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Posts posted by rbr333

  1. This now, prolly always has been, a producer scripted message vehicle.  Lessee...last year, script was racially driven as many shows were racially or lgbtq driven. Xavier had to win and so he did. BTW, he was the right choice anyway. BUT, he was part of an alliance built  around race, specifically to advance a poc not just to the final 6 but to the winner circle

    Kyle saw the beginning of a possible repeat of the highly successful cookout and tried to build an alliance that might stand up to it. He was wrong in the reasoning but absolutley correct in that an alliance had formed which just so happened be mostly poc. The show producers likely decided woke white privelage  ratings events don't organically just happen so they engineered Kyle's ouster with a finishing "l love you and I am sure we can be friends AFTER we evict you." from Taylor. Kyle never said he wanted to build an anti-poc alliance but only that he had noticed similarities between the cookout alliance which WAS driven by racism but Kyle made the mistake of mentioning the "r" word completely forgetting he was white and consequently, not allowed to do that, thus his eviction. Question: what would have happened if Kyle had said " I will never nominate a white person for the chopping block" like Taylor did RE nomination  of a black person? Quite simply, BB would have been canceled for airing it and Kyle would have made a Fox News segment with Tucker Carlson. Anyway, TYLER'S racism is acceptable and Kyle temerity of even mentioning "that" word is wholly unforgivable. 

    All that said the real hero here was Monte, who knew of course, 1) Kyle was not a racist and 2) the real villain, Michael, was cherry picking woke causes to manipulate the game in his favor. Right? C'mon don't be mad..think it thru...am I right? Sure I am. Monte will win like Xavier before him because the producers likely picked a winner 5 weeks ago. The good news is that Monte deserves the win if he can just avoid the producers desires of more woke ratings, completely  forgetting or ignoring the fate of BB via "Go woke, go broke". Let's see what happens.



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