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Posts posted by auntchill

  1. 5:28am BBT Turner says with peace and love I say this. We had tie dye and I said yes, I can do this. And then Britt walked out. 

    Taylor goes in to check the time. They only have the backyard until 6. They won't see it again until finale nigh

    7:01 am BBT Taylor and Monte are in the hoh bed together. I wasn't sure about she mumbles and he mumbles back. She asks him to put lotion on her back. They start kissing. You scared me she said. I could be very vulnerable. And cameras switch to a sleeping Turner. 

  2. 4:53am BBT In the by Turner Taylor and Monte are getting in the hot tub. Seems like it's really hot. We earned this they say. The hot tub is for cold nights. Final 3 says Taylor (Seems like she is acknowledging that she and Britt could not change Monte's mind). 

    Best parking lot I've ever lived in says Taylor. Turner agrees (he lived in his vehicle for awhile)

    Taylor asks Monte if he ever thought he was the next one gone. He can't think of a time. He says their alliance kept winning hoh's. For some reason it always just worked out.

    5:00am BBT They're happy that they each won a comp on live feeds. They hope their loved ones gathered to watch the shows - at least some of the shows. They're looking forward to seeing their families. They say it's in their contract that their families are flown in.

    5:07amBBT Taylor asks how bad her blunder was earlier. Something she said in front of Britt that implied Britt was going. Turner says he did that last week to Alyssa

    5:09 Monte mentions Britt's pitch this morning. He says Britt acknowledged this morning that Michael threw the veto comp to her during brochella.

    She's a smart girl says Taylor. Monte says she just has made some social blunders in the last 2 weeks.

    Taylor wonders what Britt will say on her way out the door.

    Monte thinks Britt's demeanor when she came out of the diary room after voting for Taylor was because she heard the audience gasp. Head down, not making eye contact, looking crazy.


    5:14am Turner stands nearby wrapped in a towel. They tell him they can see steam coming off of him

    They say it's their last night in the by.

    Turner gets admonished by Bob for holding the mic in his hand. What am I supposed to do with it he asks.

    5:22amBBT Based on your first impressions of the hg who did you think would win? Turner asks. Taylor says Ameerah based on the way she was dressed. Chill and calm, like she was supposed to be underestimated. Monte and Turner both say they thought Kyle would win. Turner also says Nicole and Britt - from the memory wall earrings. Turner says he sells earrings like that and he knows who buys them. Turner asks if Taylor still plans to be a stylist. She says for the entertainment inews situation. Turner asks if she'll help if he needs a stylist. she says yes. She tells her clients that a man in a well tailored suit is like a woman in lingerie. 

    5:25 Taylor is now out of the hot tub and steam is coming off of her they say (we can't really see it)

    Taylor gets yelled at to put on her mic as she is drying off. I know she says. I'm drying off, I care about your equipment.


    5:28am BBT Turner says with peace and love I say this. We had tie dye and I said yes, I can do this. And then Britt walked out. 

    Taylor goes in to check the time. They only have the backyard until 6. They won't see it again until finale night. 

  3. 11:31 AM BBT Britt enters HOH where Taylor is in bed. Brit says she got the goods and starts to unwrap something but BB doesn't want us to know what it is - we get WBRB


    12:23PM Brit has joined Monte on balcony in backyard to make her pitch. (She did not bring the M&M's)She compares bringing Turner to F2 like Cody bringing Derrick. She pitches that Turner has made bigger moves; Kyle left, Michael named replacement nominee. She says if Monte takes Turner he will get credit for taking him out. 

    Monte is listening very politely as Brit babbles on. 

    Britt mentions the last comp. She studied the days wrong, says Michael mislead her - he was playing for himself. 


    12:40 PM Britt gives Monte an opportunity to talk .... didn't last long, she's talking again.

    Monte gets a chance again. He thinks he could beat Turner in a memory competition but doesn't know that his chances would be as strong against Brit. Monte is very logically telling Brit what he's thinking. He says he knows Taylor won't take him to F2, she'll take Brit.

    12:47 Britt is back to warning Monte about making a BB blunder. Keeping Turner in and Turner may not take Monte to F2.

    12:56 Monte is gently letting Britt know that she's going.  She's not giving up. Still pitching that she would be good to sit next to in F2. She says the veto she won, Monte was not playing.


  4. 3:14 Taylor says Monte always waits to be invited and she prefers to be pursued. He says 1. we're on tv, 2. because I am a large black male. He says his mother taught him to wait to be invited. Monte says he has to feel comfortable with someone. She says you have permission to be comfortable with me. 




    3:20 Monte gets up to go. Taylor asks for a kiss. He has to kneel by the tub to kiss her.  He leaves.

    3:25 Taylor is alone in the tub. She says out loud "we are back to the Taylor is an insensitive bitch narrative"  "when it's convenient, that's excruciating" [not sure if she took this talk as well as she seemed to when Monte was in the room]

    I'm out for now - Aunt Chill

  5. 2:55 Monte says he wouldn't have had this conversation with Taylor if he didn't care about her. He indicates he is going to sleep alone. She asks if she should invite him up another night while she has the hoh room. She wants to know what is comfortable for him. He wants to continue to get to know each other with honest conversations like this. He is worried that the intimate things convolutes things. He says he wants to get to know each other. 

    Monte finally says he isn't ruling it out. She agrees they need to chill out. 

    Monte says he is an open book, she can ask him anything. He asks her to consider the sensitivity behind her comments whether she is speaking to him or anyone else. Her comment about his god daughter referred to him not being involved with someone that he cares about very much.

    Monte says his dad and mom are like New Yorkers they cut people off who disrespect them. They do not bother with their neighbors. 


    3:06 BBT Monte thanks Taylor for being open to the conversation and not getting defensive. Monte says all is forgiven. 

  6. Apparently this conversation was triggered by comments Taylor made during the day today. 

    2:34 Monte says he cares about Taylor. He acknowledges that he is not in her shoes. He hopes this conversation that makes sense. He doesn't want it to be an attack in any sense just communication that this may have been why things happened as they did this summer.

    Taylor says what is more important to her that Monte knows she is sorry. She says it's been a rough day. She feels badly that she said something condescending to him, someone that she cares about. She thanks him for the conversation. 

    2:38 Taylor asks Monte how he is doing. He says he probably would have responded harsher if he wasn't on tv. He worked out. He says respect is very important to him. He hates that they have to have this conversation on camera. She says she wants to get to know him more, she doesn't know enough about him, there is a gap. 


    2:43 Monte says their chemistry can't be denied but there is more they need to learn about each other. 

  7. 10:58PM BBT Taylor is alone drinking a glass of red wine in the kt. She looks pensive. She whispers "there is no way they don't have an agreement"


    2:01 AM 

    In the HOH we pick up in a conversation where Monte is telling Taylor she was insensitive.  This is a calm intellectual conversation. He tells her how he feels and she repeats it back. She says she has been thinking about time and distance today. She apologizes for whatever she said. He says he cares about her as a person. He thinks she has the capability to be warmer. He says the colder side came out today. (seems to stem from a comment she made about his god daughter). She says she has a fear of mixing emotions with game. She doesn't want to be defined by a relationship with a guy. 

    Taylor starts crying she says she hates crying , Monte asks her why she hates it. She says her face gets warm, she doesn't like it. She says she has seen how women are treated by America in this game. She says her experience in the game was hard. She says her game didn't improve until she made friends with Joseph. 

    She acknowledges the headphone incident. She was trying to make Britt feel included. She says the comment about his god daughter was unnecessary and she apologizes. 


    2:19BBT Convo continues. Taylor has been in the bathtub this whole time. 

    Monte is analyzing Taylor's behavior and her communication and she is listening. 

    He says he cares about her and he has noticed this. He doesn't think her comments have been anything personal. He has seen another side of her since they started their relationship. 

    2:23 Long silence. Taylor finally starts talking. She says at her core she is very sensitive. She has tried not to be someone who says hurtful things. She knows how hurtful it is when it happens to her. She says it is something protective. She doesn't want to be someone who cries every day. He says there is nothing wrong with someone who cries every day. 

    Taylor doesn't want to hurt anyone. She says she doesn't want to be vulnerable. She tries to reserve that side of her - the most gentle side for people who care about her. 

    2:26 BBT Monte says this doesn't surprise him. He mentions a time in the tiki room where he saw that she wasn't just "hard Taylor. " He says the problems with Daniel and Paloma may have stemmed from her hard shell that she projected initially. 

    Monte says his initial impressions of Ameerah and Nicole were not that they were condescending 


    He references the pool game at the early game. He noticed that she was showing the hard brittle side and at the time he thought that was just Taylor. Monte thinks that when she watches the show back she will not be surprised by this (how people perceived her). He acknowledges that Paloma lied about things Taylor didn't say. He says Daniel should not have responded the way he did. Those were their decisions. 



  8. 12:15 AM BBT Turner and Monte play pool in BY. They still think it's 9 days til the end of the show. All cameras go to a sleeping Britt.

    12:19 Turner and Monte say Terrance liked to spend money. That he would buy drinks for people in a bar. Turner says no way. (paraphrasing I don't remember which word in his lingo he would use)


    12:22 Pool game with Monte and Turner continues. They're discussing movies they watched in Mexico.

    12:36 The game is over. Taylor comes out in her hoh robe. She says she took a long bath. She and Monte whisper sweet nothings to each other while Turner is out of the room. Taylor explains that she had a long bath in epsom salts and it made her tired and giddy.

    We get a close up of Turner's hands stained blue slicing potatoes.

    They speculate about final comps. There hasn't been a bowlerina or hanging on rope comp. 


    12:42 All cameras go to Britt. You can hear the others loudly talking in kt. Looks like they woke her up.

    12:51 In kt, Turner says his full initials are MR T. Matthew Robert Turner.

    1:27 They eat the breakfast burritos that Turner just made. Sounds like vegan cheese and egg and potato

    They liked it.


    1:32 Turner walks out to check on the dryer where the tie dye shirts were drying. Taylor starts to flirt with Monte: "I am well fed, well bathed, can you guess what comes next?" Monte smiles and says I'd like to find out. 


  9. 11:56PMBBT Monte and Britt are in the kt. They speculate what's going on in jury. 

    12:10 BBT Taylor and Turner have joined the kt. Someone laughingly says Alyssa said her father was sometimes a nudist. They laugh about her stories in general. 

    Taylor offers wontons. Monte and Britt are in. Taylor commends Monte on his cleaning and organizing of the kitchen. 

    They note it's after midnight and they think there are 12 days left.

    Not much going on, food prep and lots of long pauses. 

  10. 12:11 BBT The card game has broken up. Taylor says she's going to get ready for bed "don't hate me" she says. Turner and Monte talk about playing Chinese Checkers. Alyssa leaves the room and Monte Turner and Taylor are whispering. Turner tells them Britt tried to make a final 2 with him yesterday. I knew it says Monte. In the sbr Britt is telling Alyssa that "he" still says he's voting you out. Alyssa thanks her and says they'll talk tomorrow. Britt goes to bed.

    12:17 in kt Turner is telling them Britt's pitch. She tried to get Turner to give Alyssa a sympathy vote. Have you thought about your jury votes she asked. He asked how Britt was voting and she gave a mixed answer. Monte and Taylor tell Turner that they saw on the hoh camera that they saw Britt pull Turner into the sr. They laughed because they thought they knew what she was doing. 

    12:21 Turner says Britt threatened him with Alyssa's friendship when voting. They say they are united in getting Britt out next week. 

    Brit comes out and interrupts their convo. She says Alyssa is packing.

    12:25 In the SBR Alyssa sits on a bed staring into space in front of her unpacked suitcase.


    12:33 BBT the whispering continues in the kt about Britt. Turner says to Taylor "if she isn't loyal to you?!" They say Britt and ALyssa think Turner will be easy to flip and that he will work on Monte to keep Alyssa. 

    Their voices go to normal levels (Alyssa in bathroom area) and they discuss snacks. Lots of chewing noises. Turner says Triscuits are always served at weddings and funerals.


  11. 3:15AM BBT Michael says he would want to keep Alyssa in case of a double eviction next week. ANd that in the event of a double Terrance would perform better in a competition. They discuss Alyssa's Zing. And that he Zingbot had to repeat it twice because she didn't understand it the first time. They say she was delusional that she thinks she was playing the game. The confirm that Alyssa and Terrance will go up.


    3:19 Michael and Britt discuss possibly backdooring Monte. Britt thinks they need to get Turner soon. If it was a spinning comp she thinks that she won't do well but that she would do better than Turner. 

    Michael says he knows that they are waiting to take a shot at him so he can't give them a chance.

    Britt says Taylor thinks that she and Britt have a final 2. 

    Britt says Zingbot made fun of her face and Michael's face but he better get used to them because they'll be sitting in final 2 chairs. 

    Britt wonders why there hasn't been an AMerica vote.


    3:29 BBT Britt seems to genuinely think Monte would have gone up instead of Kyle if none of last week's drama had happened. (I think it would have been Michael. I think Michael thinks it would have been Michael).


    3:34 Michael says Turner mentioned reheating the leftovers. They worry about what Turner would do if he wins veto.

    They don't think Monte is throwing comps. They don't think Monte is a huge fan of the show. (Michael is mentioning exactly what comps were when last year)

    Michael hopes for Bowlerina for veto comp tomorrow. 

    Michael never in a million years thought he would be in a position of having to win or being sent out. (He's happy about making it to this far in the game and being perceived as a comp beast).

  12. 2:48AM BBT Michael actually going through with Kyle's request to share the info with Alyssa that he thinks she is kind and genuinely cares about her. Alyssa cries. Zingbot told her she was dead weight and useless. Alyssa says she will work with Michael. She'll give him info. Michael asks for Dyre fest. Alyssa says both Kyle and Jos said things. She says Kyle spilled first. She says when she came back in the house she didn't tell Michael because she didnt know who to trust. She said Kyle told her about the pound and their final 4 and she's only telling Michael. She names Turner, Monte, Kyle and Joseph were the pound. She's hoping this info builds trust with Michael. 

    2:55 AM Michael says he won't put up Turner because he put up Kyle last week. 

    Michael tells her people won't want to sit next to her at the end because she had a good social game. 

    2:59 Alyssa lets Michael know that she knows he is thinking through every decision. She says everyone gave her info on the LO. She is claiming Kyle told Terrance about the alliance first and then told Turner that they had to tell Alyssa (we know Kyle told Alyssa first)

    3:07 AM BBT Alyssa giving Michael info on what was going in during Dyre fest. She talks about the pitches Joseph had where he said her back. She says he named Michael in final 4 with Tay, Britt. Michael denies he says these conversations literally never happened. He goes into their week with Jasmine. 


    3:14 BBT Michael and Britt chat in hoh room. They say no one is excited when Michael wins. Britt says she wants to yell and run around but she dials it down. They discuss who to evict. Michael thinks Terrance but thinks if he puts her up next to Terrance everyone will want to send Alyssa home.

    1. 1:56 BBT Alyssa and Kyle say goodnight to each other. She goes to kitchen to eat.


    1:50AM BBT In the byard Michael, Turner, Taylor, Monte and Britt are talking. They laugh about what they may be doing that gets picked up on feeds. Taylor said she was scratching a mosquito bite on her upper leg and was worried people might think she was doing something she wasn't. 

    4:47AM BBT In the bathroom area Britt and Taylor are whispering about sending Alyssa home.

    Taylor says she and Monte have become closer and she thinks they were brought into the game to work together. They are talking final 4 again. 

    4:51AM Britt and Taylor compare notes about their first week in the house. How they both said to each other that they wanted a strong woman to win. 

    4:53 Britt hopes that if Monte wins hoh next week he won't take a shot at Michael yet. She also says she would like a final 3 with Monte and Taylor.

    4:55 Britt thinks Turner will be harder to get out than Ayssa and Terr. They want Michael and Monte to go after each other then and they are happy to be final 3 to whichever wins. They make a final 2 with each other.

  13. 12:25AM BBT There are large baskets in the kitchen of snacks and water bottles. Monte, Michael and Turner want to play chinese checkers but there's a piece missing. They try to figure out how to play without it.

    12:35 Kyle and Alyssa are still in the car bedroom. He asks her not to come to jury (it would be to hard to see her if they're broken up). 

    1:24 Kyle and Alyssa cuddling in the car br still.


    5:24 AM BBT Taylor is outside by herself. 4 days she says. Until I get to go outside again. Maybe 3 for veto Saturday (what about hoh comp on Thurs?)" Please let us have the backyard again by Sunday." She goes inside.



    1:51 AM We had WBRB for awhile and came back to Kyle alone saying "you guys didn't film that did you?

    Alyssa comes back in and confirms that they've been in there since 11:30PM. They discuss that the camera was turned away from them. Alyssa apologizes to Gramma Pat. Apparently Terrance wasn't far away sleeping but they say he is hard of hearing. 



    1:56 BBT Alyssa and Kyle say goodnight to each other. She goes to kitchen to eat.

  14. 6:21 PM BBT Taylor and Monte in golf br. Whispering Monte tells Taylor that he doesn't trust Terrance. Taylor says she already knows he wants to save Kyle - Terrance told Britt. She says Terrance won't tell her the truth about what happened with Joseph. Taylor says they're going to loose Kyle and then she, Michael, Monte or Britt will win hoh. They say they won't go after Turner because he did the right thing. Taylor says final four.

  15. 5:03 BBT in the bathroom area Terrance and Alyssa are whispering. Terrance tells Alyssa that Britt asked if Alyssa knew about the LO before coming into the house. Terrance says he told Britt he doesn't think so. Alyssa thanks him. They whisper that they want to get together with Turner and Monte later to discuss. T says Monte shot down his idea from earlier (to keep Kyle maybe? not sure)

  16. 4:07 PM BBT Britt and Alyssa are in the inside gym area. Rehashing who has left and that they played to hard. But then Britt says something about Alyssa's break up. Alyssa says yes. She had a life before she came in the game and had a special person. And that she made the decision to just say the hell with it and this became her reality really quickly. Britt assures Alyssa that she knows really strongly that she is going to find the perfect person for her (Alyssa).

    Britt says she doesn't agree with the things Alyssa's mom has said to Alyssa about her being in the game (worries for her). Alyssa names her special person "Mike" that she left at home. Britt says she has grown a lot and that her parents don't have an accurate picture of Britt at 32. She hopes they learn something by watching her (Britt) on tv. 

    Britt says she is happy to be out of the group mentality (of the LO alliance).


    4:14 Britt is calling everyone who wants to come to a guided meditation session.


    10AM BBT Alyssa goes up to see Turner. Shortly after Turner is called to the DR. 


    10:33AM In backyard Alyssa and Britt are on the couches. Alyssa asks what Britt is thinking about. Britt says what to say in her plea in veto ceremony. Alyssa says yesterday was her mom's bday and she's sure she is watching the feeds. She wants her mom to know she's ok. Britt agrees, says she told her mom that the hardest part would be seeing her sad.

    Monte and Kyle working out in weight area.

    Terrance comes over says he could use a meditation.


    Michael joins Terrance and Alyssa. They are reminiscing about their week in the by. A helicopter goes over, they think they are checking on them and also did so last week.

    They hear a dog bark and then feeds cut to WBRB



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