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Posts posted by karene37

  1. 12:20pm BBT Let's see what is happening in Janky World

    T'kor is back in her cot laying down. When asked how her stomach was feeling she said "It's getting better"

    Leah is sitting off to the side doing he Barbie hair up to look like hers with a bunch of elastics

    Kimo is eating Goldfish because he wants no more ice cream or pizza

    MJ is in her cot watching the yard by herself and then decides to move to the shade on the stage next to 

    Rubina who is lying on the stage.

    Cam is standing near the oven maybe heating a pizza

    Chelsea was sitting alone with her stuffed animal, both wearing mini party hats.

    Angela on a wicker bench by the pool.

    That's all there is folks

  2. 10:45am BBT In a non-fish moment this is what is happening

    Kimo sitting on the couch syaing "Welcome to the cast of BB26" and Cam adds "Here in Jankie World"

    Chelsie is reading here bible thru closed Eyes (might be praying)

    Angela asking people if they have gone #2

    T'kor in the DR getting her stomach taken care of. (now back on her cot)

    Leah joins the boys on the couch trying to find out who was talking earlier in the house bathroom.

    MJ says it wasn't her.

    Excitement abounds!


  3. 7:30am BBT Rubina and T'kor up and about doing ADLs. Rubina behind the wall looking for something in her bag. Leah is there also doing the same to get ready for the day. When we go back to the yard Kimo is up. They are craving coffee or tea, but settle for some warmed up pizza.

    T'kor and Rubina talking about not wearing any make up or jewelry for when they go in the DR. T'kor worried about looking unkempt for her family who will definitely say something about not being put together to be on camera.

    8:00am BBT Leah gets call to the DR outside.

    9:15 BBT Kitties!

    Wake up time?

  4. So, now we get to watch them sleep outside half naked instead of inside covered by bathrobes and blankets! Do they think this will boost the ratings? And what the heck is "Jankie"? I thought that was what they were calling Cam's socks!


    10:30pmBBT The HGs are settling into their cots for the night. Kimo went right to bed after his DR session (before 10:30p and was out right away)

    T'kor and Rubina stayed up talking for another hour. Mostly about Angela and how rude she was to make the noms about her even tho she wasn't nominated. How she sneered at everyone. Then kept talking about how hard that comp was for her and she doesn't know how she lasted so long. (It was some kind of endurance comp that involved either holding or staring at a marshmallow, per Leah) And then surprisingly T'kor let out all her pent up aggression against Angela out; how she really disliked her, she was rude, always crying to manipulate people in HOH and making up stories. She hoped Angela was edited in a way so when she watched it back she could see how poorly she behaved and maybe feel some sort of remorse and seek to change her ways. She then said she just wanted to tell her sometimes to shut the F#@* up! (I was a little shocked to see how much she really disliked Angela and was keeping it all inside,k) She said she was going to try to have a talk with her to try and get her to see how badly she behaves and how rude she is and will do it in a nicer way, of course. She proceeded to say she will not give Ang her phone # and she is never going to Utah, after the show she never wants to see her again. Rubina just nodding in agreement with all of this. T'kor finally says she doesn't want to talk about Ang anymore or she won't be able to sleep!

    They do some ADLs and move a cot away from the pack for Rubina who wants to be as far away from Angela' snoring as she can be! They get a couple of sleeping bags and Rubina goes to bed on her cot while T'kor takes the half moon couch.

    12:30amBBT Cam gets woken up to go to the DR as Leah comes out. She hugs the girls and they all go to bed. Leah tells Rubina she might get called to the DR.

    1:00am All is quiet in the backyard, except for Angela's snoring.

  5. As a follow up to the birth order question I researched the birth order of all of this seasons HGs and found the following:

    Of the 16 only 2 were the oldest, surprisingly, MJ and Leah;

    There was only 1 only child, Brooklyn;

    There were 2 sets of twins; TKor and Kenney (Tkor and sis were middles and Kenney was the few minutes younger twin)

    Also middle children were Quinn and Lisa.

    ALL of the rest--Kimo, Chelsie, Rubina, Tucker, Matt, Cedric, Angela, Joseph and Cam were the youngest of 3 or more kids (exceptions being Rubina and Cam being youngest of 2) As the youngest will their perceived impulsivity lead to making misguided decisions? ( ift has for Cedric, Tucker and Angela)Time will tell.

    Will the 2 middles be skilled at negotiation or fly under the radar to victory? (Not Lisa)

    As an only, Brooklyn's strong sense of responsibility led to her downfall!

    Are MJ and Leah as firstborns more likely to be responsible, achievement-oriented, and conformist. These traits might give them an edge. They seem willing to bide their time and work with those in power to help achieve their goals.

    We shall see soon enough how this all plays out.

    This may not be interesting to most, but I find the concept fascinating. Thanks for reading.

  6. Thanks Fred. This is the gist of the article I read. I am a first born and the description does fit, tho there were times in my life I liked to pretend I was an only child! I was the head of a dept. in a theater where I worked and as such had to hire my own staff. This was one of the questions I used to ask potential hires. My team always worked the best when I had a mix of people from all different places in birth order (men and/or women).

  7. I can see now how he thinks of each person as data in his mind, And if he plugs the data in right the solution will present itself and people will see the logic in it. But computers don't have feelings and emotions. This seasons guests are very emotional and kumbayah, "Let's all get along and just love each other!" His analytical mind has some glitches in this area. He didn't expect Rubina to enter his life! He is sometimes cold and calculating in his thinking but to me lovable in his presentation. I wonder why AI didn't pick up his modeling career. This explains a lot (his instagram page is full of pics of him in his younger days modeling) You have to be a bit of a chameleon and an actor to do that and a little narcissistic (look at me, I'm gorgeous!) As the baby of the family he is used to being the cute one and getting what he wants. (It would be interesting to me to know where in their families each houseguest falls. It would explain a lot)

  8. As always I look forward to your thoughts and insights into the game. I too am team Tucker. I worked most of my career in the theater and can see the consummate actor in him. I'm sure all those years of modeling help him to be a chameleon. (have you seen his portfolio, really nice) I may be old but I'm not dead yet! I spent the last years of my career working in a state mental institution. He does know a lot about the psychology of people and reading body language. The rest of them are just there for his amusement! I do not want Angela, Cam, or Chelsie/Brooklyn to win HOH. Thanks for all of yor faithful posting. Have a great day!

  9. 1:30pm BBT Chelsea in cloud bedroom talking angry to herself. T Kor walks in and they are talking about how talking to some people in the house makes her dumber and she refuses to get dumber while she is in here. Talk turn sto who they think will win in AI Arena and Chels thinks MJ will win because Cedric gets so nervous in games and Rubina has never done any to know how she would do except HOH and she hasn't won that. Cedric comes in and says I knew he was going to use it. WBRB




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