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Posts posted by AMERICA

  1. They said that they only wanted to have a few so they could take calls. Sounds like a compromise on their part - CBS wants to move on with it, the Big Brother online people lobbied for more.

    At the end of each season, CBS seems almost grateful that Big Brother goes off the air. It never gets the 2 hour finale Survivor does, and AMERICA is always left with wanting just a little bit more.

    If they were to pick just four people from the show, I suppose that's the best four to pick. Maybe the only four, really. Although, it would have been nice to have had April come back, and Beau and Howie. Thankfully they will be able to cover a lot of ground.

  2. Nope I am not a relative of the friendship and nope I wasnt ignoring you all.  I went to my job.  Now I was saying there is too much hate on these boards.  The statements you found me saying were responses to some hateful things being said.  On this thread I was trying to say why cant we all get along.  It is soooo aggravating to see all the hateful things being said on these boards.  No one can say anything without being bashed and called stupid names.  Now yes I did get heated up over the things being said and I retaliated.  That was my fault and I am grown up enough to admit it, But that is what I am saying lets quit acting like this.  Now if you want to criticize me for trying to start something new on this board then go right ahead.  Why cant we all just get along !!!!!

    AMERICA says "Lead by example."



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