, I'm going to re-post:

    I CANNOT wait for Eric to be on House Calls..............I would love for him to know that CBS can edit the BB show all they want to make people look one way or another, however, the livefeeds cannot be edited and I think we have seen Eric for what he is. I understand that Marcellas can't really tell Eric that most who have the Live Feeds and/or read the updates find him to be horrid!!!! Or can you? :wink: :wink:

    Oh and I really really really hope it is you Marcellas! I have watched HouseCalls since day one! Love it!!!! :D

  7. I CANNOT wait for Eric to be on House Calls..............I would love for him to know that CBS can edit the BB show all they want to make people look one way or another, however, the livefeeds cannot be edited and I think we have seen Eric for what he is. I understand that Marcellas can't really tell Eric that most who have the Live Feeds and/or read the updates find him to be horrid!!!! Or can you? :wink: :wink:

    Oh and I really really really hope it is you Marcellas! I have watched HouseCalls since day one! Love it!!!! :D

  8. Was it just me or did it seem that Julie was short with Eric? Don't get me wrong! I was glad she was questioning Eric the way she was. Too bad she didn't tell him that there are petitions out on the web to have him thrown off the show I would have loved to have seen his little bald head pop right off his shoulders! I think he'll be in for the shock of his life when he gets booted and sees what everyone thinks about him!



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